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Game of February 14, 2012 at 15:44, 3 players
1. 64 pts micmac
2. 30 pts una
3. 15 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adhiknr   H4    36    36   khadi
 2. ?ennpsu   5E    98   134   unshapen
 3. ?enortx   K5    78   212   exertion
 4. aegipuy   8J    39   251   grapey
 5. aaoostz  12H    48   299   zoons
 6. abiottt  H12    39   338   zati
 7. elorrrt   J5    25   363   porge
 8. aacdegl  10G    26   389   acedia
 9. aceejqt   6A    39   428   ejecta
10. aefghtt   A4    36   464   theft
11. efinorv   N1    82   546   overfine
12. bdilors  15G    62   608   oilbirds
13. abellnw   1K    39   647   ablow
14. egiioru  14K    24   671   goier
15. deilquy   D6    44   715   cliquey
16. egilmst   2E    66   781   gimlets
17. aaenuuv  E11    23   804   nave
18. dimoruw  14A    32   836   wormed

Remaining tiles: aiinuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  Filemicmac      0  5:15  -772   64     1.6918 una         0  0:25  -806   30 
  2.6918 Fileuna         0  0:25  -806   30            Group: novice
  3.5907 Filejimbo       0  1:16  -821   15     1.5907 jimbo       0  1:16  -821   15 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  micmac      0  5:15  -772   64 

On 1st draw, KHADI H4 36 --- KHADI a cotton cloth [n]
Other moves: DRANK H8 30, DRINK H8 30, KINDA H4 30, KHADI H8 28, KHADI H5 26
DRINK H8 30 una

On 2nd draw, UNSH(A)PEN 5E 98 --- SHAPE to give shape (outward form) to [adj] --- UNSHAPEN not shaped [adj]
Other moves: UNSPEN(T) 9F 76, UNSP(O)KEN 4C 76, PUNNE(R)S 9B 73, PUNNE(T)S 9B 73, PANNU(S)ES 6G 63

On 3rd draw, EXERT(I)ON K5 78 --- EXERTION the act of exerting [n]
Other tops: EXTEN(S)OR K5 78
Other moves: EX(E)RTION 8C 72, OXTERIN(G) 8C 72, (E)XERTION 8C 72, NEXTDO(O)R 7D 67, NEXTD(O)OR 7D 66

On 4th draw, GRAPEY 8J 39 --- GRAPEY resembling grapes [adj]
Other tops: GRIPEY 8J 39
Other moves: GAPY 6C 35, YAUP L12 34, REPAY 8K 33, YAUP J7 33, PYEING 12G 32

On 5th draw, ZOONS 12H 48 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: SAZ 13K 39, STANZA F2 37, STANZO F2 37, ZAS 13I 37, ZOS 13I 37

On 6th draw, ZATI H12 39 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: TABI 13G 30, *B* 13H 28, OBI 13H 28, BONITA L3 27, TAB 13G 27

On 7th draw, PORGE J5 25 --- PORGE to cleanse by Jewish ritual [v]
Other moves: TROPE J2 22, OXER 6J 21, EXO 6J 20, LOTTER 9I 20, ROTTER 9I 20

On 8th draw, ACED(I)A 10G 26 --- ACEDIA apathy [n]
Other moves: CAD(I)E 10H 25, CADAGA 13C 24, CADGE 6B 24, CAD(I) 10H 24, CED(I) 10H 24

On 9th draw, EJECTA 6A 39 --- EJECTA ejected material [n]
Other tops: JET G13 39
Other moves: JA G13 36, TAJ 9E 35, EJECT 6A 32, EJECTA 11B 32, EJECTA 13C 32

On 10th draw, THEFT A4 36 --- THEFT the act of stealing [n]
Other tops: FAH 7A 36
Other moves: HEFTE A5 33, HEFT A5 30, EATH 7A 29, FAH G13 29, FEH G13 29

On 11th draw, OVERFINE N1 82 --- OVERFINE too refined [adj]
Other moves: OVERFINE N6 74, OVERFINE C4 66, OVERFIT 14B 42, COINFER D6 26, CONIFER D6 26

On 12th draw, OILBIRDS 15G 62 --- OILBIRD a tropical bird [n]
Other tops: OILBIRDS 15D 62
Other moves: DOBROS 1J 36, LABIS 13G 35, RABIS 13G 35, *B*S 13H 33, BARDS 13G 33

On 13th draw, ABLOW 1K 39 --- ABLOW in a blowing state [adv]
Other moves: BALLOW 1J 36, BELLOW 1J 36, BLOW 1L 36, BELOW I9 34, BELOW 1K 33

On 14th draw, GOIER 14K 24 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other moves: GUIROS N10 22, FOE 7A 19, FOR 7A 19, ERUGOS N10 18, ORGIES N10 18
TIGER 8A 7 micmac

On 15th draw, CLIQUEY D6 44 --- CLIQUEY inclined to form cliques [adj]
Other moves: CLIQUED D6 40, QUEY 11D 37, EQUINAL F1 36, QUAYD 13F 35, QUENA F2 34
TIDY 8A 12 micmac

On 16th draw, GIMLETS 2E 66 --- GIMLET to pierce with a boring tool [v]
Other moves: TIME E8 33, ISLET E9 32, ISM E9 31, ISLE E9 30, TIGE E8 30
IS E9 15 jimbo
YES O8 6 micmac

On 17th draw, NAVE E11 23 --- NAVE the main body of a church [n]
Other moves: AUA 1F 21, AUE 1F 21, EAN 1G 21, NAVE C11 21, AVENUE 11B 20
VENUE 11C 18 micmac

On 18th draw, WORMED 14A 32 --- WORM to rid of worms (small, limbless invertebrates) [v]
Other moves: MOWED 14B 30, MAWR 13G 27, MOU 13M 27, DROW C11 26, ROWED 14B 26
QUID 9D 21 micmac

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