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Game of February 14, 2012 at 16:28, 5 players
1. 496 pts sunshine12
2. 333 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 134 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?egjnot   H4    40    40   jeton
 2. abdfios   I3    31    71   fados
 3. aaelnop   G8    65   136   apnoeal
 4. dilmnos  13F    78   214   salmonid
 5. aelostv   F2    67   281   solvate
 6. ?deqtyz  12L    54   335   ditz
 7. bgilort  10E    65   400   ringbolt
 8. deinrwx  14I    54   454   ex
 9. ?iinrty   K4    90   544   wintrily
10. aeefghr  O12    48   592   zarf
11. abcdeku   8J    48   640   arcked
12. inoprsu   N1    74   714   pruinose
13. aeinqwy  15H    45   759   wey
14. acehmtu   1H    60   819   matchup
15. abenouu   L1    28   847   hebona
16. aegiqru  11A    32   879   quire
17. aehiirw   4A    26   905   awhirl
18. eeggiiv  14L    24   929   veer
19. eeggiiu   A4    21   950   aggie

Remaining tiles: eiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6865 Filesunshine12  4 15:08  -454  496     1.6865 sunshine12  4 15:08  -454  496 
  2.6607 FileGLOBEMAN    3 10:17  -617  333     2.6607 GLOBEMAN    3 10:17  -617  333 
  3.5908 Filejimbo       0  4:53  -816  134            Group: novice
  4.5439 Fileleobill     0  2:06  -891   59     1.5908 jimbo       0  4:53  -816  134 
  5.  -  Filemicmac      0  2:26  -920   30     2.5439 leobill     0  2:06  -891   59 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  micmac      0  2:26  -920   30 

On 1st draw, JETON H4 40 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other tops: JETON(S) H4 40, JET(S)ON H4 40, JET(T)ON H4 40, JE(T)TON H4 40, JONG(S) H4 40, J(I)GOT H4 40, J(I)NGO H4 40
Other moves: JETO(N) H4 38, JET(O)N H4 38, JE(T)ON H4 38, JONE(S) H4 38, JONT(Y) H4 38

On 2nd draw, FADOS I3 31 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other moves: FABS I7 27, FOBS I7 27, FAB I7 26, FADO I3 26, FADOS G5 26

On 3rd draw, APNOEAL G8 65 --- APNOEA temporary cessation of breathing [adj] --- APNOEAL pertaining to apnea [adj]
Other moves: JALAPENO 4H 36, PELON J6 29, PENAL J6 29, JALAP 4H 28, JALOP 4H 28
FAN 3I 6 micmac

On 4th draw, SALMONID 13F 78 --- SALMONID a fish of the salmon family [n]
Other moves: SMILODON 11A 72, SMILODON 11C 72, ISM J4 36, INDOL H11 31, DIOL H12 30
JAILS 4H 24 micmac

On 5th draw, SOLVATE F2 67 --- SOLVATE to convert into a type of ion [v]
Other tops: SOLVATED M6 67
Other moves: VOLANTES 10C 65, VALSE N10 44, AVOSET N10 34, OLLAV H11 34, JAVELS 4H 32
VESTA N11 28 sunshine12

On 6th draw, D(I)TZ 12L 54 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: DITZ L12 48, D(O)ZY 12L 48, DI(T)Z L12 46, JAZ(Z)Y 4H 46, JA(Z)ZY 4H 46
ZED(S) N10 44 sunshine12

On 7th draw, RINGBOLT 10E 65 --- RINGBOLT a type of eyebolt [n]
Other moves: BLITZ O8 48, BORTZ O8 48, GLITZ O8 45, ZORI O12 39, BOG 14J 29
GLITZ O8 45 jimbo
BOG 14J 29 sunshine12

On 8th draw, EX 14I 54 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: REDOX 3C 42, ZEIN O12 39, ZINE O12 39, JAXIE 4H 38, WEX J6 38
EX 14I 54 sunshine12
TOXIN 6H 28 jimbo

On 9th draw, (W)INTRILY K4 90 --- WINTRILY in a wintry manner [adv] --- WINTRY having the characteristics of winter [adv]
Other moves: RITZI(L)Y O9 54, TRI(A)ZIN O8 45, Z(A)NY O12 45, R(H)Y J4 40, N(E)RTZ O8 39
Z(A)NY O12 45 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
RITZY O9 17 jimbo

On 10th draw, ZARF O12 48 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other moves: HEREOF 3B 32, FEH 14L 28, (W)HARF 4K 28, REFER 8K 27, AFRESH 2B 24
(W)HARF 4K 28 sunshine12
HE 15H 20 jimbo

On 11th draw, ARCKED 8J 48 --- ARC to make an electric discharge [v]
Other moves: BRAKED 8J 42, CRAKED 8J 42, DEBARK E6 37, BRACED 8J 36, BAKED L1 35
BAKED L1 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BUCKET N7 24 jimbo

On 12th draw, PRUINOSE N1 74 --- PRUINOSE having a powdery covering [adj]
Other moves: PINKOS M5 26, PRUSIK M3 26, SPRUIK M3 26, NOUPS 15I 25, ISO 15H 24
ISO 15H 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
PRE N6 11 leobill

On 13th draw, WEY 15H 45 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other moves: WIPE 1L 39, YIPE 1L 39, ANY 15H 36, QAT N10 32, WYE 15I 30
WEY 15H 45 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 14th draw, MATCHUP 1H 60 --- MATCHUP a setting of two players against each other [n]
Other moves: CHAPE 1K 48, CHAPT 1K 48, CAPH 1L 42, HAPU 1L 39, HEPT 1L 39
CHAPT 1K 48 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CHAPE 1K 48 leobill

On 15th draw, HEBONA L1 28 --- HEBONA anything with a poisonous juice [n]
Other moves: AUBURN E6 26, ABORNE E7 24, ABORE E7 22, OBIA 9I 22, BEAR 14L 21
BAKE M6 19 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 16th draw, QUIRE 11A 32 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other tops: QAT N10 32, QUARE 11A 32
Other moves: QUAGS 2B 30, QUAIRS 2A 30, QUIRES 2A 30, EQUAL 4B 28, QUAIL 4B 28
QAT N10 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, AWHIRL 4A 26 --- AWHIRL whirling [adj]
Other tops: WEARISH 2A 26
Other moves: RAWISH 2B 24, REWASH 2B 24, WAIRSH 2B 24, WHARES 2A 24, HAW E6 23
HAW E6 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, VEER 14L 24 --- VEER to change direction [v]
Other tops: VEGA A1 24, VIGA A1 24
Other moves: VEGGES 2A 22, AGGIE A4 21, GIGHE C1 20, VEGIES 2A 20, VIEW B1 20
VEGA A1 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 19th draw, AGGIE A4 21 --- AGGIE a type of playing marble [n]
Other moves: GIGHE C1 20, UG 3C 19, GIGA A1 18, GUGA A1 18, GEE 5A 17
GIGA A1 18 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

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