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Game of February 15, 2012 at 07:52, 5 players
1. 565 pts jimbo
2. 464 pts hulusian
3. 159 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adgimou   H8    22    22   odium
 2. aeeinrt  12D    70    92   antimere
 3. beorstt   L6    92   184   bettors
 4. ?agiilr   M1    69   253   glairin
 5. cegopss   1J    36   289   pogges
 6. ?aeiopr   E5    86   375   pelorian
 7. ajostvx   F4    58   433   vox
 8. defhrty  F10    39   472   fytte
 9. acfinor   D1    33   505   finca
10. dehlsty  15A    60   565   lythes
11. aaeinrs   J1    64   629   panaries
12. aeghluz   N6    69   698   zeal
13. adegntu   O8    91   789   gaunted
14. acdiquw   1A    57   846   waqf
15. ddeikrw  14J    46   892   kidded
16. cimnoru  14B    37   929   mic
17. elnouvw  K10    33   962   weevil
18. hjnooru   D8    43  1005   jor
19. bhnoouu   I4    30  1035   booh

Remaining tiles: nnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5914 Filejimbo       1 22:42  -470  565     1.6448 annelhynz   1  7:12  -876  159 
  2.5675 Filehulusian    2 14:54  -571  464            Group: novice
  3.6448 Fileannelhynz   1  7:12  -876  159     1.5914 jimbo       1 22:42  -470  565 
  4.4757 Fileremij       0  9:56  -894  141     2.5675 hulusian    2 14:54  -571  464 
  5.5548 Filefatcat      0  8:29  -909  126     3.5548 fatcat      0  8:29  -909  126 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4757 remij       0  9:56  -894  141 

On 1st draw, ODIUM H8 22 --- ODIUM hatred [n]
Other tops: DOGMA H4 22
Other moves: DOGMA H8 20, DOUMA H4 20, DUOMI H4 20, MIAOU H4 20, AMIDO H4 18
DOGMA H4 22 hulusian
MAID H8 14 jimbo
MAD H8 12 remij

On 2nd draw, ANTIMERE 12D 70 --- ANTIMERE a part of an organism symmetrical with a part on the opposite side of the main axis [n]
Other moves: ARENITE G3 66, TRAINEE I3 66, INERTIAE 10C 62, INERTIAE 10H 62, ARENITE I2 61
RETAINED 9A 61 hulusian
DETAINER 9H 61 jimbo
MARTIN 12H 16 remij

On 3rd draw, BETTORS L6 92 --- BETTOR one that bets [n]
Other moves: BETTORS 7B 70, BORTIEST 10D 64, BETTORS G2 63, BETTORS I2 63, BOETS L8 42
BETTORS L6 92 hulusian
TOTERS L7 36 jimbo
BEST L10 34 remij

On 4th draw, GLAIRI(N) M1 69 --- GLAIRIN organic matter in mineral waters [n]
Other moves: GLAIRIN(G) E6 66, GLAIRIN(S) E6 66, GLAIRI(N) I4 66, RAILING(S) E7 66, RI(V)ALING E6 66
RATI(N)G 8J 18 hulusian
TAIL 8L 12 jimbo
TA(N)G 8L 12 remij

On 5th draw, POGGES 1J 36 --- POGGE a fish with bony scales [n]
Other moves: COPSES K5 35, SCOPES K4 33, COPES K5 31, COPSE K5 31, POGGE 1K 30
EGGS 1L 21 jimbo
POTS 8J 14 hulusian
COG 1K 7 remij

On 6th draw, PE(L)ORIAN E5 86 --- PELORIA abnormal regularity of a flower form [adj] --- PELORIAN pertaining to a peloria [adj]
Other moves: (M)EROPIA K3 79, E(M)PORIA K3 77, PE(L)ORIA K3 77, E(M)PORIA 2D 72, (M)EROPIA 7D 71
PET(S)AI 8J 28 hulusian
PRO(P) 11K 18 jimbo
PANE E10 12 remij

On 7th draw, VOX F4 58 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: SAX F4 55, SOX F4 55, TAX F4 55, AX F5 54, OX F5 54
TAX F4 55 jimbo
VEX 6D 29 hulusian
JARS J10 27 remij

On 8th draw, FYTTE F10 39 --- FYTTE a division of a poem or song [n]
Other tops: HYDRO 8A 39
Other moves: HEY D6 36, YEH D6 36, DEF F8 33, DERTH N6 33, HEEDY K10 33
HEY D6 36 jimbo
HARDY D11 21 remij

On 9th draw, FINCA D1 33 --- FINCA an estate in Spanish America [n]
Other moves: FARCI 5K 30, FRANC 11K 30, NARCO 8A 30, FARCIN 2F 29, FIAR D3 29
FRANC 11K 30 jimbo
COINFER 14A 24 hulusian

On 10th draw, LYTHES 15A 60 --- LYTHE a common fish of the cod family [n]
Other tops: ETHYLS 15A 60
Other moves: SHELTY 15F 48, SYTHE 15F 45, LYSED 15D 42, STYLED 15F 42, SHY 15F 39
FLESH 1D 33 jimbo
HETS 8J 15 hulusian

On 11th draw, PANARIES J1 64 --- PANARY a bread store [n]
Other moves: INFARES 1B 30, ANILE 2J 29, ANILS 2J 29, ARILS 2J 29, AFEARS 1C 27
FINES 1D 24 jimbo

On 12th draw, ZEAL N6 69 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEA N6 68, ZEL N6 68, ZAG D8 53, GEEZAH K10 45, ZA D8 44
ZAG D8 53 jimbo
FAUGH 1D 36 hulusian

On 13th draw, GAUNTED O8 91 --- GAUNT to yawn [v]
Other moves: GAUNTED C5 68, GANTED O8 38, GATED O8 38, TANGED O8 35, DAUNT O8 32
TANGED O8 35 jimbo, hulusian

On 14th draw, WAQF 1A 57 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: QADI I6 38, QI C2 37, QUOD 10J 34, QUAY B12 32, QAID 13A 31
QI C2 37 annelhynz
QUAY B12 32 hulusian
QUID 13A 31 jimbo
QAT C13 24 fatcat

On 15th draw, KIDDED 14J 46 --- KID to tease [v]
Other moves: WEIRDY B10 42, KIDDO 8A 39, KED D8 33, DIRKED 14J 32, KI 14B 32
WINK 3B 22 jimbo, fatcat
KID 4L 16 annelhynz

On 16th draw, MIC 14B 37 --- MIC short for microphone [n]
Other moves: MICRON 8A 33, ANOMIC B1 32, MICRO 8A 30, MUCRO 8A 30, ANURIC B1 28
COIN 15H 26 hulusian
ICON 15H 26 fatcat
MO D8 16 annelhynz
MON 15I 13 jimbo

On 17th draw, WEEVIL K10 33 --- WEEVIL a small beetle [n]
Other moves: VIEW 4L 28, WOE I7 27, OWRE 11J 26, WOVE O3 26, OW 2A 25
OWE 13M 23 annelhynz
AVOW B1 20 fatcat
VINE 4L 16 jimbo

On 18th draw, JOR D8 43 --- JOR a part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other moves: JO D8 36, JOHN I4 34, JO L3 31, HOON I7 30, JOHN 3A 28
JOR D8 43 annelhynz, jimbo
JO G8 23 fatcat
JIN 4L 20 hulusian

On 19th draw, BOOH I4 30 --- BOOH to show disapproval by making this sound [v]
Other tops: HOON I7 30
Other moves: BOHO I6 28, HOBO I6 28, HOO I7 27, BOON I7 26, OH 2A 25
BOOL 15H 24 annelhynz
HIN 4L 12 jimbo
BUNN 3A 12 hulusian
HEN N13 11 fatcat

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