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Game sheet of WEASEL (file), Game of February 16, 2012 at 15:19

Word find
Word played
1 ?ALNOPT PLANT(S) H4 20 -52 20 1/3 PLAT(O)ON H4 72 72 1/3
2 AEEFMRS SAFER 11H 25 -46 45 1/3 FEARSOME 9C 71 143 1/3
3 AEENSUZ ZEE 8A 41 -9 86 1/3 SNEEZE D4 50 193 1/3
4 ?AEILNO (O)OZE 8B 19 -63 105 1/3 ANI(S)OLE 11E 82 275 1/3
5 BEIMORT TREZ 8A 44 -11 149 1/3 BRIZE 8A 55 330 1/4
6 AEFIRTV FIVER 12K 29 -3 178 2/4 TAIVER 8J 32 362 1/4
7 CDEINRY DICEY 12A 31 -47 209 2/5 CYLINDER 5F 78 440 1/5
8 ADHINRT HARD 12K 21 -11 230 2/5 HAND 4L 32 472 1/5
9 BEFLNOR FOLDER O1 30   260 3/6       502 1/6
10 GIOSTTU SNEEZES D4 16 -12 276 2/4 GOUTS 3I 28 530 1/6
11 IMNOOOS MO 2J 22 -6 298 1/4 OOMS 6J 28 558 1/6
12 AEENTUY NAY 2H 30   328 3/5 TAY 2H   588 1/6
13 CEHJKRU JURE 1E 39 -12 367 2/5 JUKE 1E 51 639 1/6
14 ADGIINO DOG 2D 25 -58 392 2/6 RADIOING O8 83 722 1/7
15 ABCETTW WAE N12 23 -5 415 2/6 BATTEN 14J 28 750 1/7
16 ACDLOPQ CLAD 15H 28 -5 443 2/5 CLOP 2C 33 783 1/7
17 DEIIQRW WIRED 15G 34   477 1/5       817 1/7
18 AGHIIQW AH 3B 24 -1 501 3/6 WHIG 12B 25 842 1/8
19 AIQUUVX AX N10 25 -2 526 1/6 XU 12K 27 869 1/8

Total: 526/869 or -343 for 60.52%
Rank: 7062

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