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Game of February 17, 2012 at 05:02, 1 player
1. 11 pts ritavanl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadelrt   H6    70    70   laterad
 2. ?eflntt  11H    70   140   antileft
 3. aelooop   O8    27   167   pootle
 4. aginruv   L9    26   193   valuing
 5. ?adiikm   6F    70   263   milkmaid
 6. biorsuy   J8    67   330   bistoury
 7. aegiqrs  13I    48   378   quair
 8. aeeimno  15E    33   411   meiney
 9. aeginrt   F8    65   476   interage
10. aelnprw   K1    80   556   warplane
11. aehinou   1K    45   601   whine
12. cchostu  13B    34   635   succah
13. abeoswz   J2    64   699   zo
14. adeoosu   N1    35   734   nodous
15. efirstv  B10    34   768   feists
16. aeeortx   A8    49   817   exeat
17. abeiovw   M3    30   847   abode
18. dgijory   I3    35   882   jo
19. dgirvwy   7G    31   913   day

Remaining tiles: girvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5967 Fileritavanl    0  1:56  -902   11     1.5967 ritavanl    0  1:56  -902   11 

On 1st draw, LATERAD H6 70 --- LATERAD toward the side [adv]
Other moves: LATERAD H2 68, LATERAD H3 68, LATERAD H4 68, LATERAD H7 68, LATERAD H8 68

On 2nd draw, ANT(I)LEFT 11H 70 --- ANTILEFT opposed to leftism [adj]
Other tops: FLATTEN(S) 11F 70, FL(I)TTERN 10B 70
Other moves: F(O)NTLET G1 66, FLETT(O)N I1 65, FL(A)TTEN G1 65, FR(O)NTLET 10G 64, ANT(I)LEFT 7H 62

On 3rd draw, POOTLE O8 27 --- POOTLE to travel in no particular hurry [v]
Other tops: PELOTA O7 27
Other moves: LEPTA O8 24, OLEA 12L 24, OLEO 12L 24, PELTA O8 24, PLATE O8 24

On 4th draw, VALUING L9 26 --- VALUE to estimate the value (the quality that renders a thing useful or desirable) of [v]
Other moves: VINEGAR M8 24, GRAVID 12C 22, VALUING 6F 21, AGIN I6 20, AVENIR M9 20

On 5th draw, MILK(M)AID 6F 70 --- MILKMAID a woman who milks cows [n]
Other tops: (M)ILKMAID 6F 70
Other moves: KINDA 14J 40, (H)AKIM G5 40, KAM(A) G7 38, KAM(E) G7 38, KAND(Y) 14J 38

On 6th draw, BISTOURY J8 67 --- BISTOURY a narrow surgical knife [n]
Other moves: BUOYS N2 41, YOURS N2 37, BIROS N2 35, BRIOS N2 35, YONIS 14J 32

On 7th draw, QUAIR 13I 48 --- QUAIR a twentieth part of a ream [n]
Other tops: QUAIS 13I 48
Other moves: AGRISE N2 35, AEGIS N2 33, AGERS N2 33, GAIRS N2 33, GARIS N2 33

On 8th draw, MEINEY 15E 33 --- MEINEY a retinue [n]
Other moves: ANOMY 15F 30, ENEMY 15F 30, MEANY 15F 30, MEINY 15F 30, MONEY 15F 30

On 9th draw, INTERAGE F8 65 --- INTERAGE including persons of various ages [adj]

On 10th draw, WARPLANE K1 80 --- WARPLANE an aeroplane armed for combat [n]
Other moves: WAP E11 32, PLEW 5K 31, ENWRAP 5B 30, GAWP 15L 30, PRAWLIN L1 30

On 11th draw, WHINE 1K 45 --- WHINE to utter a plaintive, high-pitched sound [v]
Other moves: HAO J2 33, AH J1 31, OH J1 31, ANOUGH 14B 29, ENOUGH 14B 29

On 12th draw, SUCCAH 13B 34 --- SUCCAH a shelter where meals are eaten during Jewish festivals [n]
Other moves: CHOUT E7 33, SCOTCH 5A 33, SCUTCH 5A 33, POTCH 4K 32, POUCH 4K 32

On 13th draw, ZO J2 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZA J2 64
Other moves: ZEROS 3I 48, SWIZ G4 47, WIZ G5 46, BIZ G5 45, GAZE 15L 42

On 14th draw, NODOUS N1 35 --- NODOUS having nodes [adj]
Other moves: APODES 4J 32, SOAPED 4H 32, SOOPED 4H 32, APODE 4J 28, APODS 4J 28

On 15th draw, FEISTS B10 34 --- FEIST a small dog of mixed breed [n]
Other tops: FIRSTS B10 34, FRISES B10 34, FRISTS B10 34, VERSTS B10 34
Other moves: FEIST B10 32, FIEST B10 32, FIRST B10 32, FRISE B10 32, FRIST B10 32

On 16th draw, EXEAT A8 49 --- EXEAT formal leave of absence [n]
Other tops: EXERT A8 49
Other moves: OXTER A7 43, TAXER A7 43, TAXOR A7 43, EXEAT E7 41, OXER A8 40

On 17th draw, ABODE M3 30 --- ABODE to forebode [v]
Other moves: WAIVE 5B 26, ABOVE 5B 24, BAC E11 24, BOWIE 5B 24, GAVE 15L 24

On 18th draw, JO I3 35 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: DORKY I3 34, POBOY 4K 32, DAY 7G 31, JOKY I4 31, JOG 5E 29

On 19th draw, DAY 7G 31 --- DAY the time between sunrise and sunset [n]
Other moves: GYRI 15L 24, AY 7H 22, KY I6 22, VIRID G3 20, DERRY M10 19
GRID B5 11 ritavanl

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