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Game of February 19, 2012 at 01:29, 5 players
1. 645 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 629 pts sunshine12
3. 288 pts scrablehed

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehijnor   H4    42    42   joiner
 2. abefntw   I3    30    72   fawn
 3. aegginy   4H    34   106   jaggy
 4. ?ginpuu   9E    64   170   usurping
 5. abflnsy  10G    36   206   nyas
 6. ?llnotv  11I    27   233   volant
 7. cdeiksw   O7   116   349   wickeds
 8. abehilr  12C    85   434   hirable
 9. celoort   E5    40   474   colourer
10. adhilrs  13E    46   520   shaird
11. adeioru   8A    24   544   uredo
12. aeinosv  14I    38   582   savine
13. abdeoru   B3    67   649   arboured
14. aeiimpz   A1    62   711   maze
15. aefopqt  15L    46   757   feta
16. eemoptx   C1    62   819   pox
17. eilmott   1C    30   849   plottie
18. eiimoqt  13B    32   881   qi
19. aeeimot  14A    42   923   time

Remaining tiles: aeot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6609 FileGLOBEMAN    8 18:34  -278  645     1.6609 GLOBEMAN    8 18:34  -278  645 
  2.6589 Filesunshine12  6 16:08  -294  629     2.6589 sunshine12  6 16:08  -294  629 
  3.5950 Filescrablehed  0  9:24  -635  288            Group: novice
  4.3798 FileNightwrite  0 11:56  -686  237     1.5950 scrablehed  0  9:24  -635  288 
  5.5904 FileAMYtheROO   0  3:51  -877   46     2.5904 AMYtheROO   0  3:51  -877   46 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3798 Nightwrite  0 11:56  -686  237 

On 1st draw, JOINER H4 42 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other moves: JOHN H5 28, JOHN H6 28, JOHN H7 28, JOHN H8 28, JOINER H3 28
JOINER H4 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 2nd draw, FAWN I3 30 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other tops: WAFT I3 30
Other moves: BAFT I3 28, BAWN I3 28, FAW I3 27, FAB I3 25, WAB I3 25
FAWN I3 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FAWN G8 19 scrablehed

On 3rd draw, JAGGY 4H 34 --- JAGGY a jagged computer image [n] --- JAGGY jagged, rough-edged [adj]
Other tops: AGEN J3 34
Other moves: AYIN J2 33, GAGE J2 32, GENNY 7E 32, GEYAN 10F 32, GINNY 7E 32
JAGGY 4H 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 4th draw, U(S)URPING 9E 64 --- USURP to seize and hold without legal authority [v] --- USURPING the act of usurping [n]
Other moves: PUR(S)UING 9F 63, PIGNU(S) 10C 23, PI(S) 10F 23, PU(S) 10F 23, PU(Y) 10F 23
(S)IP 10H 23 sunshine12
PU(R)GING K1 20 scrablehed

On 5th draw, NYAS 10G 36 --- NYAS an untrained young hawk [n]
Other moves: ABLY 8L 34, ABYS 8L 34, FANNY 7E 34, FY 10J 34, ANY 7G 29
FANNY 7E 34 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ABLY 8L 34 scrablehed

On 6th draw, VOL(A)NT 11I 27 --- VOLANT flying or capable of flying [adj]
Other moves: VOLT 11I 25, VOLT(A) 11I 25, VOLT(E) 11I 25, VOLT(I) 11I 25, VOLT(S) 11I 25
VOLT(S) M5 18 scrablehed
LO(S)T M7 14 sunshine12

On 7th draw, WICKEDS O7 116 --- WICKED an evil person [n]
Other moves: WICKEDS 12C 97, WICKEDS 11A 87, WICKED O7 63, SICKED O7 54, SKIED O8 45
WICKEDS 12C 47 scrablehed
KEDS 3L 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KINDS 6G 14 Nightwrite

On 8th draw, HIRABLE 12C 85 --- HIRABLE available for hire [adj]
Other moves: HABILE 12D 33, HERBALS 13I 32, HAED 12L 28, HAILERS 13I 28, HEAD 12L 28
HEAD 12L 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, scrablehed
BRINE 6F 15 Nightwrite

On 9th draw, COLOURER E5 40 --- COLOURER one that colors [n]
Other moves: COOTER 13A 32, TELCO 8A 32, COOER 13B 30, OCELOT 11A 29, CLOTE 13A 28
CLOTE 13A 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
COHORT C10 22 scrablehed
GL(A)CE L9 14 Nightwrite

On 10th draw, SHAIRD 13E 46 --- SHAIRD a fragment of broken pottery [n]
Other moves: SLAID 13E 42, HADS 13B 40, LAIDS 13A 36, RAIDS 13A 36, DAHLS 13I 35
HADS 13B 40 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HAD(S) F6 33 scrablehed
DASHI C9 22 Nightwrite

On 11th draw, UREDO 8A 24 --- UREDO a skin irritation [n]
Other moves: ARD 14F 23, IDE 14F 23, OARED 5K 23, UREDIA N2 23, ADIEU 14J 21
ARD 14F 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
RADIO 8A 21 scrablehed
(A)DORE L11 12 Nightwrite

On 12th draw, SAVINE 14I 38 --- SAVINE an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: ANES 14F 33, OAVES 5K 27, ELVANS 7D 26, SANNIE M9 26, SAVIN 14I 26
OVENS 14J 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SIEVE C6 13 Nightwrite

On 13th draw, ARBOURED B3 67 --- ARBOUR a shady garden shelter [adj] --- ARBOURED pertaining to an arbour [adj]
Other moves: DARB 15L 36, DOAB 15L 36, DORB 15L 36, DARE 15L 30, DEAR 15L 30
DORB 15L 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ODE 15M 17 Nightwrite

On 14th draw, MAZE A1 62 --- MAZE to bewilder [v]
Other tops: PIZE A1 62
Other moves: MIZ A1 53, ZAP A1 46, ZEP A1 46, ZIP A1 46, ZAP N6 43
MAZE A1 62 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ZAP A1 46 scrablehed
PREZ 4A 36 Nightwrite

On 15th draw, FETA 15L 46 --- FETA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other tops: FATE 15L 46, FEAT 15L 46
Other moves: PEA C3 45, FAP C1 44, FOP C1 44, QATS 13L 43, TAPE C1 43
QATS 13L 43 sunshine12
ZAP 3A 28 Nightwrite

On 16th draw, POX C1 62 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: TEX C1 58, EXEMPT A10 57, EX C2 56, OX C2 56, TOPEE C1 49
POX C1 62 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HEX C12 26 Nightwrite

On 17th draw, PLOTTIE 1C 30 --- PLOTTIE a spiced hot drink [n]
Other moves: PIOLET 1C 27, POLITE 1C 27, POTTLE 1C 27, ELM 13A 24, OLM 13A 24
T*M 13A 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 18th draw, QI 13B 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: T*M 13A 24, METE C7 23, TEME C7 23, EM 13B 22, ITEM C6 22
QI 13B 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HEM C12 16 Nightwrite

On 19th draw, TIME 14A 42 --- TIME to determine the speed or duration of [v]
Other moves: AIM 14A 40, MITE 14A 40, AIT 14A 34, ITA 14B 34, TIE 14A 34
QAT B13 24 Nightwrite
QI B13 22 sunshine12

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