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Game of February 19, 2012 at 03:45, 2 players
1. 321 pts denbay
2. 113 pts ayoba

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeimotx   H2    98    98   toxemia
 2. aegiost   4C    82   180   geotaxis
 3. dddilot   5D    30   210   loided
 4. ?doprtz   3B    47   257   putz
 5. eiklstw   3G    46   303   woke
 6. addefnr   2J    52   355   farded
 7. aciqrst   6B    50   405   qats
 8. ?giilor   O2    80   485   droiling
 9. abcelsv   9H    32   517   sclave
10. hinnotv   2A    26   543   noh
11. abeimrs   C6    82   625   ambaries
12. aeinrtu   K7    66   691   inaurate
13. ahijnot  14J    56   747   jeton
14. aegipru  12G    74   821   periagua
15. cefhnou  D12    40   861   houf
16. ainnruw  15F    33   894   winna
17. beelnry   8A    48   942   nybble
18. ceoruvy  15L    34   976   oyer

Remaining tiles: ceeuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4055 Filedenbay      0 15:48  -655  321     1.6002 ayoba       0  3:32  -863  113 
  2.6002 Fileayoba       0  3:32  -863  113            Group: not rated
                                             1.4055 denbay      0 15:48  -655  321 

On 1st draw, TOXEMIA H2 98 --- TOXEMIA the condition of having toxins in the blood [n]
Other moves: TOXEMIA H8 88, TOXEMIA H3 84, TOXEMIA H4 84, TOXEMIA H6 84, TOXEMIA H7 84
TOME H6 12 denbay

On 2nd draw, GEOTAXIS 4C 82 --- GEOTAXIS the movement of an organism in response to gravity [n]
Other moves: GOATIEST 2A 72, GOATIEST 2E 63, GATES G3 32, GETAS G3 32, OXGATES 4G 30
GAMIEST 6F 16 denbay

On 3rd draw, LOIDED 5D 30 --- LOID to open a spring lock by using a piece of celluloid [v]
Other tops: DOILED 5D 30, DOITED 5D 30
Other moves: DILDO 5B 27, DITED 5E 27, DOLED 5E 27, DOTED 5E 27, TOILED 5D 27
SOLID J4 8 denbay

On 4th draw, P(U)TZ 3B 47 --- PUTZ to waste time [v]
Other moves: (A)DZ 3C 44, Z(E)D 6B 36, DZO(S) 6A 35, DZOS J1 34, TOZ(E)D 2H 34
PART 8G 6 denbay

On 5th draw, WOKE 3G 46 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: KELTS 6B 43, KILTS 6B 43, WOK 3G 43, WELTS 6B 40, WILTS 6B 40
SILK 9H 26 denbay

On 6th draw, FARDED 2J 52 --- FARD to paint with cosmetics [v]
Other tops: FANDED 2J 52
Other moves: FADED 2J 50, FARDEN 2J 50, FADER 2J 48, FARED 2J 48, FRENA 2J 46
FADED 8G 10 denbay

On 7th draw, QATS 6B 50 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QATS G7 47, QAT G7 46, QATS 6C 37, QAT 6B 36, QIS 6B 36
CAST 9F 25 denbay

On 8th draw, DROILI(N)G O2 80 --- DROIL to drudge [v]
Other tops: OLIG(U)RIA 8A 80
Other moves: DROILI(N)G M2 74, LIGROI(N) G8 61, LIGROI(N) I8 61, RELIGIO(N) N1 60, REOILI(N)G N1 60
DIG M2 10 denbay

On 9th draw, SCLAVE 9H 32 --- SCLAVE a slave [n]
Other tops: CALVES 9C 32, CAVELS 9C 32, CLAVES 9C 32
Other moves: CABLES 9C 31, WADABLE G3 30, VACS 9E 29, BACS 9E 28, BRAVES L1 28
LAVES 8G 8 denbay

On 10th draw, NOH 2A 26 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other moves: OH 2B 24, HOT 2A 23, VROT L1 22, HIN 10I 21, HIN 7A 21
VINO L9 14 denbay

On 11th draw, AMBARIES C6 82 --- AMBARY an East Indian plant [n]
Other moves: AMBERIES M6 80, AMBARIES K6 74, AIRBASE K5 36, MIB 7A 28, AIM 7A 26
BRIMS L1 24 denbay

On 12th draw, INAURATE K7 66 --- INAURATE gilded [adj]
Other moves: AUBRETIA 8A 33, AUBRIETA 8A 33, QUATE B6 30, NUTRIA B9 28, RUINATE K5 28
RAVINE L7 20 denbay

On 13th draw, JETON 14J 56 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JABOT 8A 45, JAB 8A 36, JIB 8A 36, JOB 8A 36, JOHN B9 36
JAB 8A 36 denbay

On 14th draw, PERIAGUA 12G 74 --- PERIAGUA a type of dugout canoe [n]
Other moves: UPBEAR 8A 33, APER 15L 30, RUPIA 15F 30, GEBUR 8A 27, GIBER 8A 27
PUB 8A 21 denbay

On 15th draw, HOUF D12 40 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: ECHO 15G 36, FRENCH L1 36, FEH 15M 34, FOH 15M 34, FOHN D12 34
HENCE H11 30 denbay
EH 1A 29 ayoba

On 16th draw, WINNA 15F 33 --- WINNA will not (no inflections) [v] --- WINNA will not [coll]
Other moves: WAIF 15A 30, AW 1A 29, WAI 15M 25, WAN 15M 25, WAR 15M 25
WAIF 15A 30 denbay
AW 1A 29 ayoba

On 17th draw, NYBBLE 8A 48 --- NYBBLE a measure of computer information, half a byte [n]
Other moves: REBBE 8A 36, EYEN 15L 34, EYER 15L 34, BYE 15M 33, BEY 15M 30
BEY 15M 30 ayoba
BEEN M7 9 denbay

On 18th draw, OYER 15L 34 --- OYER a type of legal writ [n]
Other moves: DECURY M2 32, ERUV 15L 31, DYVOUR M2 28, CORF 15A 27, CURF 15A 27
YOU 15M 25 ayoba
DOVE M2 16 denbay

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