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Game of February 20, 2012 at 02:39, 2 players
1. 179 pts kellybelly
2. 136 pts ritavanl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceeoor   H3    22    22   ocreae
 2. abefntw   I7    29    51   weft
 3. dinorss   8B    62   113   indorsees
 4. aeghkrt   G5    32   145   erks
 5. ?aaclou   B5    67   212   guaiacol
 6. afnostt   A1    28   240   softa
 7. adeelny  12B    76   316   leadenly
 8. hiijnou  11D    37   353   jin
 9. beehqrt  13D    29   382   bete
10. ?aaentt   5D    82   464   alternate
11. giloqty   6J    28   492   yo
12. ilmruux   L4    52   544   remix
13. eglotuv   2A    36   580   outlove
14. gimopuz   1G    46   626   poz
15. dgimnru   M8    29   655   ingrum
16. adghiis  L12    34   689   gash
17. dehoprv   3K    39   728   ephod
18. adeiiqu   O1    45   773   qadi
19. giinruw   4F    26   799   incur
20. deiilvw  15K    33   832   while

Remaining tiles: bdgiiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7439 Filekellybelly  1  5:11  -653  179     1.7439 kellybelly  1  5:11  -653  179 
  2.5967 Fileritavanl    0  5:28  -696  136            Group: novice
                                             1.5967 ritavanl    0  5:28  -696  136 

On 1st draw, OCREAE H3 22 --- OCREA a sheathing plant part [n]
Other moves: COOEE H4 20, COOER H4 20, OCREAE H4 18, OCREAE H7 18, OCREAE H8 18

On 2nd draw, WEFT I7 29 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other tops: FAWN G7 29, WAFT I7 29
Other moves: FAW G7 28, FEW G7 28, FETWA G7 27, FAB G7 26, FETWA G6 26

On 3rd draw, INDORSEES 8B 62 --- INDORSEE a person to whom a bill is assigned [n]
Other moves: NIDORS 11D 25, DINOS 11E 23, DORIS 11E 23, DROSS 11E 23, ORDS G5 23

On 4th draw, ERKS G5 32 --- ERK an aircraftsman [n]
Other tops: ARKS G5 32, KEIGHT B6 32
Other moves: GATHER 11E 31, GERAH 11H 29, KSAR G7 29, CHARK 4H 28, CHEKA 4H 28

On 5th draw, (G)UAIACOL B5 67 --- GUAIACOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: CO(M)ATULA 10E 63, ACEROLA 5E 36, ACEROLA(S) 5E 36, O(P)ERCULA 5E 36, ACEROL(A) 5E 32

On 6th draw, SOFTA A1 28 --- SOFTA a Muslim theological student [n]
Other tops: FLOTANT 12A 28
Other moves: FANOS 11E 27, FONTS 11E 27, SOFAS J4 27, SOFTA 11I 27, TOFTS 11E 27

On 7th draw, LEADENLY 12B 76 --- LEADEN oppressively heavy [adv] --- LEADEN to make dull or sluggish [adv] --- LEADENLY in a leaden manner [adv]
Other moves: ENTAYLED 10G 68, DEELY A11 36, DELAY A11 36, DENAY A11 36, ADENYL H10 35

On 8th draw, JIN 11D 37 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JO 11D 33, JUNTO 10F 30, HIOI 11D 29, FUJI 3A 28, JOHN I2 28

On 9th draw, BETE 13D 29 --- BETE to improve [v]
Other tops: THE B1 29, TREE 13C 29
Other moves: BERTHE F1 26, BERTHED D2 26, HE B2 25, RETE 13D 25, BEE 13D 24

On 10th draw, A(L)TERNATE 5D 82 --- ALTERNATE [v]
Other moves: (P)ANCETTA 4E 77, STAN(N)ATE 1A 74, SAN(I)TATE 1A 71, STA(G)NATE 1A 71, STA(N)NATE 1A 71

On 11th draw, YO 6J 28 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other tops: YOGI 4L 28
Other moves: OILY 4L 26, TINY C6 26, TOY B1 26, QAT D4 24, YGO 4L 24
QAT D4 24 ritavanl

On 12th draw, REMIX L4 52 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v] --- REMIX to mix again [v]
Other moves: MINX C6 46, MIX I1 37, MUX I1 37, LUX I1 35, MIX 4L 32
LUX I1 35 ritavanl

On 13th draw, OUTLOVE 2A 36 --- OUTLOVE to surpass in loving [v]
Other moves: OVULATED D1 26, OVULE 13I 24, VOLTA D1 24, VOLTE F2 23, GLOVE 14G 21
OVULE 13I 24 ritavanl

On 14th draw, POZ 1G 46 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other tops: MIZ 1G 46, MOZ 1G 46
Other moves: POZ 3L 45, MOZO 3G 35, OPIUM 3K 35, PUTZ 10G 35, MOZ 3G 34

On 15th draw, INGRUM M8 29 --- INGRUM ignorant [adj]
Other moves: UNGIRD M8 27, INCUR 4F 26, DIM M7 25, DURING M7 25, DUING M7 24
DURING M7 25 kellybelly, ritavanl

On 16th draw, GASH L12 34 --- GASH knowing [adj] --- GASH to make a long deep cut in [v]
Other moves: GHIS L12 31, DAHS 14A 29, GHIS 14A 29, HADS 14A 29, HAGS 14A 29
HAGS 14A 29 kellybelly

On 17th draw, EPHOD 3K 39 --- EPHOD an ancient Hebrew vestment [n]
Other tops: HOPED 3J 39
Other moves: EPHOR 3K 37, HOPER 3J 37, HOVED M1 36, HOPE 3J 35, PERV 3L 35
HOVED M1 36 kellybelly

On 18th draw, QADI O1 45 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QIS 14J 32, QUOAD N1 30, QUOD N1 28, AIDED O1 24, DIDIE O1 24
QIS 14J 32 kellybelly
QUOD N1 28 ritavanl

On 19th draw, INCUR 4F 26 --- INCUR to bring upon oneself [v]
Other moves: W*G 3G 25, HING 15L 24, HUNG 15L 24, WON 3G 23, PEW G1 21
HING 15L 24 kellybelly

On 20th draw, WHILE 15K 33 --- WHILE to cause to pass pleasantly [v]
Other moves: VIEW N12 32, HIVE 15L 30, EVIL N11 28, VIDE N12 28, VIED N12 28
WHILE 15K 33 kellybelly

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