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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of February 20, 2012 at 23:25

Word find
Word played
1 AEGGOST             AGOGES H3 20 20  
2 DEILMUV             VOLUMED 5G 26 46  
3 ?EIOPTW             WIPEO(U)TS 8A 89 135  
4 BEEILNS             BASELINE 3G 78 213  
5 AADEOTW             DEAW 4L 38 251  
6 ACEFIRT             TRIFECTA G8 67 318  
7 AEFJNOR             JAFA 15F 42 360  
8 INOPRSY             WISPY O4 39 399  
9 EEILORT             TROELIE 14I 70 469  
10 ?AEIILN             NAI(L)FILE 11C 70 539  
11 ABORSUV ROBS K8 34 -4 34 1/2 ARVOS K7 38 577 2/3
12 ABDNNOR BOND 10J 23 -24 57 2/2 BROND 15K 47 624 2/3
13 AAACHHR HAH 2J 40   97 2/3       664 2/4
14 ADMNOUZ ZED J10 64   161 1/4       728 2/5
15 ACEGKNO KANG N8 20 -33 181 3/3 CONK 1L 53 781 2/5
16 AGMNORU MOURN 12A 28 -2 209 2/3 ANAGOGES H1 30 811 2/5
17 EGMOORU GRUM 12A 28   237 1/3 MURGEON 2B   839 2/5
18 AEOQTTX TEXT 12B 44   281 2/3       883 2/5
19 AIOQRTU QAT 10B 45   326 2/3       928 2/5
20 IINORUY NOY 1A 27   353 1/3       955 2/5

Total: 353/955 or -602 for 36.96%
Rank: 8693

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