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Game sheet of ritavanl (file), Game of February 21, 2012 at 00:13

Word find
Word played
1 ACELNOS             SECONAL H2 74 74  
2 ?AEEGOR             O(V)ERAGES 2A 74 148  
3 DEEORST             CORSETED 4H 76 224  
4 ?DHINOU             HOUNDIN(G) 6B 73 297  
5 AAFIIRT             TREIFA N2 34 331  
6 ADENQTZ DAZE O7 45 -27 45 3/3 TOAZE A1 72 403 3/3
7 AEIMTTW WAIT O7 26 -6 71 3/3 WAME O7 32 435 3/3
8 DEKNSUW DUNKS N10 35 -12 106 2/3 WENDS N10 47 482 3/3
9 EGINQRT QUINT D5 15 -20 121 3/3 QI O1 35 517 3/3
10 AFGILNO FLING 12K 22 -48 143 3/3 LOAFINGS 14G 70 587 3/3
11 ABEINPY             BEANY 15H 72 659 3/3
12 BIOOPRU             ZOBU 4A 30 689 3/3
13 EHISTVX             VEXT 7A 46 735 3/3
14 EIORTTU             TOUTIER 13B 74 809 3/3
15 ADHLPSU             SPAULD 12G 38 847 3/3
16 AGILORV             VIGOR M7 36 883 3/4
17 AEIINRY             YERSINIA K1 72 955 3/4
18 CHIJLMP             JIMP 14A 42 997 3/5

Total: 143/997 or -854 for 14.34%
Rank: 5849

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