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Game of February 21, 2012 at 01:41, 3 players
1. 487 pts paulineasb
2. 403 pts tonikay
3. 249 pts cctracy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeopsuu   H4    20    20   paseo
 2. ?bllopw   5D   106   126   plowable
 3. aeghiin   6F    32   158   hes
 4. iooosuy   7F    31   189   oyes
 5. deflrtu   4C    27   216   duet
 6. aegiknr   3A    30   246   knag
 7. ?morrtu   9F    67   313   rostrum
 8. aennqtu  10B    40   353   quate
 9. adenouy   A1    45   398   oaky
10. deiilrs   A7    39   437   idlers
11. aaaeirt  11C    21   458   riata
12. acdeitv   L9    36   494   medivac
13. aefhitz   4K    64   558   hafiz
14. aeenntx   O4    42   600   zante
15. egimnnr   D7    80   680   remaining
16. eginorv  14A    78   758   vigneron
17. bdijnou  H12    57   815   jinn
18. eflostw  I11    45   860   wofs
19. bcdeilu   3K    33   893   ceil
20. deeiotu  15J    27   920   deceit

Remaining tiles: boux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5437 Filepaulineasb  2 16:15  -433  487     1.5437 paulineasb  2 16:15  -433  487 
  2.5727 Filetonikay     1 23:45  -517  403     2.5727 tonikay     1 23:45  -517  403 
  3.  -  Filecctracy     0 19:10  -671  249            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  cctracy     0 19:10  -671  249 

On 1st draw, PASEO H4 20 --- PASEO a leisurely stroll [n]
Other tops: PAUSE H4 20, PSOAE H4 20
Other moves: OUPAS H4 16, OUPAS H8 16, PASEO H8 16, PAUSE H8 16, PSOAE H8 16
PEAS H6 12 tonikay
POSE H6 12 cctracy

On 2nd draw, PLOWABL(E) 5D 106 --- PLOW to turn up land with a plow (a farm implement) [adj] --- PLOWABLE able to be plowed [adj]
Other moves: BLOWLA(M)P 5C 78, PLOW(A)BLE 7A 66, BOWL G5 30, BOWL(S) G5 30, LOWP G5 30
P(I)LLOW 4H 20 paulineasb
BOW I3 20 tonikay

On 3rd draw, HES 6F 32 --- HE a male person [n]
Other moves: HEAPING D2 30, WAHINE G5 30, AH 6E 28, ANIGH 4K 27, NEIGH 4K 27
HES 6F 32 paulineasb
HANG 4K 20 tonikay
PAIN D5 7 cctracy

On 4th draw, OYES 7F 31 --- OYES a proclamation [n]
Other moves: OYE 7F 29, SYE 7F 29, WEYS G5 25, YES 7G 24, WEY G5 22
SOY 9H 15 paulineasb, tonikay
SLY J4 14 cctracy

On 5th draw, DUET 4C 27 --- DUET a musical performance by two people [n] --- DUET to perform a duet, DUETS, DUETED, DUETTED, DUETING, DUETTING [v]
Other moves: FLUED 4K 26, FLUE 4B 24, DELFT 4K 22, FLUTE 4K 22, DEBTS I3 21
ELF J4 14 cctracy
SELF I7 10 tonikay
FULL J3 9 paulineasb

On 6th draw, KNAG 3A 30 --- KNAG a peg [n]
Other moves: ARKING 4J 29, REINK 4K 29, KEG 3B 28, NAKER E7 26, NERKA E7 26
KIND C1 18 paulineasb
SINK I7 11 tonikay
GRAIL J1 8 cctracy

On 7th draw, RO(S)TRUM 9F 67 --- ROSTRUM a beaklike process or part [n]
Other moves: MOUT(E)R(E)R K1 58, OUTR(E)M(E)R K1 58, O(A)KUM A1 33, (H)OKUM A1 33, (K)OKUM A1 33
(I)RK A1 18 paulineasb
(S)TORM 9H 14 tonikay

On 8th draw, QUATE 10B 40 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other moves: QUALE J2 36, EQUAL J1 34, MANQUE L9 34, KANTEN A3 33, UNKENT A1 33
QUAT K8 26 paulineasb
QUE(E)N K2 13 tonikay

On 9th draw, OAKY A1 45 --- OAKY an icecream [n] --- OAKY tasting of oak sap [adj]
Other tops: KAYOED A3 45, NOYADE A5 45
Other moves: DOYEN A7 42, NOYED A7 42, YOKED A1 42, YUKED A1 42, DYKE A1 39
YOKED A1 42 paulineasb
YOND 4K 20 tonikay
MOUND L9 16 cctracy

On 10th draw, IDLERS A7 39 --- IDLER one that idles [n]
Other tops: SIELD A8 39
Other moves: IRIDES A6 36, IRISED A6 36, SIDLER A6 36, SLIDER A6 36, ISLED 11B 35
MILDER L9 18 cctracy, paulineasb

On 11th draw, RIATA 11C 21 --- RIATA a lasso [n]
Other tops: RAITA 11C 21, REATA 11C 21
Other moves: AIRT 8L 20, AMIRATE L8 20, AREA 8L 20, ARET 8L 20, ARIA 8L 20
RITE 11A 19 paulineasb
MIRE L9 12 cctracy

On 12th draw, MEDIVAC L9 36 --- MEDIVAC to evacuate the wounded from a battlefield by helicopter [v]
Other moves: AVID 8L 32, ACTIVE 12G 30, ADVECT 12G 30, ADVECT 4J 30, ADVICE 12G 30
CURVED C9 30 paulineasb
DIVE 4K 18 tonikay

On 13th draw, HAFIZ 4K 64 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: ZAITECH 15G 63, CHEZ 15L 54, CHIZ 15L 54, AZURITE C8 52, FETICH 15H 42
CHEZ 15L 54 paulineasb
FEZ 4K 34 tonikay
HAZE 14K 32 cctracy

On 14th draw, ZANTE O4 42 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other tops: TEAZE O1 42
Other moves: TEX 3L 41, ANNEXE 6J 40, AXE 12D 40, ANNEX 6J 39, EX 3M 37
TEX 3L 41 tonikay
CATE 15L 18 paulineasb

On 15th draw, REMAINING D7 80 --- REMAIN to continue in the same state [v]
Other moves: RINGMEN N8 76, MIEN 12D 31, MEG 3L 29, MIG 3L 29, RIEM 12D 29
GRIME N2 28 tonikay
MENDING 11I 22 cctracy
CINE 15L 18 paulineasb

On 16th draw, VIGNERON 14A 78 --- VIGNERON a winegrower [n]
Other tops: OVERING N8 78
Other moves: VERGING 15A 36, NOVICE 15H 33, GOVERN 15D 30, REVVING 13I 30, GRAVEN 14J 28
COVE 15L 27 paulineasb
GROVE 13I 22 cctracy
GI C13 14 tonikay

On 17th draw, JINN H12 57 --- JINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JOCUND 15J 48, JIB 3L 47, JOB 3L 47, BONDUC 15G 43, JIB 13G 42
JINN H12 57 paulineasb
JOB 13G 42 tonikay
JOT 7M 18 cctracy

On 18th draw, WOFS I11 45 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FLAWS 14J 38, WOTS I11 33, FEALS 14J 32, FEAST 14J 32, FEATS 14J 32
WOFS I11 45 tonikay
CLOW 15L 27 paulineasb
WASTE 14K 16 cctracy

On 19th draw, CEIL 3K 33 --- CEIL to furnish with a ceiling [v]
Other tops: CUBED K8 33
Other moves: BED 3L 29, BID 3L 29, DEB 3L 29, DIB 3L 29, LUBED K8 29
BID 3L 29 tonikay
CLUB 15L 24 cctracy
VIBE 13L 18 paulineasb

On 20th draw, DECEIT 15J 27 --- DECEIT the act of deceiving [n]
Other moves: URDEE J8 25, ELIDE N2 23, OUTED K8 23, IOLITE N1 22, CEDE 15L 21
CEDE 15L 21 paulineasb
AID 2A 17 tonikay
VETO 13L 14 cctracy

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