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Game sheet of charmz (file), Game of February 21, 2012 at 06:18

Word find
Word played
1 ADIMNNR             MANDIR H4 24 24  
2 AGOQRST             QAT I3 28 52  
3 CENORXY             YEX J4 40 92  
4 AEEGGLR             GREGALE 10D 73 165  
5 ?EENTTV             (A)NTEVERT E4 90 255  
6 AEFOSUW             SAFE 11H 32 287  
7 CDEILNT             EDICT L10 25 312  
8 ADEIKPW             PAWK D1 42 354  
9 ADGINRS PARSING 1D 30 -60 30 3/4 DARINGS 15F 90 444 4/4
10 ?DEILSV SP(E)ILED 1C 27 -58 57 2/4 DEVIS(A)L 12A 85 529 4/4
11 AINOTUW             OUTWIND A6 33 562 4/4
12 BEMOOTZ             ZOOM C2 57 619 4/4
13 AACHJPR             CHAP B3 49 668 4/4
14 AEENORU             PERAEON 1D 27 695 4/4
15 HLOOTUY             YOUTH 2J 51 746 4/4
16 BILOOSU             OBOS K2 29 775 4/4
17 AEEFLNU             EF B9 31 806 4/4
18 BEILOOR             LOOBIER M4 65 871 4/4
19 AIJNRUU             ROJI 6L 27 898 4/4
20 AIILNUU             INULA 14F 24 922 4/4

Total: 57/922 or -865 for 6.182%
Rank: -

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