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Game of February 22, 2012 at 14:57, 3 players
1. 119 pts argomearns
2. 98 pts raggedy01
3. 81 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?delmou   H4    74    74   moulder
 2. aeioryz   7D    72   146   royalize
 3. aillrty   8J    43   189   artily
 4. ?bddior   K2    74   263   broidered
 5. efilqst   6A    39   302   itself
 6. abeflot   A5    92   394   lifeboat
 7. aejrsuw  B10    49   443   wears
 8. aehisuw   3H    36   479   sheria
 9. egjnoot   L1    50   529   joint
10. aeegins   N8    72   601   lineages
11. deegnpt   E5    44   645   plonged
12. aeortuv  15G    95   740   outraves
13. acghino  13B    84   824   roaching
14. amopquw   1L    45   869   jump
15. acenotu   N1    34   903   motuca
16. eeknqrv  12A    30   933   tank
17. eeinqrw  12G    26   959   qi
18. einrvwx  F10    53  1012   xi

Remaining tiles: eenrvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5807 Fileargomearns  0  5:32  -893  119     1.6144 raggedy01   1  1:58  -914   98 
  2.6144 Fileraggedy01   1  1:58  -914   98            Group: novice
  3.4066 Filemicmac      0  5:41  -931   81     1.5807 argomearns  0  5:32  -893  119 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4066 micmac      0  5:41  -931   81 

On 1st draw, MOULDE(R) H4 74 --- MOULDER to turn to dust by natural decay [v]
Other tops: MODULE(S) H4 74, MOULDE(D) H4 74, MOUL(D)ED H4 74, MOUL(T)ED H4 74, MOU(S)LED H4 74, MO(G)ULED H4 74, MUD(H)OLE H4 74, (R)EMOULD H2 74, (V)OLUMED H8 74
Other moves: MODULE(S) H2 72, MOULDE(D) H8 72, MOULDE(R) H8 72, MOUL(D)ED H6 72, MOUL(T)ED H6 72
MOULDE(D) H4 74 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, ROYALIZE 7D 72 --- ROYALIZE to play the king [v]
Other moves: MAZEY 4H 38, OYEZ G2 35, MAZIER 4H 34, ZOOEY 5G 34, OYEZ G8 33
MAZIER 4H 34 argomearns
OYER G8 24 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, ARTILY 8J 43 --- ARTILY in an arty manner [adv]
Other moves: ALERTLY K5 40, LYART 8K 38, LAIRY 8K 29, LAITY 8K 29, RALLY 8K 29
LAZY J5 18 argomearns

On 4th draw, BROIDER(E)D K2 74 --- BROIDER to adorn with needlework [v]
Other moves: DI(S)ORBED 9B 67, DI(S)ROBED 9B 67, R(E)BODIED 9B 64, BOODI(E)D E5 40, BROOD(E)D 5E 40

On 5th draw, ITSELF 6A 39 --- ITSELF a reflexive form of the pronoun it [pron]
Other moves: FEST L5 36, FIEST L1 36, FIST L5 36, LIEFS L1 36, FEUS 6F 35

On 6th draw, LIFEBOAT A5 92 --- LIFEBOAT a small rescue boat [n]
Other moves: LIFEBOAT M7 86, ALEFT 8A 49, ALOFT 8A 49, FAIBLE A4 45, FOIBLE A4 45

On 7th draw, WEARS B10 49 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v]
Other moves: JAWS 11E 38, J*WS 11E 38, RAWS B8 36, REWS B8 36, ABJURE 2J 34

On 8th draw, SHERIA 3H 36 --- SHERIA the body of Islamic religious law [n]
Other moves: WASHIER D1 34, HAES L1 32, HAWSE 11E 32, HIES L1 32, RAWISH 13B 32

On 9th draw, JOINT L1 50 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JOIN L1 46, JEON C12 38, JET C12 36, JETON N1 34, JOG 2M 31

On 10th draw, LINEAGES N8 72 --- LINEAGE direct descent from an ancestor [n]
Other moves: ENSILAGE N4 65, ASSIGNEE 14A 61, STEANE L7 37, JAGS 1L 36, JIGS 1L 36
(R)EADINGS 10H 15 micmac

On 11th draw, PLONGED E5 44 --- PLONGE to plunge [v]
Other moves: JEEP 1L 39, JEED 1L 36, JETE 1L 33, PEST 15L 27, TEEP(E)E 9G 25
PEST 15L 27 micmac

On 12th draw, OUTRAVES 15G 95 --- OUTRAVE to surpass in raving [v]
Other moves: OUTRAVE G9 66, JUVE 1L 42, AVOURES 15H 33, JATO 1L 33, JEAT 1L 33

On 13th draw, ROACHING 13B 84 --- ROACH to cause to arch [v]
Other moves: JOHN 1L 42, HOING F10 37, JONG 1L 36, OHING F9 36, HANGI F10 35
COG 14E 11 micmac

On 14th draw, JUMP 1L 45 --- JUMP to spring off the ground [v]
Other moves: QUA 2F 43, OPAQUER D1 42, JAUP 1L 39, QUOPS C2 32, QUA 12G 30
AM A14 14 micmac

On 15th draw, MOTUCA N1 34 --- MOTUCA a large Brazilian fly [n]
Other moves: COTEAU 2D 26, TOUCAN 12G 26, MOTEN N1 24, MUTON N1 24, BOTA 2K 23
COAT 12L 14 micmac

On 16th draw, TANK 12A 30 --- TANK to store in a tank (a container usually for liquids) [v]
Other moves: KERVES C1 26, NARK D12 26, RANK D12 26, REAK 12L 26, TAKE 12A 26
QI M7 21 argomearns

On 17th draw, QI 12G 26 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: WIN O12 24, RIZA J5 23, ZANIER J7 23, IZAR J6 21, QI M7 21
QI M7 21 argomearns

On 18th draw, XI F10 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: VIXEN M7 48, REWAX 12K 46, NIXER M7 42, NIXIE M7 42, NIXE M7 39
VEX 9G 25 argomearns

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