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Game of February 24, 2012 at 14:53, 7 players
1. 642 pts PIThompson
2. 234 pts kellybelly
3. 232 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adnoswz   H4    52    52   zondas
 2. ?degins   5D    86   138   disponge
 3. aceimrw   4A    34   172   cream
 4. eilptuw   A1    30   202   twice
 5. adehnos   F5    72   274   sandshoe
 6. aejlopt  E11    48   322   jalop
 7. eeeinpr  15C    33   355   nipper
 8. eefhnor   2A    36   391   whereof
 9. ?abgnru   1C    43   434   banger
10. ailostv  B10    45   479   vitals
11. adgknou  D12    37   516   kadi
12. bcinotu   9H    64   580   subtonic
13. aemortu   M2    76   656   routeman
14. aegltvy   O8    45   701   acetyl
15. eilrtvx   N4    55   756   tix
16. efgiior   8A    39   795   frigid
17. eioovwy  10J    39   834   yew
18. eeloquv  11I    34   868   vele

Remaining tiles: iooquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7672 FilePIThompson  8 14:16  -226  642     1.7672 PIThompson  8 14:16  -226  642 
  2.7444 Filekellybelly  2  6:32  -634  234     2.7444 kellybelly  2  6:32  -634  234 
  3.6413 Fileannelhynz   0  5:54  -636  232            Group: intermediate
  4.6894 Fileuna         0  2:10  -768  100     1.6413 annelhynz   0  5:54  -636  232 
  5.5853 Fileworsie      0  2:41  -803   65     2.6894 una         0  2:10  -768  100 
  6.4010 Filemicmac      0  1:25  -843   25            Group: novice
  7.3917 Filedeborahre   0  1:37  -843   25     1.5853 worsie      0  2:41  -803   65 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4010 micmac      0  1:25  -843   25 
                                             2.3917 deborahre   0  1:37  -843   25 

On 1st draw, ZONDAS H4 52 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: ZONDA H4 50, ZONDAS H3 34, ZONDAS H7 34, ZONDAS H8 34, ZONDA H8 32
ZONDAS H4 52 PIThompson
DOWNS H4 22 worsie

On 2nd draw, DIS(P)ONGE 5D 86 --- DISPONGE to sprinkle [v]
Other tops: DE(P)OSING 5E 86, G(L)ENOIDS 5D 86, NEG(R)OIDS 5D 86
Other moves: AS(S)IGNED 8H 83, A(S)SIGNED 8H 83, AGENIS(E)D 8H 80, AG(E)NISED 8H 80, AG(O)NISED 8H 80
ZINGED 4H 34 PIThompson
Z(O)NED 4H 28 annelhynz
G(O)NE I3 20 worsie

On 3rd draw, CREAM 4A 34 --- CREAM to select the best from a group [v]
Other moves: AWMRIE 4J 32, WAME 4A 32, WICE 4A 32, CRAME 4B 30, CRIME 4B 30
WAME 4A 32 PIThompson
WANE I3 24 annelhynz
WARM 4K 23 worsie

On 4th draw, TWICE A1 30 --- TWICE two times [adv]
Other moves: EWT 3B 28, CLEPT A4 27, CLIPE A4 27, CLIPT A4 27, CUPEL A4 27
TWICE A1 30 PIThompson
CLIPT A4 27 annelhynz

On 5th draw, SANDSHOE F5 72 --- SANDSHOE a lightweight sneaker [n]
Other moves: SANDSHOE 9D 68, SANDSHOE 9H 67, ENDASH L3 39, DOSH 6C 38, HOAED L1 37
HANDS L1 36 PIThompson
HEADS L1 36 annelhynz
NEON I5 13 deborahre

On 6th draw, JALOP E11 48 --- JALOP a Mexican plant [n]
Other moves: JAPE E11 46, JOLTED 8A 45, JAP E11 44, JATO E11 42, JEAT E11 42
JAPE E11 46 PIThompson, una, annelhynz
POTE 11E 12 deborahre

On 7th draw, NIPPER 15C 33 --- NIPPER one that nips [n] --- NIPPER to seize together [v]
Other moves: PEENED 8A 30, PEEPER 15E 30, PEERED 8A 30, PEINED 8A 30, WEEPIER 2A 28
NIPPER 15C 33 PIThompson
PEEPER 15E 30 una
PI F14 24 annelhynz

On 8th draw, WHEREOF 2A 36 --- WHEREOF of what [adv]
Other moves: HORNED 8A 33, HOOFER 14D 32, FENI D12 30, WHEREON 2A 30, FOEHN 4K 29
FENI D12 30 PIThompson
HONE I3 24 annelhynz
HE D12 24 una

On 9th draw, BANG(E)R 1C 43 --- BANGER a sausage [n]
Other tops: BUNG(E)R 1C 43
Other moves: UNB(E)AR 1D 37, BURAN(S) B10 36, GARB(E)D 8A 36, URB(I)A 1D 34, BANG(E)D 8A 33
BRAG(S) L1 29 PIThompson
B(E)AR 1F 23 annelhynz

On 10th draw, VITALS B10 45 --- VITALS vital organs [n]
Other tops: VIOLAS B10 45
Other moves: VAILS L1 34, VALIS L1 34, VIALS L1 34, VIOLS L1 34, VITAS L1 34
VIOLAS B10 45 PIThompson

On 11th draw, KADI D12 37 --- KADI a Muslim Judge [n]
Other moves: GONAD L1 29, KOND L2 29, KUDO L3 29, KA D12 28, UNGOD L1 27
KADI D12 37 PIThompson

On 12th draw, SUBTONIC 9H 64 --- SUBTONIC a type of musical tone [n]
Other moves: CUBOID 8A 36, OUTBID 8A 36, OBTUND 8A 30, BUNCO 4K 24, ONTIC 4K 22
TUNIC 4K 22 PIThompson
BOUT 4K 16 kellybelly

On 13th draw, ROUTEMAN M2 76 --- ROUTEMAN a man who conducts business on a customary course [n]
Other moves: RECTUM O7 39, MORCEAU O6 36, ROAMED 8A 36, ACETUM O8 33, MUCATE O7 33
MACER O7 27 kellybelly, PIThompson

On 14th draw, ACETYL O8 45 --- ACETYL the radical of acetic acid [n]
Other moves: LEGACY O5 36, OVATELY L9 34, TYE 10I 33, YAE 10J 33, LACEY O7 30
YAE 10J 33 PIThompson
YA 10J 30 kellybelly

On 15th draw, TIX N4 55 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: REX N4 55, TEX N4 55
Other moves: XI N6 54, EX N5 52, VEXT N1 43, VEX N1 39, LEX N1 33
REX N4 55 PIThompson
TEX N4 55 kellybelly
BELT J9 8 micmac

On 16th draw, FRIGID 8A 39 --- FRIGID chillingly stiff [adj]
Other tops: FORGED 8A 39
Other moves: FOREGO L8 37, FOGIE L8 35, FORGE L8 35, FORGO L8 35, FRORE 2J 32
FORGE L8 35 kellybelly
FIRE O1 28 PIThompson
OF 6J 17 micmac

On 17th draw, YEW 10J 39 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other tops: YOW 10J 39, YOWIE L8 39
Other moves: WIVE O1 37, WOVE O1 37, YOWE O1 37, VIN C13 31, YE 10J 30
YOW 10J 39 kellybelly, PIThompson

On 18th draw, VELE 11I 34 --- VELE a veil [n]
Other moves: QUEY 12L 32, EVOE O1 28, LEVE O1 28, LOVE O1 28, OVEL 11H 28
VELE 11I 34 PIThompson
QUEY 12L 32 kellybelly

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