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Game of February 25, 2012 at 14:52, 2 players
1. 202 pts una
2. 33 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeeiqt   H6    28    28   qadi
 2. ?aaadiv   I3    30    58   vapid
 3. delnost   9C    63   121   lentoids
 4. ?ijmnow   4H    46   167   jawing
 5. eilorsw   D6    74   241   owleries
 6. eimostz  13B   110   351   mestizos
 7. aaegirt   8J    29   380   aigret
 8. adeinpt  12H    85   465   patined
 9. aclopru   3I    35   500   vapour
10. abeirsu   O1    39   539   busera
11. fknortu  10J    38   577   knout
12. aeeginr   5I    29   606   page
13. effiory  B10    36   642   forme
14. abeortv  15A    53   695   brave
15. eefinou  14E    29   724   ef
16. ahhmtxy  H12    48   772   poxy
17. aceinot   A6    90   862   aconite
18. cehilmy   B2    53   915   milch
19. eghlnou   A1    37   952   huge

Remaining tiles: lnoy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6929 Fileuna         2  6:21  -750  202     1.6929 una         2  6:21  -750  202 
  2.4010 Filemicmac      0  3:01  -919   33            Group: not rated
                                             1.4010 micmac      0  3:01  -919   33 

On 1st draw, QADI H6 28 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QADI H5 28, QADI H7 28, QADI H8 28, QAID H5 28, QAID H6 28, QAID H7 28, QAID H8 28
Other moves: QAT H6 24, QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24, QI H7 22, QI H8 22

On 2nd draw, VA(P)ID I3 30 --- VAPID insipid [adj]
Other tops: DIVA(S) 10D 30, VA(L)ID I3 30
Other moves: AVA(S) 10E 28, VA(S)A 10F 28, VI(S)A 10F 28, (N)AVAID I2 28, AV(O)ID I3 27

On 3rd draw, LENTOIDS 9C 63 --- LENTOID something in the shape of a lens [n]
Other moves: SOLED J6 30, SOLDE J6 28, SONDE J6 28, LOSED 10F 27, NOSED 10F 27

On 4th draw, JAWIN(G) 4H 46 --- JAW to jabber [v] --- JAWING talk [n]
Other tops: J*W*N(G) D8 46
Other moves: JAW(A)N 4H 44, JA(S)MIN 4H 44, JEWI(E) D8 44, JAM(B)O 4H 42, JE(T)ON D8 38

On 5th draw, OWLERIES D6 74 --- OWLERY a place inhabited by owls [n]
Other tops: OWLERIES D3 74
Other moves: RESOW N2 48, SLEW 8A 44, LOWSER N1 38, OWSE 10F 36, WISER N2 36

On 6th draw, MESTIZOS 13B 110 --- MESTIZO a person of mixed ancestry [n]
Other moves: MESTIZO N2 106, MESTIZO C1 105, MESTIZO 13B 56, SIZE N4 49, SEZ N4 48

On 7th draw, AIGRET 8J 29 --- AIGRET a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament [n]
Other moves: GROWLERIES D4 28, GAITER 12H 25, AGORA H11 24, GRAMA B10 24, GRAME B10 24

On 8th draw, PATINED 12H 85 --- PATINE to cover with a patina [v]
Other tops: PAINTED 12H 85
Other moves: DEPAINT 12H 81, IDANT 14E 34, APODE H11 33, PAINED 12H 33, PANDIT 12H 33

On 9th draw, VAPOUR 3I 35 --- VAPOUR mist, fume or smoke [n] --- VAPOUR to turn into vapour also VAPOR [v]
Other moves: CAPUL 11G 34, CLAMP B10 34, CLOMP B10 34, CLUMP B10 34, CRAMP B10 34

On 10th draw, BUSERA O1 39 --- BUSERA porridge made from millet [n]
Other tops: BUSIER O1 39
Other moves: ABUSER 11H 36, BASER O1 36, BURSAE N1 36, BURSAR N1 36, BUSERA 11I 34

On 11th draw, KNOUT 10J 38 --- KNOUT to flog with a leather whip [v]
Other tops: KORUN 10J 38
Other moves: KNOT 10J 35, KNUR 10J 35, KNUT 10J 35, KORU 10J 35, KON 10J 34

On 12th draw, (P)AGE 5I 29 --- PAGE to summon by calling out the name of [v]
Other moves: GROWLERIES D4 28, GERMAN B10 26, GERMEN B10 26, GERMIN B10 26, (P)ANE 5I 25

On 13th draw, FORME B10 36 --- FORME an assemblage of printing type secured in a metal frame [n]
Other tops: FERMI B10 36
Other moves: REFFO E3 32, FEY 13M 31, FOY 13M 31, IFFY C3 31, IFFY E3 31

On 14th draw, BRAVE 15A 53 --- BRAVE showing courage [adj] --- BRAVE to face with courage [v]
Other tops: BRAVO 15A 53
Other moves: TRAVE 15A 47, TROVE 15A 47, VERB 15A 47, BEVOR 15A 44, BOVATE A5 38
PORT H12 18 una

On 15th draw, EF 14E 29 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other tops: FIENT N6 29, IF 14E 29, OF 14E 29
Other moves: EF N5 28, FEEN A8 28, FENI 13K 28, FOEN A8 28, FOIN A8 28
FINE A7 26 una

On 16th draw, POXY H12 48 --- POXY afflicted with a pox [adj]
Other moves: TAX 13K 42, AX 13L 38, MAX 13M 35, MAX E4 33, HAH 13M 31
TAX 13K 42 una

On 17th draw, ACONITE A6 90 --- ACONITE a poisonous herb [n]
Other moves: ACONITE A4 85, TACONITE F3 64, ACETIN A6 31, ACTION A6 31, CATION A6 31
CANTO A6 26 una

On 18th draw, MILCH B2 53 --- MILCH giving milk [adj]
Other moves: LIMEY B2 49, CHYME E3 39, CHYME B2 38, CHYLE B2 34, MICHE E3 34
MILCH B2 53 una
LIMEY C2 25 micmac

On 19th draw, HUGE A1 37 --- HUGE very large [adj]
Other moves: HOLE A1 33, HULE A1 33, INGLE 11D 29, EH 11H 28, EH N5 28
HUGE A1 37 una
OHO 6D 8 micmac

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