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Game of February 26, 2012 at 04:31, 1 player
1. 280 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dfopuw   H7    34    34   upflow
 2. abeltuu   I5    20    54   lutea
 3. aadenpr   J6    43    97   parade
 4. aeelnwx  K10    43   140   axle
 5. acdderv   8H    48   188   pervaded
 6. emnnort  11A    70   258   nonmetro
 7. eeosstt   F8    62   320   sestetto
 8. ahiorrs  13C    40   360   airths
 9. ?cceeiv   O1   107   467   creviced
10. iklmost   8A    51   518   milkos
11. aeghnsz   H1    74   592   senza
12. adgiloo   L8    38   630   algoid
13. aeeoruy  10B    37   667   yours
14. ahnorty  15D    48   715   hooray
15. beinott   1A    83   798   bottines
16. aefgnqu   E3    32   830   quango
17. eiiinrw   2J    32   862   wirier
18. bfgiijn   N7    33   895   benj

Remaining tiles: fgii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6505 FileZweep       0  7:13  -615  280     1.6505 Zweep       0  7:13  -615  280 

On 1st draw, UPF(L)OW H7 34 --- UPFLOW to flow up [v]
Other moves: UPF(L)OW H3 32, FO(L)DUP H4 30, FO(L)DUP H7 28, POUF(E)D H4 28, UPFO(L)D H3 28

On 2nd draw, LUTEA I5 20 --- LUTEUM a hormone-secreting body [n]
Other moves: TAE I7 18, TEA I7 18, ABET I10 17, BEAUT I11 17, TABLE G11 17

On 3rd draw, PARADE J6 43 --- PARADE to march in a public procession [v]
Other moves: PANDAR J6 42, PANDER J6 42, PANED J6 42, PARED J6 42, PADRE J6 41

On 4th draw, AXLE K10 43 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n]
Other tops: AXEL K10 43
Other moves: AXE K10 41, AX K10 39, EX K10 39, WAXEN G11 33, WEXE I11 33

On 5th draw, PERVADED 8H 48 --- PERVADE to spread through every part of [v]
Other moves: PERVADER 8H 45, CARVE H1 44, CRAVE H1 44, DRAVE H1 41, CARVED 14F 33

On 6th draw, NONMETRO 11A 70 --- NONMETRO not metropolitan [adj]
Other moves: MONTE H1 26, MORNE H1 26, TONEARM L4 24, MONTANE L4 22, OMEN L12 22

On 7th draw, SESTETTO F8 62 --- SESTETTO a group of six [n]
Other tops: SESTETTO F5 62, SESTETTO F6 62
Other moves: SESTET 14I 28, TESTES 13C 28, TESTES 14I 28, TSETSE 14J 28, OSTENTS A7 24

On 8th draw, AIRTHS 13C 40 --- AIRTH to guide [v]
Other moves: HOARS L10 39, ROSHIS 8A 39, SHOORA 15C 39, HOAR L10 37, HOARS 10B 37

On 9th draw, C(R)EVICED O1 107 --- CREVICE a cleft [adj] --- CREVICED having a crevice [adj]
Other moves: COE(R)CIVE 15E 95, CO(N)CEIVE 15E 95, V(A)CCINEE A6 95, C(R)EVICED M1 82, CEVIC(H)E E2 78
VOICE 15E 30 Zweep

On 10th draw, MILKOS 8A 51 --- MILKO a man who sells or delivers milk [n]
Other moves: SK*M*S 8A 45, STINKO A8 45, LOOKISM 15D 42, MISTOOK 15A 42, MISTOOK 15B 42
STINK A8 42 Zweep

On 11th draw, SENZA H1 74 --- SENZA without [prep]
Other moves: ZEA 10B 69, ZA 10B 64, GAZONS 15C 51, AZONS 15D 45, NAZES A11 45
ZONES 15E 42 Zweep

On 12th draw, ALGOID L8 38 --- ALGOID resembling algae [adj]
Other moves: GOOLD L10 35, GOAD L10 34, GOOD L10 34, DOOL L10 31, GOAL L10 31
DIAL 14K 23 Zweep

On 13th draw, YOURS 10B 37 --- YOURS a possessive form of the pronoun you [pron]
Other tops: YEARS 10B 37
Other moves: YAE 10B 33, YEA 10B 33, YOU 10B 33, AYE 10A 31, AYU 10A 31
OYER 15F 21 Zweep

On 14th draw, HOORAY 15D 48 --- HOORAY to hurrah [v]
Other moves: HOOTY 15D 45, NTH M11 40, THORNY 15D 39, HOORAY 15E 36, THY M12 35
HOOTY 15D 45 Zweep

On 15th draw, BOTTINES 1A 83 --- BOTTINE a high boot [n]
Other moves: BETTO(R) 2J 26, BITTE(R) 2J 26, BITTO(R) 2J 26, BONIE(R) 2J 26, ONE M10 23
NOB 14A 14 Zweep

On 16th draw, QUANGO E3 32 --- QUANGO a public administrative board [n]
Other moves: EQUAL 5E 28, FAE 2B 26, GAUFE(R) 2J 26, QUA 14A 26, EF 2A 24
QUA 14A 26 Zweep

On 17th draw, WIRIE(R) 2J 32 --- WIRY resembling wire [adj]
Other tops: WINIE(R) 2J 32
Other moves: IWI 2A 28, REWIND M3 22, WE 2B 22, WINNER 6B 19, IRE F3 18
IN F3 15 Zweep

On 18th draw, BENJ N7 33 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: JIBING M1 32, JINNI 6B 30, JIB 14A 28, JINN 6B 27, FRIB L1 26
JIG M1 22 Zweep

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