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Game of February 26, 2012 at 10:37, 3 players
1. 181 pts tobysgirl
2. 106 pts jimbo
3. 11 pts ZEHAVARON

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelnrtt   H8    66    66   trental
 2. aaceeor  11E    36   102   corneae
 3. ?dioopr  15H   101   203   sporoid
 4. acdlort  13G    80   283   cartload
 5. defhikr  N10    46   329   kidded
 6. ?eirtwx   O8    50   379   writes
 7. aeilsuw  14H    33   412   law
 8. ailssuv   M4    69   481   visuals
 9. behnotz  10F    65   546   zee
10. abefgvy   4K    40   586   bevvy
11. aadghin  12C    35   621   agha
12. beiopru   O1    36   657   upbye
13. eghinst   8D    63   720   shetting
14. deiinno  13A    29   749   indie
15. afmnosu  A12    33   782   fino
16. gimrtux   7I    36   818   xu
17. eimnoos   5E    94   912   noisome
18. aaegmru   H1    33   945   grams
19. aefinqt   2D    37   982   faqir
20. ejnotuy   1A    59  1041   enjoy

Remaining tiles: ltu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  Filetobysgirl   0 17:53  -860  181     1.6057 jimbo       0  4:27  -935  106 
  2.6057 Filejimbo       0  4:27  -935  106            Group: not rated
  3.3914 FileZEHAVARON   0  0:42 -1030   11     1.  -  tobysgirl   0 17:53  -860  181 
                                             2.3914 ZEHAVARON   0  0:42 -1030   11 

On 1st draw, TRENTAL H8 66 --- TRENTAL a series of thirty requiem masses [n]
Other tops: TRENTAL H2 66, TRENTAL H3 66, TRENTAL H4 66, TRENTAL H6 66, TRENTAL H7 66
Other moves: TRENTAL H5 64, ALTERN H3 14, ALTERN H4 14, ALTERN H7 14, ALTERN H8 14
LEARNT H7 14 tobysgirl

On 2nd draw, CORNEAE 11E 36 --- CORNEA a part of the eye [n]
Other moves: AREAE G9 19, ACERATE 12C 18, OCREATE 12C 18, OCREAE G5 17, ANCORA 11G 16
CAREER 9F 10 tobysgirl

On 3rd draw, (S)POROID 15H 101 --- SPOROID resembling a spore [adj]
Other moves: DROOPIL(Y) 14B 82, PARO(T)OID 13G 78, PRO(S)ODIC E4 74, DROOPIE(R) K5 70, D(R)OOPIER K5 70

On 4th draw, CARTLOAD 13G 80 --- CARTLOAD as much as a cart can hold [n]
Other moves: CARTLOAD 13B 78, CARTLOAD J5 65, DOCTORAL F7 65, CARLOAD 13G 28, CARLOAD 13C 26
ORDEAL K8 7 tobysgirl

On 5th draw, KIDDED N10 46 --- KID to tease [v]
Other moves: KEEF 10F 44, KEFIR 10J 42, KHI 10J 41, KHI 12L 40, KERF 10J 39
HIKER 9D 13 tobysgirl

On 6th draw, WRITE(S) O8 50 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other moves: (A)XITE O8 48, W(A)X 14J 46, W(O)X 14J 46, EXIT O8 41, W(E)ETER 10F 40

On 7th draw, LAW 14H 33 --- LAW low [adj] --- LAW to take a complaint to court for settlement [v]
Other tops: LEW 14H 33
Other moves: WAE 10F 29, WEE 10F 29, LEW 12J 28, WADE 12L 28, TAILS 12H 23
WILES M6 17 tobysgirl

On 8th draw, VISUALS M4 69 --- VISUAL something that illustrates by pictures of diagrams [n]
Other moves: VISUALS G2 64, SUASIVE K5 20, LAVS M7 19, LUVS M7 19, SALIVA J6 19
VAILS M6 17 tobysgirl

On 9th draw, ZEE 10F 65 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZO 10J 64, BONZE L5 57, ZHO 12D 39, BEENTO 10F 36, BONZA J7 36
HOVE 4K 20 tobysgirl

On 10th draw, BEVVY 4K 40 --- BEVVY an alcoholic drink [n] --- BEVVY to engage in a drinking session [v]
Other moves: FY 10J 34, BYDE 12L 33, BEVVY 4J 32, BY 10J 28, FA 10J 28
FAVES 6I 13 tobysgirl

On 11th draw, AGHA 12C 35 --- AGHA a Turkish military officer [n]
Other moves: AHA 12D 31, AGHA L6 28, HA 10J 28, HADE 12L 28, ANIGH 12A 27

On 12th draw, UPBYE O1 36 --- UPBYE a little farther on [adv]
Other moves: UPBY O1 33, PIOYE O1 30, BOI 13C 29, UPBORE 5F 28, BREY O1 27

On 13th draw, SHETTING 8D 63 --- SHET to shut [v]
Other tops: TIGHTENS 8D 63
Other moves: HIE 13C 33, HE 10J 28, GHI 13B 27, HINGE 5G 26, STENGAH C7 26
BEGINS K4 18 tobysgirl

On 14th draw, INDIE 13A 29 --- INDIE an independent record company [n]
Other moves: DIE 13C 25, DOE 13C 25, ONIE 13B 23, IODINE 5F 22, ONDINE 5F 22
DINES D4 12 tobysgirl

On 15th draw, FINO A12 33 --- FINO a very dry sherry [n]
Other tops: FINS A12 33
Other moves: AMINO A11 30, AMINS A11 30, FUSION A10 30, FOAMS 7C 29, SOFA 14C 29

On 16th draw, XU 7I 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: XI 7I 36
Other moves: XU N1 35, MIXUP 2K 32, MIXTE F4 30, REMIX L3 29, MIREX L1 26

On 17th draw, NOISOME 5E 94 --- NOISOME disgusting; harmful [adj]
Other tops: ISONOME 5E 94
Other moves: MONOSIES D1 76, ISONOMES D1 72, MOONIEST G1 62, MOOSE 6J 26, MOSSO 6J 26
MOOSE 5G 22 tobysgirl
SONS 6J 11 jimbo

On 18th draw, GRAMS H1 33 --- GRAM a unit of mass and weight [n]
Other tops: GAUMS H1 33, GERMS H1 33, GEUMS H1 33
Other moves: ARUMS H1 30, GARUM 6B 30, MARGS H1 30, REAMS H1 30, REGMA 4D 30
GRAM 6C 25 jimbo
OGRE 15A 6 tobysgirl

On 19th draw, FAQIR 2D 37 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: AFT 6E 31, EFT 6E 31, NIEF 6C 30, NEF 6D 29, TEF 6D 29
QAT 4D 28 jimbo
QUA 7L 12 tobysgirl

On 20th draw, ENJOY 1A 59 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: JO 10J 52, JETON 1A 47, JUNTO 4A 42, JUTE 1A 42, ENJOY 6B 40
JUTE 1A 42 jimbo

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