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Game of February 27, 2012 at 05:41, 1 player
1. 444 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ainnooz   H6    26    26   zona
 2. afhrstu   G7    39    65   hafts
 3. aeiiort   I5    35   100   oater
 4. aaeiorr  11E    28   128   rosaria
 5. aemrsuw   J2    38   166   warms
 6. eeinrtv   E4    72   238   inverter
 7. ceelnot  H11    30   268   acton
 8. eflouvw   8A    36   304   vower
 9. ?dgopsu   3G    82   386   podargus
10. adeijsu  12A    54   440   jedis
11. ?dehnty   B7    84   524   youthened
12. adiilrt   N1    72   596   distrail
13. aabgiou  A12    54   650   juba
14. eillnoy   O8    42   692   onely
15. begmnuu   1L    30   722   bedu
16. aceeglm   D1    34   756   clame
17. eiklpqx  10J    42   798   kex
18. efiilnq  N10    35   833   feni
19. eiilopu   1D    30   863   couple

Remaining tiles: ggiiiq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5152 Filespellcheck  0 20:15  -419  444     1.5152 spellcheck  0 20:15  -419  444 

On 1st draw, ZONA H6 26 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other tops: AZON H5 26, AZON H6 26, AZON H7 26, AZON H8 26, NAZI H5 26, NAZI H6 26, NAZI H7 26, NAZI H8 26, ZONA H5 26, ZONA H7 26, ZONA H8 26, ZOON H5 26, ZOON H6 26, ZOON H7 26, ZOON H8 26
Other moves: AZO H6 24, AZO H7 24, AZO H8 24, ZIN H6 24, ZIN H7 24
ZIN H6 24 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, HAFTS G7 39 --- HAFT to supply with a handle [v]
Other moves: FAHS I7 38, HAFT G7 38, FAH I7 37, FAH I5 33, SURAH I3 33
SHAFT 9F 19 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, OATER I5 35 --- OATER a cowboy movie [n]
Other tops: OATER I6 35, ROATE I5 35
Other moves: IRATE I4 27, ORATE I4 27, ROATE I4 27, IOTA I5 26, RAIT I5 26
ZERO 6H 15 spellcheck

On 4th draw, ROSARIA 11E 28 --- ROSARIUM a rose garden [n]
Other moves: IRATE 10D 21, ORATE 10D 21, ROATE 10D 21, RATE 10E 20, RITE 10E 20
ROARS 11C 10 spellcheck

On 5th draw, WARMS J2 38 --- WARM to raise the temperature [v]
Other moves: SEMIRAW J8 37, AWARE H11 36, SEW J6 36, WAMES J2 36, WAMUS J2 36
AMUSE H11 30 spellcheck

On 6th draw, INVERTER E4 72 --- INVERTER one that inverts [n]
Other moves: INVERTER E7 61, AVERT H11 36, AVINE H11 36, VEINER L8 34, VEINER 12A 30
WIVER 2J 22 spellcheck

On 7th draw, ACTON H11 30 --- ACTON a stuffed jacket [n]
Other moves: CLONE L8 28, CTENE L8 28, CENTO D1 26, CLOTE D1 26, CONTE D1 26
ONCER 8A 24 spellcheck

On 8th draw, VOWER 8A 36 --- VOWER one that vows [n]
Other tops: WOEFUL F10 36
Other moves: WOFUL F10 35, WOLVE F10 35, FOULE F10 32, FOWL D1 32, FOWL F10 32
LOVER 8A 27 spellcheck

On 9th draw, PODA(R)GUS 3G 82 --- PODARGUS a type of bird [n]
Other moves: POSTD(R)UG 13E 64, PODA(R)GUS K8 61, PODG(E)S 1E 38, POS(E)D 1H 38, PUDG(E)S 1E 38
PODG(E)S 1E 38 spellcheck

On 10th draw, JEDIS 12A 54 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JADES 12A 54, JUDAS 12A 54
Other moves: JUDIES 1E 53, JADES 1F 50, JEDIS 1F 50, JUDAS 1F 50, JUDS 1G 47
JUDIES 1E 53 spellcheck

On 11th draw, YO(U)THENED B7 84 --- YOUTHEN to make youthful [v]
Other moves: TH(R)ENODY 14C 74, TH(R)ENODY B3 74, HUNTED(L)Y M2 70, THUNDE(R)Y M1 64, HYNDE(S) 1E 46
JED(I) A12 33 spellcheck

On 12th draw, DISTRAIL N1 72 --- DISTRAIL an airplane's clear wake through cloud [n]
Other moves: IRID 4L 24, DIGITAL L1 22, ALOD H1 21, ANI 13A 21, DA A14 21
ADD 15A 15 spellcheck

On 13th draw, JUBA A12 54 --- JUBA a lively dance [n]
Other moves: JIAO A12 46, ADAGIO 15A 30, BUDA 1L 30, BUDI 1L 30, BUDO 1L 30
AGO H1 12 spellcheck

On 14th draw, ONELY O8 42 --- ONELY standing alone [adj]
Other moves: LINEY 4D 37, YODE 1L 36, NOILY O6 34, YELL 8L 33, YILL 8L 33
LOLLY 8K 27 spellcheck

On 15th draw, BEDU 1L 30 --- BEDU a nomadic Arab [n]
Other tops: MENG N10 30
Other moves: MENU N10 29, BEN N10 28, EUMUNG L7 28, MEN N10 28, BUNDE 1K 27
BUNGY 12K 26 spellcheck

On 16th draw, CLAME D1 34 --- CLAME a call [n]
Other moves: CALM D1 30, CLAM D1 30, CLEM D1 30, GLOM H1 30, MACLE D1 30
GAOL H1 18 spellcheck

On 17th draw, KEX 10J 42 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other tops: KELPIE 10J 42
Other moves: EX 4G 38, KELP 10J 38, KEPI 10J 38, KEP 10J 37, KEX N12 37
PIXEL J10 22 spellcheck

On 18th draw, FENI N10 35 --- FENI an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts [n]
Other moves: FEN N10 34, FE N10 28, FLIC 1A 27, FLOE H1 24, FLEW C5 23
FIX L8 17 spellcheck

On 19th draw, COUPLE 1D 30 --- COUPLE to unite in pairs [v]
Other tops: OILCUP 1A 30
Other moves: CLIPE 1D 27, COUPE 1D 27, CUPEL 1D 27, LOOP H1 27, LOWP C6 25
PULL 2B 12 spellcheck

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