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Game of February 28, 2012 at 03:37, 3 players
1. 498 pts susieq8182
2. 161 pts victor
3. 39 pts Pattycake.

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelmnot   H8    74    74   telamon
 2. ?aceino  15C   110   184   acinose
 3. beefiry  13G    40   224   forebye
 4. ?aiiloo  14J    29   253   aioli
 5. ?deknos  11D    98   351   unsoaked
 6. aijoruv  12A    40   391   jour
 7. abelmrw  A12    45   436   jamb
 8. aeglrst   O9    86   522   largest
 9. aeglnor  B10    30   552   grone
10. aehlsuu   N8    36   588   lehua
11. inorsty   J4    65   653   tyrosine
12. adeiotv   6C    64   717   deviator
13. deeopsu   4H    78   795   outspeed
14. eghinru   O1    36   831   herding
15. aditvww   2J    28   859   dawtie
16. acfitwx   3G    44   903   fix
17. acqtuwz   M7    51   954   caz
18. ipqtuvw   1H    52  1006   quip

Remaining tiles: tvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7159 Filesusieq8182  3 19:24  -508  498     1.7159 susieq8182  3 19:24  -508  498 
  2.5427 Filevictor      0  4:56  -845  161            Group: novice
  3.  -  FilePattycake.  0  5:29  -967   39     1.5427 victor      0  4:56  -845  161 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Pattycake.  0  5:29  -967   39 

On 1st draw, TELAMON H8 74 --- TELAMON a male figure used as a supporting column [n]
Other tops: LOMENTA H2 74, OMENTAL H3 74
Other moves: LOMENTA H3 70, LOMENTA H4 70, LOMENTA H6 70, LOMENTA H7 70, LOMENTA H8 70

On 2nd draw, ACINO(S)E 15C 110 --- ACINOSE relating to a sacklike division of a gland [adj] --- ACINUS a small sacklike division of a gland [adj]
Other moves: CANOEI(S)T 8A 80, ENAC(T)ION 14G 80, TACONI(T)E 8H 80, COENO(B)IA 13G 76, ACINO(S)E I6 74
ICE 9F 8 Pattycake.

On 3rd draw, FOREBYE 13G 40 --- FOREBYE close by [prep]
Other moves: FIBER I9 37, FEY G11 31, BEY G11 29, BEY I11 29, FEY G9 29
RIFE G7 25 susieq8182
BEEFY 9G 17 Pattycake.

On 4th draw, AIOLI 14J 29 --- AIOLI garlic mayonnaise [n]
Other tops: AIOLI(S) 14J 29
Other moves: AIOL(I) 14J 27, AIO(L)I 14J 26, AI(O)LI 14J 26, A(I)OLI 14J 26, LOO(F)A 14J 26
OY L12 10 susieq8182
TAILO(R) 8H 6 Pattycake.

On 5th draw, (U)NSOAKED 11D 98 --- SOAK to saturate thoroughly in liquid [adj] --- UNSOAKED not soaked [adj]
Other moves: DONKE(Y)S O8 92, DO(C)KENS O8 92, NO(N)SKED G3 76, NO(N)SKED I3 76, SLOKEN(E)D 10G 76
KOS(S) O12 42 victor
DONKE(Y)S O8 42 susieq8182
LENDS 10H 8 Pattycake.

On 6th draw, JOUR 12A 40 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other moves: JARVIE J6 34, OUIJA 10K 31, RAJ 14A 29, JAVA C12 28, JURA 12B 26
RAJ 14A 29 susieq8182
JA 14B 20 victor

On 7th draw, JAMB A12 45 --- JAMB to jam [v]
Other moves: WEAMB 10J 42, WAMBLE 10J 39, WARBLE 10J 37, WEMB 10J 35, WALER 10J 34
JAMB A12 45 susieq8182
YOW L13 13 victor

On 8th draw, LARGEST O9 86 --- LARGE of considerable size or quantity [adj]
Other moves: LARGEST G3 66, GALORE B9 28, GAROTE B9 28, GAST O12 27, GEST O12 27
LARGEST O9 36 susieq8182
GAST O12 27 victor

On 9th draw, GRONE B10 30 --- GRONE to utter a low mournful sound [v]
Other moves: GALORE B9 28, ORGONE B9 28, AGONE B10 26, ALONE B10 24, ANOLE B10 24
GNARLED K5 18 susieq8182
GOAL N7 13 victor

On 10th draw, LEHUA N8 36 --- LEHUA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: SELAH N6 33, HAES 10J 31, HALE 10J 31, HAUL 10J 31, HEAL 10J 31
HALE 10J 31 victor
EH N9 28 susieq8182

On 11th draw, TYROSINE J4 65 --- TYROSINE an amino acid [n]
Other moves: YIN 10J 30, YON 10J 30, YOS 10J 30, YO 10J 29, NOISY G5 24
YON 10J 30 susieq8182

On 12th draw, DEVIATOR 6C 64 --- DEVIATOR one that deviates [n]
Other moves: DATIVE M3 30, DOVIE K1 30, VIDEO K1 30, OVATED 4G 28, VATTED 4H 28
VITAE K1 28 susieq8182
VETO C7 15 victor

On 13th draw, OUTSPEED 4H 78 --- OUTSPEED to go faster than [v]
Other moves: DOUSE K3 39, PEES K3 37, DESPOT H1 36, DEES K3 35, DEUS K3 35
OUTSPEED 4H 28 susieq8182

On 14th draw, HERDING O1 36 --- HERD to bring together in a herd (a group of animals) [v]
Other moves: HERDING C3 30, HINDER O1 30, HURDEN O1 30, NEIGH M3 26, REHUNG 3C 25
HERDING O1 36 susieq8182

On 15th draw, DAWTIE 2J 28 --- DAWTIE a small pet [n]
Other tops: DATIVE 2J 28
Other moves: DIVA A7 27, VAWTED D2 26, WAIVED D2 26, ADAW G6 25, AW N1 25
DIVA A7 27 susieq8182

On 16th draw, FIX 3G 44 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: FAIX 3F 42, FIXATE D1 40, TIX 3G 38, WAIF 1H 38, TAXI 1G 36
TAXI 1G 36 susieq8182

On 17th draw, CAZ M7 51 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other moves: ZA M9 49, QUAT 1H 44, QUA 1H 39, QUA A8 39, AQUA G6 29
QUATE D2 28 susieq8182

On 18th draw, QUIP 1H 52 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other moves: QUIT 1H 44, QI 2F 36, PIQUET D2 34, PIQUE D2 32, QUEP D4 30
QUIP 1H 52 susieq8182

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