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Game sheet of jaijack1 (file), Game of February 28, 2012 at 08:58

Word find
Word played
1 ?ABIITV VITA(L) H8 14 -14 14 1/1 VIBI(S)T H4 28 28 1/1
2 ABEMOTU BEA(S)T 8E 6 -86 20 1/1 OUTBEAM(S) 8A 92 120 1/1
3 ACEORRV RECOVER E7 24 -56 44 1/1 CAVORTER C3 80 200 1/1
4 ?ACDPRS PADRES E4 18 -80 62 1/1 SC(O)REPAD E4 98 298 1/1
5 EFILNRU             FLUORINE A5 62 360 1/2
6 AAEGISS             ASSEGAI 12D 83 443 1/3
7 AEEMRTT             MESETA F10 29 472 1/4
8 DEEHNOX             HOAXED 15D 63 535 2/4
9 AENOPQT             QAT 11J 35 570 2/4
10 DLNNOSU             UNSOLD 13H 34 604 2/4
11 EEFIORT             FERTILE L8 28 632 3/4
12 LNOOOTW             ONFLOW 8J 36 668 3/4
13 EJNORTY             YRENT 15K 39 707 3/4
14 AEIILNY             YA D4 30 737 3/4
15 DGILNOZ             ZOOID N6 39 776 3/4
16 AEGGKNW             WAKE 14A 27 803 3/4
17 EGGIILO             OI 15A 23 826 3/4
18 GHINPTU             HIPT 7G 29 855 3/4
19 GGIJNNU             JINNI 5G 24 879 3/4

Total: 62/879 or -817 for 7.053%
Rank: -

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