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Game of February 28, 2012 at 09:44, 2 players
1. 285 pts charmz
2. 223 pts tobysgirl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehlmov   H4    32    32   hoved
 2. looprst   3C    35    67   troops
 3. ?aeiluy   2B    49   116   mealy
 4. abcioru   1A    45   161   carb
 5. ahiostw   4D    36   197   sow
 6. adegimn   7F    67   264   adeeming
 7. aekostx   8A    47   311   atokes
 8. chilqru   6B    61   372   quich
 9. ?degjtw   K5    44   416   twinged
10. befgity  J10    39   455   begift
11. deenrtu  13G    72   527   retinued
12. aeiilno  15G    24   551   elation
13. aefilmo  12D    35   586   fleam
14. aeijorx   L1    56   642   jaxie
15. iiiopsz   I9    35   677   poz
16. ainorsu   M1    39   716   aris
17. aenortu   A8    77   793   aeronaut
18. iiinruy   9C    27   820   yin
19. iilnruv   1L    33   853   jail

Remaining tiles: inruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6615 Filecharmz      0 10:32  -568  285     1.6615 charmz      0 10:32  -568  285 
  2.3293 Filetobysgirl   0 14:19  -630  223            Group: not rated
                                             1.3293 tobysgirl   0 14:19  -630  223 

On 1st draw, HOVED H4 32 --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: HOMED H4 30, HOVEL H4 30, HOVED H8 28, MOVED H4 28, HOLED H4 26
HOVED H6 24 tobysgirl

On 2nd draw, TROOPS 3C 35 --- TROOP to move or gather in crowds [v]
Other tops: ORLOPS 3C 35
Other moves: POORTS 3C 31, ROTOLOS 5E 28, PORTHOS 4D 24, LOOPS 3D 23, ROOPS 3D 23
SPOOR 3H 23 tobysgirl

On 3rd draw, (M)EALY 2B 49 --- MEALY soft, dry, and friable [adj]
Other tops: (B)IALY 2B 49, (V)EALY 2B 49
Other moves: LEA(D)Y 2B 48, LEA(K)Y 2B 48, LEA(N)Y 2B 48, EA(S)Y 2C 32, E(E)LY 2C 32
YA G7 21 charmz

On 4th draw, CARB 1A 45 --- CARB a carburetor [n]
Other tops: CURB 1A 45
Other moves: COB 4D 35, CRAB 4A 35, CUB 4D 35, BRU 4D 29, CRU 4D 29
COB 1A 27 charmz, tobysgirl

On 5th draw, SOW 4D 36 --- SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed [v]
Other moves: HAWS G7 30, HAWS I7 30, HOWS G7 30, HOWS I7 30, HAW G7 29
HOWS G7 30 charmz
AVOWS 6G 19 tobysgirl

On 6th draw, ADEEMING 7F 67 --- ADEEM to take away [v]
Other moves: ADEEMING 7E 66, MENO 5E 34, ME 5E 30, EMODIN 5F 28, HAMING 4H 24
MEND G7 21 charmz
GAVE 6F 12 tobysgirl

On 7th draw, ATOKES 8A 47 --- ATOKE a sexless part of some worms [n]
Other moves: KETO 5E 42, STEAK 6B 37, ATOK 6C 34, SOAK 6C 34, TASK 6C 34

On 8th draw, QUICH 6B 61 --- QUICH to stir [v]
Other moves: QUICH K5 38, CHIV 6E 37, LURCH 6B 34, LICH 6C 31, RICH 6C 31
QUICH K5 38 charmz

On 9th draw, TWI(N)GED K5 44 --- TWINGE to affect with a sharp pain [v]
Other tops: TWIG(G)ED K5 44, TWI(G)GED K5 44
Other moves: J*WiNG L3 36, W(A)DT 9C 35, J*W*nG K4 32, JOWED 5G 32, JOW(L)ED 5G 32
JOWED 5G 32 charmz
EJE(C)T E8 22 tobysgirl

On 10th draw, BEGIFT J10 39 --- BEGIFT to present with gifts [v]
Other moves: BEIGY J10 38, BEFIT 9A 37, FEY J10 33, FIB J10 32, BEFIT J10 31
FEY J10 33 charmz
BEIGE 10J 16 tobysgirl

On 11th draw, RETINUED 13G 72 --- RETINUE a group of attendants [adj] --- RETINUED having a retinue [adj]
Other tops: REUNITED 13F 72
Other moves: DENTURE 15G 27, NETTED 15G 27, NUTTED 15G 27, RENTED 15G 27, RETTED 15G 27
DENTURE 15G 27 charmz

On 12th draw, ELATION 15G 24 --- ELATION a feeling of great joy [n]
Other tops: ETIOLIN 15I 24
Other moves: KAOLINE D8 22, ENTAIL 15H 21, ENTOIL 15H 21, LATINO 15H 21, LINTIE 15G 21
LODEN N11 12 charmz

On 13th draw, FLEAM 12D 35 --- FLEAM a lancet for bleeding horses [n]
Other moves: FOAM 14L 33, FLAME L1 30, FAIL 14L 29, FEAL 14L 29, FOAL 14L 29
FOLD N10 16 tobysgirl
ME 12M 11 charmz

On 14th draw, JAXIE L1 56 --- JAXIE the posterior [n]
Other moves: JAXIE 11A 47, EXO 9B 43, XI 9C 40, RAX 9A 39, REX 9A 39
FOX D12 13 tobysgirl

On 15th draw, POZ I9 35 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: ZOA 2J 32, POZ 12M 31, ZO K2 31, ZOS I9 31, ZAPS 2K 30
POX 3J 12 tobysgirl

On 16th draw, ARIS M1 39 --- ARIS (Cockney slang) arse [n]
Other tops: ANIS M1 39, ANUS M1 39, ONUS M1 39
Other moves: ANI M1 35, AINS M2 33, JARS 1L 33, JIAO 1L 33, JINS 1L 33
JARS 1L 33 charmz, tobysgirl

On 17th draw, AERONAUT A8 77 --- AERONAUT one who operates an airship [n]
Other moves: JANE 1L 33, JATO 1L 33, ORANT 9B 26, ROATE 9C 25, RONTE 9C 25

On 18th draw, YIN 9C 27 --- YIN the feminine passive principle in Chinese cosmology [n]
Other moves: YIN B12 23, AIRY 13A 22, NURDY N10 22, RINDY N10 22, UNARY 2J 20
URINE M9 6 tobysgirl

On 19th draw, JAIL 1L 33 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other tops: JARL 1L 33
Other moves: RUIN B11 18, VILD N10 16, RIN 14M 15, URARI 2J 14, URN B12 14

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