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Game of February 28, 2012 at 15:09, 6 players
1. 508 pts pandora1._
2. 503 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 468 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeghmot   H4    26    26   metho
 2. aeerwyz   4H    38    64   mazey
 3. cdeirsu   9F    75   139   discure
 4. ?aeeipw   8L    48   187   weep
 5. ?eeiino   6B    61   248   erionite
 6. adjoost   5E    47   295   jade
 7. aglnovy   5J    32   327   along
 8. beiopsv   7E    30   357   bish
 9. ?eginru   O8    83   440   persuing
10. aefforu   8A    58   498   ruffe
11. acnortv  14J    28   526   canton
12. adlmoot   M7    27   553   medal
13. adeiklo  11F    76   629   keloidal
14. aeoorst  12I    30   659   roots
15. ainotuw  12B    26   685   outwin
16. abeqtxy  C11    34   719   quyte
17. aaegiis   6B    24   743   erionites
18. aeinpvx  15A    63   806   apex
19. aelnrrv  14C    20   826   tavern
20. aghirtv   B1    24   850   thrive

Remaining tiles: abgil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6534 Filepandora1._  4 18:52  -342  508     1.7027 sunshine12  2 11:23  -516  334 
  2.6813 FileGLOBEMAN    4 17:13  -347  503            Group: intermediate
  3.5943 Fileargomearns  3 21:36  -382  468     1.6534 pandora1._  4 18:52  -342  508 
  4.  -  Filegene49      3 21:04  -406  444     2.6813 GLOBEMAN    4 17:13  -347  503 
  5.7027 Filesunshine12  2 11:23  -516  334            Group: novice
  6.5778 Filetonikay     0  1:46  -833   17     1.5943 argomearns  3 21:36  -382  468 
                                             2.5778 tonikay     0  1:46  -833   17 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  gene49      3 21:04  -406  444 

On 1st draw, METHO H4 26 --- METHO (colloquial) methylated spirits [n]
Other moves: GEMOTE H4 22, METHO H8 22, THEME H4 22, THEME H8 22, GEMOT H4 20
THEME H4 22 gene49
THEME H8 22 argomearns
HOME H5 18 pandora1._

On 2nd draw, MAZEY 4H 38 --- MAZEY dizzy [adj]
Other moves: WAREZ 5E 34, ZETA 6F 33, MAZER 4H 32, RAZEE G1 30, RAZEE I1 30
MAZEY 4H 38 argomearns
ZA G8 23 pandora1._
WEARY 5G 22 gene49

On 3rd draw, DISCURE 9F 75 --- DISCURE to find out [v]
Other moves: CRUISED 9B 74, DECURIES 5B 74, DISCURE 9H 74, CRUISED 9D 73, DECURIES K3 72
CRUISED 5C 23 gene49
DICE 9H 20 argomearns
REDS 5K 19 pandora1._

On 4th draw, WEEP 8L 48 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other tops: WIPE 8L 48
Other moves: WAP(S) 8L 45, WA(R)P 8L 45, WA(S)P 8L 45, WEP(T) 8L 45, WE(E)P 8L 45
WIPE 8L 48 gene49, GLOBEMAN
(S)WIPE M9 28 argomearns
PEA 10J 25 pandora1._

On 5th draw, E(R)IONITE 6B 61 --- ERIONITE a type of mineral [n]
Other moves: (M)EIONITE 6B 59, O(L)EINE 5J 28, ONE 5J 26, ONE(R) 5J 26, ONE(S) 5J 26
ONE 5J 26 pandora1._, GLOBEMAN
NEE(D) 10J 17 argomearns
ONE(S) M6 14 gene49

On 6th draw, JADE 5E 47 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JA 5E 38, JO 5E 38, DOJOS 5K 37, DOJO 10L 35, DOJO 5K 35
JADE 5E 47 pandora1._, GLOBEMAN
JEST M7 32 argomearns, gene49

On 7th draw, ALONG 5J 32 --- ALONG onward [adv]
Other moves: VOLA(R)Y C2 30, NAVY 5K 29, OVA(R)Y C3 28, NAVY 3K 27, GAY 7K 26
YANG 3K 26 pandora1._

On 8th draw, BISH 7E 30 --- BISH a blunder [n]
Other moves: EISH 7E 26, NEVES M5 25, BOEP 7J 24, E(R)IONITES 6B 24, ZAS J4 24
ZAS J4 24 argomearns, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
VIPE(R)S C2 22 gene49
PES M7 21 pandora1._

On 9th draw, PER(S)UING O8 83 --- PERSUE to follow, in order to overtake or capture [v]
Other tops: PRE(V)UING O8 83, PUR(E)EING O8 83
Other moves: PERU(S)ING O8 80, PURE(E)ING O8 80, (S)EIGNEUR N7 74, GENI(T)URE N7 70, REGU(L)INE N7 70
URGE(S) 8A 30 pandora1._
PURE(E)ING O8 30 sunshine12
RUIN(S) 8A 27 argomearns

On 10th draw, RUFFE 8A 58 --- RUFFE a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: AFORE 8A 40, RAFF 7K 34, AFF 7L 33, *FF 7L 33, OFF 7L 33
AFORE 8A 40 argomearns
FORAGE N1 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
RUFF J8 18 gene49
OF 10F 17 pandora1._

On 11th draw, CANTON 14J 28 --- CANTON to divide into cantons (districts) [v]
Other tops: CARTON 14J 28, CRATON 14J 28
Other moves: FACTOR C8 24, FORCAT C8 24, FRANCO C8 24, CARTON 10B 23, CRATON 10B 23
CARGO N2 20 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CARVE B2 20 gene49, pandora1._
CRAG N2 14 argomearns

On 12th draw, MEDAL M7 27 --- MEDAL to honor with a medal (a commemorative piece of metal) [v]
Other tops: NAMED M5 27
Other moves: MED M7 25, LOMA 7K 24, MOOD 6L 24, TOMO 7K 24, DOOM 6L 23
MOA 13K 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MODAL(S) 11J 16 gene49
UM J9 10 pandora1._
FLOOD C8 10 argomearns

On 13th draw, KELOIDAL 11F 76 --- KELOID a scar caused by excessive growth of fibrous tissue [adj] --- KELOIDAL pertaining to keloid [adj]
Other moves: FADLIKE C8 32, KELOID 10B 31, FADLIKE D8 30, FAIKED C8 30, FLAKED C8 30
DANK L12 28 pandora1._
KOA 13K 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KIND L12 22 gene49
DUKE J8 19 argomearns

On 14th draw, ROOTS 12I 30 --- ROOT to put forth a root (an underground portion of a plant) [v]
Other moves: ASTER 12H 26, OARS 12J 26, OATS 12J 26, OOTS 12J 26, TAES 12J 26
ZAS J4 24 pandora1._, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
LOOSE H11 18 argomearns
LOOTS H11 18 gene49

On 15th draw, OUTWIN 12B 26 --- OUTWIN to get out of [v]
Other moves: TWAIN 12C 24, UNWIT 12C 24, WITAN 12C 24, TWIN 12D 22, WAIN 12D 22
WAIT 12D 22 sunshine12
WING N2 16 gene49, pandora1._
TWINE B2 16 argomearns

On 16th draw, QUYTE C11 34 --- QUYTE to depart from [v]
Other moves: BOXY B11 32, QUAY C11 32, QUEY C11 32, BYTE 13A 29, TYE 9B 29
QUAY C11 32 argomearns
BOXY B11 32 pandora1._, gene49
EX 13A 18 sunshine12

On 17th draw, E(R)IONITES 6B 24 --- ERIONITE a type of mineral [n]
Other tops: SIEGE 15A 24, ZAS J4 24
Other moves: GITE D10 21, SITE D10 20, STAIG 14B 20, GAE 9B 19, ITA D11 19
ZAS J4 24 GLOBEMAN, pandora1._, sunshine12, gene49, argomearns

On 18th draw, APEX 15A 63 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: AX D14 36, EX D14 36, NAEVE 15A 36, NAEVI 15A 36, NIEVE 15A 36
APEX 15A 63 pandora1._, gene49, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, argomearns

On 19th draw, TAVERN 14C 20 --- TAVERN a place where liquor is sold to be drunk on the premises [n]
Other moves: TAVER 14C 19, REV 13F 18, NAE 9B 17, TERNAL 14C 17, LARGE N2 16
REV 13F 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
NERVE B2 16 gene49
TEAR 14C 15 argomearns
TARN 14C 15 pandora1._

On 20th draw, THRIVE B1 24 --- THRIVE to grow vigorously [v]
Other tops: THRAVE B1 24
Other moves: THAGI N2 22, VIRGA N2 22, AH 15H 21, GARVIE B1 20, HIRAGE B1 20
THRIVE B1 24 pandora1._
AH 15H 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HIT D10 17 tonikay
RATHE B2 16 gene49
ANT H13 9 argomearns

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