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Game of February 28, 2012 at 19:50, 2 players
1. 525 pts Davina
2. 484 pts gene49

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aioprru   H3    22    22   uproar
 2. ?efjntt   G7    44    66   jefe
 3. aeeortu   I6    23    89   orate
 4. abdgorw  H10    41   130   wardog
 5. cefiltz  14F    36   166   zlote
 6. ?aeeeoy   F5    28   194   eyas
 7. aaegmny   4H    84   278   pygmaean
 8. dehorst  12H    76   354   redshort
 9. dgiirst  15J    33   387   digits
10. eeiinos   5J    23   410   ions
11. ehmnouv   E3    41   451   vehm
12. eilnpsx  13L    41   492   ex
13. adefknr   O1    45   537   franked
14. ennottu  15A    32   569   tenuto
15. eiiiluw   2J    34   603   wilier
16. cinnopu  B10    32   635   pounce
17. ailnosu  11K    30   665   isna
18. abiiloq   1F    53   718   qibla
19. ceilnov   A6    30   748   cineol

Remaining tiles: biuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6910 FileDavina      4 13:55  -223  525     1.6910 Davina      4 13:55  -223  525 
  2.6023 Filegene49      0 20:56  -264  484     2.6023 gene49      0 20:56  -264  484 

On 1st draw, UPROAR H3 22 --- UPROAR a state of noisy excitement and confusion [n] --- UPROAR to make a scene of noisy excitement and confusion [v]
Other moves: PRIOR H4 20, UPROAR H4 18, UPROAR H7 18, UPROAR H8 18, PRIOR H8 16
PRIOR H4 20 gene49, Davina

On 2nd draw, JEF(E) G7 44 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other tops: JEF(F) G7 44
Other moves: J(E)FE G7 43, JETT(O)N G7 40, JE(F)F G7 40, JETT(Y) G7 39, JET(O)N G7 39
JET G7 38 Davina
FUJ(I) 3G 25 gene49

On 3rd draw, ORATE I6 23 --- ORATE to speak formally [v]
Other tops: URATE I6 23
Other moves: URAO I6 22, UREA I6 22, REATE I7 21, ERA I6 20, ERE I6 20
ORATE I6 23 Davina
RATE I7 20 gene49

On 4th draw, WARDOG H10 41 --- WARDOG a dog used in war [n]
Other moves: WARDOG F10 33, OW F9 30, WARB F10 29, WAB F10 28, WARD F10 28
WAB F10 28 Davina
WARD F10 28 gene49

On 5th draw, ZLOTE 14F 36 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: OOZE 6H 33, CLEF J3 31, FUZIL 3G 31, FUZE 3G 30, LIEF J3 29
OOZE 6H 33 Davina, gene49

On 6th draw, EYA(S) F5 28 --- EYAS an untrained young hawk [n]
Other moves: DEA(D)EYE 13H 27, DEE(J)AY 13H 25, (H)OYA F4 25, (M)OYA F4 25, (S)OYA F4 25
PAYE(R) 4H 18 gene49
YEA(N) 13J 17 Davina

On 7th draw, PYGMAEAN 4H 84 --- PYGMAEAN like a pygmy [adj] --- PYGMY a small person [adj]
Other moves: MANGEY 15J 43, GYM E4 35, MANAGE 15J 34, MAYA E3 33, AGNAME 15J 32
MANAGE 15J 34 Davina
GAMEY E1 32 gene49

On 8th draw, REDSHORT 12H 76 --- REDSHORT brittle at red-heat [adj]
Other moves: REDSHORT 12B 74, DEHORT 15J 45, SADHE 11G 39, HORDES 15J 38, HORSED 15J 38
HOSTED 15J 38 Davina
NORTHED O4 33 gene49

On 9th draw, DIGITS 15J 33 --- DIGIT a finger or a toe [n]
Other moves: RIGIDS 15J 32, DIGITS O8 24, DISA 11E 24, GRINDS O1 24, NITRIDS O4 24
DIGITS 15J 33 Davina
STING O1 18 gene49

On 10th draw, IONS 5J 23 --- ION an electrically charged atom [n]
Other moves: EINE 5K 22, ENES 5K 22, ESNE 5K 22, ONES 5K 22, ESNE 11K 21
OSE 5K 18 Davina
ONE 13L 17 gene49

On 11th draw, VEHM E3 41 --- VEHM a medieval German court [n]
Other moves: HOME 13K 38, HOME 3L 36, HEM 13K 34, HOM 13K 34, HORNET N10 34
OH 13L 25 gene49
MOUNT O8 21 Davina

On 12th draw, EX 13L 41 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: PIX G1 37, EXIST O8 36, NIXES O4 36, LEX G1 35, NIX G1 35
EX 13L 41 Davina
PIXELS K7 30 gene49

On 13th draw, FRANKED O1 45 --- FRANK to mark (a piece of mail) for free delivery [v]
Other moves: FRANK O1 36, KRAFT O8 36, NARKED O4 33, DESK K10 32, ERF 3K 32
FRANKED O1 45 Davina
FRANK O1 36 gene49

On 14th draw, TENUTO 15A 32 --- TENUTO a musical note or chord held longer than its normal duration [n]
Other moves: UNNEST K8 22, TROUT N11 20, ETNA 3L 19, NONA 3L 19, NOTA 3L 19
TEA 3M 14 Davina
TUNES K8 10 gene49

On 15th draw, WILIER 2J 34 --- WILY crafty [adj]
Other moves: WEIL N6 31, WIEL N6 31, WILE N6 31, WILI N6 31, WE N6 29
WILE N6 31 Davina, gene49

On 16th draw, POUNCE B10 32 --- POUNCE to make a sudden assault or approach [v]
Other moves: NUNCIO 1E 29, CONINE B10 28, PINON N6 28, PIC N6 26, UPON 14A 26
COPS K9 16 gene49, Davina

On 17th draw, ISNA 11K 30 --- ISNA is not (no inflections) [v]
Other moves: ALOIN A8 27, INULAS 1F 25, ALISON A6 24, INSOUL A6 24, INSULA 13A 24
SOUL A8 18 Davina, gene49

On 18th draw, QIBLA 1F 53 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: QUAIL 12A 48, QUAI 12A 46, QUA 3G 29, BAIL N6 25, BOIL N6 25
QUAI 12A 46 gene49
QUA 3G 29 Davina

On 19th draw, CINEOL A6 30 --- CINEOL a liquid used as an antiseptic [n]
Other tops: ENVOI A7 30
Other moves: VOICE 4A 28, ELOIN A8 27, NICOL A7 27, VIOL A8 27, CLEVE 4A 26
VOICE 4A 28 Davina, gene49

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