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Game of February 28, 2012 at 22:54, 5 players
1. 560 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 464 pts tonikay
3. 418 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehinoo   H4    24    24   hoodie
 2. ?ellmnu   5E    86   110   linoleum
 3. aeefnpr   6J    39   149   frape
 4. agnnsty   8C    63   212   stayning
 5. ailmnoq   L1    28   240   mailman
 6. aehiotw   2I    40   280   awhato
 7. abceprs   1E    37   317   becap
 8. deiorst   M6    79   396   portside
 9. fiosuvx   2D    58   454   vox
10. alorruw   1L    34   488   mawr
11. aegirtu   L9    29   517   augite
12. acdijqr  10F    37   554   jird
13. adeiikn   4A    32   586   kinda
14. acdeefr   A1    48   634   fecked
15. biilosu  15F    89   723   bilious
16. egnorsv  11C    29   752   vegos
17. eeortuy  12D    32   784   toy
18. aenqrtz   8M    36   820   rez
19. aenrrtu  14B    20   840   terra

Remaining tiles: einqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6822 FileGLOBEMAN    4 20:08  -280  560     1.7040 sunshine12  4 13:09  -422  418 
  2.5807 Filetonikay     2 25:38  -376  464     2.7177 susieq8182  2  3:28  -723  117 
  3.7040 Filesunshine12  4 13:09  -422  418            Group: intermediate
  4.5719 FileAndy1990    1  7:55  -636  204     1.6822 GLOBEMAN    4 20:08  -280  560 
  5.7177 Filesusieq8182  2  3:28  -723  117            Group: novice
                                             1.5807 tonikay     2 25:38  -376  464 
                                             2.5719 Andy1990    1  7:55  -636  204 

On 1st draw, HOO(D)IE H4 24 --- HOODIE a gray crow of Europe [n]
Other tops: HE(R)OIN H4 24, HE(R)OON H4 24, HOEIN(G) H4 24, HOI(D)EN H4 24, HONIE(D) H4 24, H*N(K)** H4 24, HOO(L)IE H4 24, HOO(V)EN H4 24
Other moves: HE(L)IO H4 22, HE(M)IN H4 22, HE(R)ON H4 22, HIN(G)E H4 22, HI(Z)EN H4 22
HONE(S) H4 22 GLOBEMAN, tonikay

On 2nd draw, L(I)NOLEUM 5E 86 --- LINOLEUM a durable material used as a floor covering [n]
Other tops: ILLUM(I)NE 8H 86
Other moves: MULLEN(S) 10B 74, MULLEN(S) G9 69, MULLEN(S) I9 69, MULLE(I)N G9 69, MULLE(I)N I9 69
MEN I3 15 tonikay

On 3rd draw, FRAPE 6J 39 --- FRAPE (Dial.) tightly bound [adj]
Other moves: FRENA 6J 37, FRAP 6J 36, FRAE 6J 34, FREE 6J 34, FRA 6J 33
PERM L2 16 tonikay

On 4th draw, STAYNING 8C 63 --- STAYNE to stain [v]
Other moves: GASPY M3 40, HANGS 4H 40, NASTY 4K 37, SAGY 4L 34, STAY 4L 32
SAY 10H 23 tonikay

On 5th draw, MAILMAN L1 28 --- MAILMAN a man who carries and delivers mail [n]
Other moves: MONIAL 4A 25, AMIN 4L 24, AMI(D)O 7E 23, LAM 4K 23, NAM 4K 23
MOI 9B 11 tonikay

On 6th draw, AWHATO 2I 40 --- AWHATO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: WHATA 2J 38, HOWE 9C 35, AWHETO 9A 34, WHITE 9B 33, SWATHE C8 32
MOWA 1L 27 tonikay

On 7th draw, BECAP 1E 37 --- BECAP to put a cap on [v]
Other tops: ESCARP 1D 37
Other moves: SCRAPE 1D 35, PEBA 1G 33, ACERB 1E 31, RECAP 1E 31, SCARP 1E 31
ESCARP 1D 37 susieq8182
SCRAPE 1D 35 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
MAPS 1L 30 tonikay

On 8th draw, PORTSIDE M6 79 --- PORTSIDE on the left side of a ship facing forward [adv] --- PORTSIDE on the port side [adj]
Other tops: PERIDOTS M6 79
Other moves: ROISTED 10H 73, ROSITED 10H 73, SORTIED 10H 73, STEROID 10H 73, STORIED 10H 73
SORTED 2A 33 tonikay
SMITE 1K 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MITE 1L 22 susieq8182

On 9th draw, VOX 2D 58 --- VOX voice [n]
Other tops: FIX 2D 58, FOX 2D 58
Other moves: SIX 2D 55, SOX 2D 55, OX 2E 54, SIX 10H 35, SOX 10H 35
FOX 2D 58 sunshine12, tonikay
FIX 2D 58 GLOBEMAN, susieq8182

On 10th draw, MAWR 1L 34 --- MAWR an awkward girl [n]
Other moves: AROW L12 30, ALOW L10 29, WORRAL 4A 29, WORRAL 10F 28, ARROW 10F 27
LOW L11 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
REW N5 12 tonikay

On 11th draw, AUGITE L9 29 --- AUGITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: AUGER L9 27, GATER L11 25, TARGE L11 24, TERGA L11 24, AGER L10 23
GATER L11 25 tonikay, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
RAG 8M 12 Andy1990

On 12th draw, JIRD 10F 37 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: QADI 6B 36, JAR 10F 35, RAJ 10H 35, RAJ 8M 30, DARIC 10F 27
JAR 10F 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JA 7E 23 tonikay, Andy1990

On 13th draw, KINDA 4A 32 --- KINDA kind of [adv]
Other tops: KNEAD 11C 32, KNEAD 6B 32
Other moves: KINDA 11B 29, DIKA 11C 27, IKAN 11D 27, KNEADS C3 26, INKE(D) 7D 25
DIKA 11C 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
KANE K12 21 tonikay

On 14th draw, FECKED A1 48 --- FECK to copulate [v]
Other moves: KERFED A4 42, ARCKED A1 39, CARKED A1 39, CRAKED A1 39, DACKER A1 39
FECKED A1 48 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CRAKED A1 39 Andy1990
FAD 11E 26 tonikay

On 15th draw, BILIOUS 15F 89 --- BILIOUS pertaining to bile [adj]
Other moves: SIBILOUS C8 72, BOILS 15H 33, BOLUS 15H 33, LOBUS 15H 33, SLOB 15L 30
BOILS 15H 33 Andy1990, tonikay
SLOB 15L 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 16th draw, VEGOS 11C 29 --- VEGO a vegetarian [n]
Other moves: GENROS 14B 26, SERVO 14B 26, VERSO 14B 26, EVOS 11D 25, GENROS 11B 25
SOV J10 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
GEOS 11D 21 Andy1990
SON 11E 17 tonikay

On 17th draw, TOY 12D 32 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other moves: EURO 12D 28, OY 14I 28, SURVEY C8 26, YE 3I 26, YO 3I 26
TOY 12D 32 Andy1990, tonikay, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, REZ 8M 36 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other moves: TZAR 13B 33, AZO J13 32, QAT 13C 31, ZO J14 31, ZETA 13A 29
REZ 8M 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ZO J14 31 Andy1990
ZA 7E 27 tonikay

On 19th draw, TERRA 14B 20 --- TERRA earth or land [n]
Other tops: URENA 14B 20
Other moves: NEAR N11 19, NEAT N11 19, TEAR N11 19, ETEN N8 18, AIT 3K 17
HER 4H 14 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TZAR O7 13 Andy1990
RAN 13C 13 tonikay

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