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Game of February 28, 2012 at 23:40, 1 player
1. 155 pts Montecito

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ademntw   H4    30    30   wamed
 2. ?ilostz   5E   114   144   thiazols
 3. dinostu   6H    31   175   modi
 4. aeertuy   4G    31   206   tway
 5. aiinrtu   L2    20   226   raisin
 6. einorst   M7    71   297   oestrin
 7. abehptu  L12    36   333   heap
 8. acdelnx  15J    48   381   expand
 9. eeikrsv   8A   110   491   skivered
10. fgnnoot   2J    36   527   forgot
11. efilotv   1G    35   562   five
12. ?acnnor   O8    80   642   cornland
13. aaceglu   K9    27   669   glace
14. ahlmsuw  14F    37   706   mulsh
15. deglruy  H11    42   748   gyeld
16. abeoopr   B2    34   782   prebook
17. aijnqtu  15A    52   834   quinta
18. aejlrtu   1N    42   876   ja
19. eeiltuw   3K    40   916   waite

Remaining tiles: belruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileMontecito   0 14:24  -761  155     1.  -  Montecito   0 14:24  -761  155 

On 1st draw, WAMED H4 30 --- WAMED having a belly [adj]
Other moves: MAWED H4 28, WANTED H4 28, MAWED H8 26, WAMED H8 26, WANED H4 26

On 2nd draw, T(H)IAZOLS 5E 114 --- THIAZOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZEOLIT(E)S 7G 77, ZO(O)LITES 7B 69, Z(E)OLITES 7B 68, Z(O)OLITES 7B 68, T(H)IAZOL 5E 60

On 3rd draw, MODI 6H 31 --- MODUS a mode [n]
Other moves: MOD 6H 28, SOZIN I3 28, DOITS 6J 23, IODINS G5 22, MOI 6H 22

On 4th draw, TWAY 4G 31 --- TWAY a set of two [n]
Other moves: WAY 4H 28, AERY 4L 26, ARTY 4L 26, EERY 4L 26, YURTA 4A 26

On 5th draw, RAISIN L2 20 --- RAISIN a dried grape [n]
Other moves: REN 7G 19, TEN 7G 19, TARSI L2 18, AZON I4 17, EN 7H 17
TRUANT E5 6 Montecito

Other tops: ORIENTS M7 71
Other moves: INTRORSE 2G 70, NORITES G7 66, OESTRIN G7 66, TENORIST E5 66, TERSION G7 66
TENSOR 2G 8 Montecito

On 7th draw, HEAP L12 36 --- HEAP to pile up [v]
Other tops: BATH L12 36, BETH L12 36, PATH L12 36
Other moves: BERTHA 2J 34, BERTH 2J 32, HABU L12 32, HAPU L12 32, HEPT L12 32
BAHT 10J 15 Montecito

On 8th draw, EXPAND 15J 48 --- EXPAND to increase in size or volume [v]
Other moves: DEX M1 42, CAREX 2J 40, LEX M1 40, PLEX 15L 39, CAREX 11K 38
AXLE 3L 22 Montecito

On 9th draw, SKIVERED 8A 110 --- SKIVER to skewer [v]
Other moves: SKIVERED O8 101, KERVES 2J 46, KERVE 2J 44, RESEEK 8J 41, KERVE 4A 36
RESEEK 8J 41 Montecito

On 10th draw, FORGOT 2J 36 --- FORGET to fail to remember [v]
Other moves: FEN 7G 34, FORGO 2J 34, GONOF 14F 34, GENT 8L 31, GOOF 14G 29

On 11th draw, FIVE 1G 35 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: OLIVET 1F 34, VIOLET 1F 34, FILET 1G 31, VOLET 1G 31, FLITE 1F 29

On 12th draw, CORN(L)AND O8 80 --- CORNLAND ground suitable for growing grain [n]
Other tops: CRANNO(G)S A1 80
Other moves: CANONR(Y) 2A 74, OR(D)NANCE J8 65, NONAC(T)OR N1 64, NARICO(R)N C5 63, N(O)NACTOR 10H 63

On 13th draw, GLACE K9 27 --- GLACE to cover with icing [v]
Other moves: AGA 1M 24, AGE 1M 24, ALEGAR 11H 24, CAGE K10 24, CLAG K10 24

On 14th draw, MULSH 14F 37 --- MULSH to pack with loose material [v]
Other moves: HAWMS 4A 36, WHAMS 4A 36, HAULM 14F 34, STAW O1 33, AHS 1M 32
SHAWL 10G 19 Montecito

On 15th draw, GYELD H11 42 --- GYELD a guild [n]
Other moves: RUDELY 15A 40, GLUEY 13C 39, KLUDGEY B8 36, RUDELY H10 36, YELD H12 36

On 16th draw, PREBOOK B2 34 --- PREBOOK to book beforehand [v]
Other moves: APE 1M 28, ATOP O1 27, PROBE 4A 26, POBOY 12D 24, BA 1N 22
PROBES A3 11 Montecito

On 17th draw, QUINTA 15A 52 --- QUINTA a country estate in Portugal or Latin America [n]
Other moves: QUAT A1 51, JA 1N 42, QUA A1 42, QAT 2F 39, JEAN 4A 38
QUIT E2 13 Montecito

On 18th draw, JA 1N 42 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JEAT 4A 38, JEEL 4A 38, JEER 4A 38, JETE 4A 38, JET 2F 33

On 19th draw, WAITE 3K 40 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: WAIL 3K 35, WAIT 3K 35, WAUL 3K 35, WEETE 4A 26, TWEELY 12C 24
WET G7 20 Montecito

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