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Game sheet of Montecito (file), Game of February 29, 2012 at 00:26

Word find
Word played
1 AEGRRTX             RETAX H8 40 40  
2 ??AEOVZ             ZO(U)AVE(S) I3 84 124  
3 ADEEINT             DETAINEE(S) 9A 61 185  
4 DGGLOTY             ODDLY A8 42 227  
5 AGHSTUU             SAUGH J2 47 274  
6 DEGHINN             RETAXING H8 48 322  
7 ADIMNPR             PRIDIAN E5 40 362  
8 AEGINRW WAGING 15C 12 -80 12 1/1 WAGERING 15A 92 454 1/1
9 BDEEEIS DOUSE 4H 16 -65 28 1/1 BENISEED 14F 81 535 1/1
10 ALOQRST             QATS N11 50 585 1/1
11 AEFLORW             FLEAWORT C2 80 665 1/1
12 HIKMORU             MOKIHI 13E 52 717 1/1
13 CELRSTU             LECTURES L8 74 791 1/1
14 EFIMRTU REMIT O8 38 -12 66 1/1 FREMIT O7 50 841 1/1
15 EINOPUV SPINE 2J 14 -19 80 1/1 VEIN D1 33 874 1/1
16 BINOPUY             ZAYIN 3I 34 908 1/1
17 ACLOPTU             VOCAL 1D 30 938 1/1
18 BJOOPTU             JUT 14B 43 981 1/1

Total: 80/981 or -901 for 8.154%
Rank: -

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