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Game of February 29, 2012 at 04:58, 2 players
1. 473 pts fatcat
2. 102 pts Montecito

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. celmott   H4    24    24   celom
 2. abehinp   I4    30    54   heap
 3. aeenrux   4D    36    90   exarch
 4. diknoos   J2    39   129   disk
 5. acilott   F2    68   197   coattail
 6. addefis   5D    35   232   fit
 7. egostuw  10B    25   257   gouts
 8. aaeopru  11B    25   282   oupa
 9. aelotuy  12D    33   315   outlay
10. deistvz  H11    45   360   dazes
11. degnnow  11H    27   387   downed
12. ?egijsy   L8    44   431   jivey
13. abeenrt  14G    74   505   tenebrae
14. ?benoqu   8J    42   547   objure
15. aahnorv  15A    97   644   navarhos
16. eimnrsw  15M    31   675   wem
17. aegilns   O1    80   755   ensilage
18. einqrrt   3M    24   779   qis
19. degintv   4L    24   803   nidi
20. efirrtv   9A    24   827   ref
21. egiirtv   A4    42   869   virger

Remaining tiles: inrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5604 Filefatcat      2 22:31  -396  473     1.5604 fatcat      2 22:31  -396  473 
  2.  -  FileMontecito   0  7:52  -767  102            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Montecito   0  7:52  -767  102 

On 1st draw, CELOM H4 24 --- CELOM a body cavity in some animals [n]
Other tops: CELOM H8 24, COMET H4 24, COMTE H4 24
Other moves: MOTTLE H4 22, CLOTE H4 20, COMET H8 20, COMTE H8 20, METOL H4 20
COMET H4 24 fatcat
MOTTLE H4 22 Montecito

On 2nd draw, HEAP I4 30 --- HEAP to pile up [v]
Other moves: EPHA G6 29, HAP G7 28, HAP I7 28, HEP G7 28, HEP I7 28
CHAIN 4H 20 fatcat

On 3rd draw, EXARCH 4D 36 --- EXARCH the ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [n]
Other moves: EAUX J7 32, RELAX 6F 30, LAXER 6H 28, AXE G2 26, LAX 6H 26
RELAX 6F 30 fatcat, Montecito

On 4th draw, DISK J2 39 --- DISK to break up land with a type of farm implement [v]
Other moves: NKOSI 5A 38, KIS J2 36, KOS J2 36, DOOK 3C 35, KONDOS G7 35
SKIDOO 9H 27 fatcat

On 5th draw, COATTAIL F2 68 --- COATTAIL the back lower portion of a coat [n]
Other moves: TAILCOAT F3 64, CITOLA 3I 37, CILIA 3I 35, CITAL 3I 35, CITOLA 3B 34
IT 5E 24 fatcat

On 6th draw, FIT 5D 35 --- FIT in a good healthy condition [adj] --- FIT to bring to a required form and size [v]
Other moves: FADES 10B 32, ADIT 5C 31, EDIT 5C 31, DIT 5D 29, DEFIS 10B 28
SAFE 10F 22 fatcat
FEIST 6B 16 Montecito

On 7th draw, GOUTS 10B 25 --- GOUT a metabolic disease [n]
Other moves: TOGUES 10A 24, TEGUS 10B 23, TOGES 10B 23, TOWSE 10C 23, W*GS 10C 23
WEST 10D 22 fatcat
DEW 2J 7 Montecito

On 8th draw, OUPA 11B 25 --- OUPA grandfather (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: PATERA E8 22, PETARA E8 22, POULE 9C 22, APERCU 2B 20, APO 9B 20
DRAPE 2J 16 fatcat
POUR C9 9 Montecito

On 9th draw, OUTLAY 12D 33 --- OUTLAY to pay out [v]
Other moves: TOY 12C 31, TOEY 12C 30, OYE 12D 28, OY 12D 26, LAY 9A 24
GOATY B10 18 fatcat
DELAY 2J 18 Montecito

On 10th draw, DAZES H11 45 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other moves: SIZE J12 43, ZEST J10 43, ADZE H12 42, SEZ J12 42, ZATIS H11 42
SIZE J12 43 fatcat

On 11th draw, DOWNED 11H 27 --- DOWN to cause to fall [v]
Other moves: ENDOGEN 14H 26, DOWED 11H 25, GOWD 3A 25, DONGED 11H 23, DOWD 11H 23
ZONED 13H 22 fatcat

On 12th draw, JI(V)EY L8 44 --- JIVEY jazzy, lively [adj]
Other tops: J(A)SEY L8 44, J(U)DGES M9 44
Other moves: JEDIS M9 42, J(A)YGEES L6 42, J(U)DGE M9 42, J(U)DIES M9 42, JEDI(S) M9 40
JES(T) L10 20 fatcat

On 13th draw, TENEBRAE 14G 74 --- TENEBRAE a religious service [n]
Other tops: TENEBRAE 14A 74
Other moves: TENEBRAE 14E 64, ABSENTER 15F 61, BAJREE 8J 45, BEJANT 8J 45, JANE 8L 33
JEER 8L 33 fatcat

On 14th draw, OBJU(R)E 8J 42 --- OBJURE to swear [v]
Other moves: JOBE 8L 39, JUBE 8L 39, (C)INQUE 3I 37, JOB(E) 8L 36, JOB(S) 8L 36
JOB(S) 8L 36 fatcat

On 15th draw, NAVARHOS 15A 97 --- NAVARHO an aircraft navigation system [n]
Other moves: NAVARCH 2A 30, HAVOC 2B 26, AHA 15M 25, HAN 15M 25, HAO 15M 25
CHORD 2F 11 fatcat

On 16th draw, WEM 15M 31 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: MEW 15M 30, MEW 13M 26, WRENS 13A 26, WEN 15M 25, MEINS 13A 24
REEFS D2 8 fatcat

On 17th draw, ENSILAGE O1 80 --- ENSILAGE to store in a silo [v]
Other moves: ALIGNE(R)S N2 70, SANGLIE(R) N1 70, SIGNALE(R) N1 70, SLANGIE(R) N1 70, LINEAGES O2 60
GLANCES 2B 20 fatcat

On 18th draw, QIS 3M 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 9I 23, RENT 13B 18, DENTIN 2J 14, ET G6 14, NIE N1 14
QIS 3M 24 fatcat

On 19th draw, NIDI 4L 24 --- NIDUS a nest or breeding place [n]
Other tops: VENT 13B 24, VINT 13B 24
Other moves: VEND 3A 23, VIED 3A 23, IDENT 13A 22, VID 3B 21, DENT 13B 20
DIVA 6L 16 fatcat

On 20th draw, REF 9A 24 --- REF to referee [v]
Other tops: TEF 9A 24
Other moves: EF 9B 23, EF 14A 22, FERRIC 2A 22, FREIT 9I 22, IF 14A 22
EVICT 2C 10 fatcat

On 21th draw, VIRGER A4 42 --- VIRGER a church official [n]
Other moves: GIVER A5 27, RIVER A5 24, VITRIC 2A 22, VIER A6 21, VERT 3A 20
GIVER A5 27 fatcat

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