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Game of February 29, 2012 at 05:49, 2 players
1. 366 pts denbay
2. 63 pts ELCEE

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deehks   H4    36    36   khedas
 2. aefflor   4F    34    70   rakeoff
 3. anopruv   K4    24    94   favour
 4. aailrsu   M2    26   120   rusa
 5. adegnou   K2    34   154   unfavoured
 6. aeegnst   N5    64   218   negates
 7. abemrtz   O1    81   299   braze
 8. ?aeeoty   O8    44   343   yente
 9. egjmorv   J8    32   375   gomer
10. aachlot   F1    77   452   thoracal
11. deilmow   1D    39   491   wited
12. deiiosw   6K    32   523   vised
13. eiilnot   E8    66   589   etiolin
14. abilpry  14A    38   627   brainy
15. ilnnopx   J1    50   677   ox
16. iimnopq  A11    30   707   nimbi
17. iiloptw  12C    30   737   pillow
18. aeglptu   M8    35   772   puteal
19. cginnov   D3    34   806   coving

Remaining tiles: jnqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4072 Filedenbay      1 21:09  -440  366     1.6303 ELCEE       1  1:47  -743   63 
  2.6303 FileELCEE       1  1:47  -743   63            Group: not rated
                                             1.4072 denbay      1 21:09  -440  366 

On 1st draw, KHED(A)S H4 36 --- KHEDA an enclosure for elephants [n]
Other moves: H(U)SKED H4 34, KESHE(S) H4 34, KE(S)HES H4 34, KHED(A) H4 34, KHED(A)S H3 34
HEEDS H5 18 denbay

On 2nd draw, RAKEOFF 4F 34 --- RAKEOFF a share of the profits [n]
Other moves: LOAFER I3 32, FAHLORE 5F 26, HAFF 5H 26, FOAL I3 24, FREAK 4D 24
FLAKER 4E 13 denbay

On 3rd draw, FAVOUR K4 24 --- FAVOUR to regard with goodwill [v]
Other moves: FAVOR K4 22, PA 5J 22, PARVO 3B 22, RAUPO G3 22, APRON 3C 21
PROVEN 6D 13 denbay

On 4th draw, RUSA M2 26 --- RUSA an East Indian deer [n]
Other tops: AALS M1 26, AIAS M1 26, AILS M1 26, AIRS M1 26, ALAS M1 26, ARIS M1 26, ASAR M3 26, LARS M1 26, LIAS M1 26, LURS M1 26, RAIS M1 26, RIAS M1 26, URSA M2 26
Other moves: AAS M2 24, AIS M2 24, ALS M2 24, ARS M2 24, LAS M2 24
RAILS F4 7 denbay

On 5th draw, UNFAVOURED K2 34 --- UNFAVOURED
Other moves: AUGEND 8J 30, FAVOURED K4 30, UNAGED 3B 27, ENGUARD 2H 26, AGUED 3C 25
ROD 2M 8 denbay

On 6th draw, NEGATES N5 64 --- NEGATE to nullify [v]
Other tops: NEGATES G8 64
UNSET 8K 18 denbay

On 7th draw, BRAZE O1 81 --- BRAZE to solder together [v]
Other moves: ZEBRA O1 54, BEZ 3E 47, TREZ 3D 46, REZ 3E 45, TAMBER O1 44
BRAZE F3 36 denbay

On 8th draw, YE(N)TE O8 44 --- YENTE a gossipy woman [n]
Other tops: YA(R)TO O8 44, YE(N)TA O8 44
Other moves: (B)EATY O8 42, (G)OATY O8 42, (G)OETY O8 42, (M)EATY O8 42, OYE(R) O7 39
TAY 8M 18 denbay

On 9th draw, GOMER J8 32 --- GOMER an undesirable hospital patient [n]
Other moves: MOVER J10 31, MOVE J10 28, GEM J8 27, GJU 2I 27, JEER 6F 27
J(A)M 8G 11 denbay

On 10th draw, THORACAL F1 77 --- THORACAL relating to a thorax [adj] --- THORAX the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [adj]
Other moves: CALATHOS 9A 65, LATAH 3C 35, LOTAH 3C 35, CHALOT 3B 29, LATH L8 28
HARLOT F2 19 denbay

On 11th draw, WITED 1D 39 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: ELMWOOD 3A 35, LOWTED 1C 33, MOTED 1D 33, MOTILE 1D 33, WILTED 1C 33
TIMED 1F 24 denbay

On 12th draw, VISED 6K 32 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v]
Other moves: WASE G3 31, WEDS L7 28, SED 6M 27, SOWED 13J 27, SOWED L11 26
SOWED 13J 27 denbay

On 13th draw, ETIOLIN E8 66 --- ETIOLIN a yellow pigment in light-starved plants [n]
Other moves: ETIOLIN G9 62, LOATHE 5D 22, ENTOIL 8A 21, FLINT L4 21, INLET L6 21
WILT D1 14 denbay

On 14th draw, BRAINY 14A 38 --- BRAINY smart [adj]
Other moves: BARNY 14B 36, BLINY 14B 36, BRINY 14B 36, RAINY 14B 32, PYA D10 29
BRAINY 14A 38 denbay

On 15th draw, OX J1 50 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXLIP 15F 47, PIX M11 29, POX M11 29, FLIX L4 28, OXLIP 12C 28
PILL 12C 12 denbay

On 16th draw, NIMBI A11 30 --- NIMBUS a luminous cloud [n]
Other moves: QI D10 24, IMP L6 23, QI 13D 22, QI D13 22, WIMP D1 22
WIMP D1 22 denbay

On 17th draw, PILLOW 12C 30 --- PILLOW to rest on a pillow (a cushion for the head) [v]
Other moves: PILOW M11 25, MOP 13A 24, OWL 15F 23, OWT 15F 23, PLOW M11 23
OWL 15F 23 denbay

On 18th draw, PUTEAL M8 35 --- PUTEAL a wall around the top of a well [n]
Other moves: GALOP 3C 29, PEG L8 27, WEPT H12 27, GAPE M8 26, PAGE M8 26
WEAL H12 21 denbay

On 19th draw, COVING D3 34 --- COVING a concave moulding [n]
Other moves: CONING D3 28, OWING H11 27, INCOG D4 26, GINNEL 8A 24, VINIC 10B 24
WING H12 24 denbay

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