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Game of February 29, 2012 at 06:35, 3 players
1. 400 pts spellcheck
2. 252 pts fatcat
3. 23 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eelotv   H3    76    76   evolute
 2. adegosx   G6    47   123   axed
 3. ?eeekno   4G    78   201   overknee
 4. aefilmr   2B    88   289   flamier
 5. afgnopw   1A    52   341   goaf
 6. acdnoop   3D    43   384   ponced
 7. cegirsw   K1    32   416   wickers
 8. anorswz   N3    34   450   senza
 9. eiinoty   O5    39   489   yoni
10. eeghosv   1K    45   534   whose
11. aenpqst   2J    31   565   qi
12. abgnorv   M6    32   597   avo
13. agiirtu   L8    23   620   guitar
14. bdinotu   9A    65   685   outbidden
15. deijlpt   A8    45   730   polje
16. aehinrt   E5    40   770   therian
17. aimrstt  11C    60   830   tantrism
18. abeilru  13H    72   902   reburial
19. dgiiuwy  O12    24   926   glid

Remaining tiles: iuwy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5156 Filespellcheck  2 19:41  -526  400     1.6610 charmz      0  1:21  -903   23 
  2.5607 Filefatcat      3  9:50  -674  252            Group: novice
  3.6610 Filecharmz      0  1:21  -903   23     1.5156 spellcheck  2 19:41  -526  400 
                                             2.5607 fatcat      3  9:50  -674  252 

On 1st draw, EVOL(U)TE H3 76 --- EVOLUTE a type of geometric curve [n] --- EVOLUTE to develop by evolution [v]
Other tops: OVE(R)LET H3 76, VELO(U)TE H4 76, (C)OVELET H2 76, (D)OVELET H2 76
Other moves: EVOL(U)TE H2 70, EVOL(U)TE H4 70, EVOL(U)TE H6 70, EVOL(U)TE H7 70, OVE(R)LET H2 70
LOVE(R) H4 16 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, AXED G6 47 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: GOXES I7 46, EXODES 3H 44, GOX I7 44, SAXE G5 41, SAXE I7 41
SEXED 9E 23 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, OVE(R)KNEE 4G 78 --- OVERKNEE reaching above the knee [adj]
Other tops: OVE(R)KEEN 4G 78
Other moves: KE(T)ONE 5E 30, KE(R)NE 2F 29, (K)ONEKE 3C 28, (T)OKEN 5G 28, (W)OKEN 5G 28
EKE(D) 3F 12 spellcheck

On 4th draw, FLAMIER 2B 88 --- FLAMY flaming [adj]
Other moves: FLAMIER I9 78, INFLAMER L3 66, FLAMIER 3C 34, FLEAM N2 32, FERMI 2F 30
FREE N2 14 spellcheck

On 5th draw, GOAF 1A 52 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: PAKFONG K2 34, OAF 5K 31, FAW 3M 30, WOF 3M 30, FAP 1D 29
FANG D1 24 spellcheck

On 6th draw, PONCED 3D 43 --- PONCE to solicit clients for a prostitute [v]
Other moves: APOD 3C 35, PANCE 3D 34, PONCE 3D 34, DANCE 3D 32, APO 3C 28
PACED N1 20 spellcheck

On 7th draw, WICKERS K1 32 --- WICKER a slender, pliant twig or branch [n]
Other moves: WICKER K1 30, CIERGES N2 28, WICKS K1 28, CIERGE N2 26, CREWES N2 26
CREWS N2 24 spellcheck

On 8th draw, SENZA N3 34 --- SENZA without [prep]
Other tops: COWAN 3K 34, WAREZ M1 34, WAREZ N1 34, ZONERS N1 34
Other moves: ZINS 2J 33, MOZOS E2 32, RIZAS 2J 32, SIZAR 2J 32, WINOS 2J 32
WARNS 1K 27 spellcheck

On 9th draw, YONI O5 39 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [n]
Other tops: YONT O5 39
Other moves: WINEY 1K 36, OYE O6 34, ONY O6 31, COYS 3K 30, TWONIE 1J 30
YETI O7 26 spellcheck

On 10th draw, WHOSE 1K 45 --- WHOSE the possessive case of who [pron]
Other moves: OH J1 31, HOVES F8 29, HOVES M7 29, GHEES M1 28, HOVE F8 28
WHOSE 1K 45 spellcheck, fatcat

On 11th draw, QI 2J 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: APES M6 30, APSE M6 30, APTS M6 30, APE M6 28, APT M6 28
QI 2J 31 fatcat
QATS 9L 22 spellcheck

On 12th draw, AVO M6 32 --- AVO a monetary unit of Macao [n]
Other moves: *B* M6 28, AB M6 27, EOAN M4 27, AGON M6 26, CABS 3K 26
VANG M7 23 charmz
BANG M7 19 fatcat
ORGAN L7 9 spellcheck

On 13th draw, GUITAR L8 23 --- GUITAR a stringed musical instrument [n]
Other moves: CURSI 3K 20, CURST 3K 20, AGUTI I8 18, CARS 3K 18, CATS 3K 18
GRIT L8 12 fatcat
GRADE 9D 7 spellcheck

On 14th draw, OUTBIDDEN 9A 65 --- OUTBID to bid higher than [v]
Other moves: BIDON K10 29, BUDO K10 27, BITOU K10 26, COBS 3K 26, CUBS 3K 26
OUTBID 11J 18 fatcat
BRUNT 13K 14 spellcheck

On 15th draw, POLJE A8 45 --- POLJE (Serbo-Croat) a large elliptical depression in karst regions, sometimes containing a marsh or lake [n]
Other tops: JOLED A8 45, JOLTED A8 45
Other moves: JODEL A8 42, PILOTED A6 36, JOLE A8 33, JOLT A8 33, PIOTED A7 33
JOLTED A8 45 fatcat, spellcheck

On 16th draw, THERIAN E5 40 --- THERIAN any of a subclass of mammals [n]
Other moves: AHENT B11 30, AHINT B11 30, HATER K10 29, HAIRNET 13I 28, JANTIER 11A 28
HEART 13I 24 fatcat
RATHER 13G 11 spellcheck

On 17th draw, TANTRISM 11C 60 --- TANTRISM a school of Buddhism incorporating Hindu and pagan elements [n]
Other moves: STATIM 13A 31, SIMAR 13A 29, SMART 13A 29, AMIRS B11 27, AMRIT B11 27
SMART 13A 29 spellcheck
MIST 14J 20 fatcat

On 18th draw, REBURIAL 13H 72 --- REBURIAL a second burial [n]
Other moves: CABS 3K 26, CUBS 3K 26, BARREL 13I 22, BARRIE 13I 22, BURREL 13I 22
BARREL 13I 22 fatcat
BRAIL 13K 14 spellcheck

On 19th draw, GLID O12 24 --- GLID slippery [adj]
Other moves: CIDS 3K 22, CUDS 3K 22, WADY N12 22, DIG 14I 19, IGAD 12J 19
WAY N12 18 spellcheck
TIDY C11 16 fatcat

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