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Game of February 29, 2012 at 14:09, 6 players
1. 578 pts iwhist
2. 532 pts argomearns
3. 492 pts strykyster

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efinrrt   H4    24    24   freit
 2. ?diovww   9C    28    52   widows
 3. ahmnrsu   8A    48   100   sham
 4. aabejnt   5E    56   156   naartje
 5. ?aaaoru   7A    24   180   aura
 6. eeinssu  10C    32   212   seine
 7. aegrrxy   6D    60   272   rex
 8. eegilpt   4A    37   309   piglet
 9. aemnory  11E    42   351   myna
10. aeeglnt  12H    71   422   elegant
11. ?enoooq   A1    42   464   quop
12. aehilno   6A    33   497   eh
13. beiooru   N9    28   525   obiter
14. bdeioov   O4    38   563   boodie
15. delnoty   N3    36   599   tody
16. anstuuv   L1    39   638   vatus
17. ceiikns  12A    35   673   kines
18. cdlnoor  A12    27   700   kond
19. aciilor   1H    36   736   corival
20. gilpruz   J8    34   770   ulzie
21. cfgpruv   M7    23   793   guv

Remaining tiles: cfpr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6695 Fileiwhist      3 15:06  -215  578     1.7456 kellybelly  1  7:13  -608  185 
  2.5957 Fileargomearns  3 24:37  -261  532            Group: intermediate
  3.5331 Filestrykyster  2 25:01  -301  492     1.6695 iwhist      3 15:06  -215  578 
  4.7456 Filekellybelly  1  7:13  -608  185     2.6606 Meroe       0  2:18  -747   46 
  5.6606 FileMeroe       0  2:18  -747   46     3.6631 jeannie108  0  1:59  -751   42 
  6.6631 Filejeannie108  0  1:59  -751   42            Group: novice
                                             1.5957 argomearns  3 24:37  -261  532 
                                             2.5331 strykyster  2 25:01  -301  492 

On 1st draw, FREIT H4 24 --- FREIT an omen [n]
Other tops: FEINT H4 24, FIENT H4 24, FINER H4 24, FIRER H4 24, FRIER H4 24, TREIF H8 24
Other moves: FEINT H8 18, FIENT H8 18, FINER H8 18, FIRER H8 18, FREIT H8 18
FINER H4 24 iwhist, strykyster, argomearns

On 2nd draw, WIDOW(S) 9C 28 --- WIDOW to deprive of a husband [v]
Other moves: WIDOW(E)R 5B 26, WI(N)DROW 5D 26, VI(E)W G3 24, W(A)IVODE 6B 23, W(A)IWODE 6B 23
WOW(S) 9E 21 argomearns
WO(E) G3 15 iwhist
WO G6 14 strykyster

On 3rd draw, SHAM 8A 48 --- SHAM to feign [v]
Other tops: MURRHAS 5E 48
Other moves: NAH 10D 32, MUNSHI D4 30, AH 10E 29, MNAS 8A 29, HAM 8D 28
SHAM 8A 48 iwhist
HAWS G7 25 strykyster
WARMS C9 20 argomearns

On 4th draw, NAARTJE 5E 56 --- NAARTJE a small sweet orange [n]
Other moves: JAB 7C 46, JANE 7C 45, JA 7C 43, JAB 10B 41, FANJET 4H 32
JAB 7C 46 iwhist, strykyster, argomearns

On 5th draw, AURA 7A 24 --- AURA an invisible emanation [n]
Other tops: AURA(E) 7A 24, AURA(L) 7A 24, AURA(R) 7A 24, AURA(S) 7A 24, AURA(S) L1 24, URAO(S) L1 24
Other moves: ARA(B)A 7B 22, AUR(A) 7A 22, A(G)AR 10C 22, A(L)AR 10C 22, A(R)AR 10C 22
AURA(S) L1 24 iwhist
AURA 7A 24 argomearns
OR 6J 17 strykyster

On 6th draw, SEINE 10C 32 --- SEINE to catch fish with a large, vertically hanging net [v]
Other tops: SEISE 10C 32
Other moves: SENSEI 10A 30, ENSUES L3 29, ESNES 10B 29, SNEES 10B 29, ESNES L1 27
SINES L1 27 iwhist
SINE 10D 24 argomearns
NE 10F 13 strykyster

On 7th draw, REX 6D 60 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other tops: RAX 6D 60
Other moves: AX 6E 52, EX 6E 52, RADIX E7 41, GEY 11E 36, RAY 6D 36
AX 6E 52 iwhist
EX 6E 52 strykyster
DIXY E9 30 argomearns

On 8th draw, PIGLET 4A 37 --- PIGLET a small pig [n]
Other moves: GEEP 11E 33, PEEL 11E 33, PEE 11E 31, PET 11E 31, GEEP 4C 29
PET 11E 31 iwhist, argomearns, strykyster
JEEP J5 15 Meroe

On 9th draw, MYNA 11E 42 --- MYNA an Asian bird [n]
Other tops: MOYA 11E 42
Other moves: MONEY 11E 41, MOY 11E 40, MONY 11E 39, MONERA 11E 37, MYOPE A1 36
MEN 11E 31 Meroe, iwhist, argomearns
YO 11G 14 strykyster

On 10th draw, ELEGANT 12H 71 --- ELEGANT having fastidious taste [adj]
Other moves: TANGLE 12G 26, TEAGLE 12G 26, TELEGA 12G 26, GAEN 3B 25, AGATE H11 24
AGATE H11 24 iwhist
ANGLE 6J 23 argomearns, strykyster

On 11th draw, Q(U)OP A1 42 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other tops: Q(U)EP A1 42
Other moves: Q(U)EEN J10 35, Q(A)T N10 31, Q(U)OIN B1 26, Q(A)T I3 25, Q(U)IN B2 24
Q(U)OP A1 42 argomearns, strykyster
Q(U)EEN J10 35 iwhist

On 12th draw, EH 6A 33 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other tops: AH 6A 33
Other moves: HOTEL N10 32, HOTEN N10 32, H**L* 12A 31, HALE 11J 29, HALO 11J 29
OH 6J 23 strykyster, iwhist
HOI B2 22 jeannie108
AH 11K 21 argomearns

On 13th draw, OBITER N9 28 --- OBITER as a passing remark [adv]
Other moves: BITER N10 26, BITOU N10 26, BUTEO N10 26, RUBE 11J 26, OBOE 13K 25
ORB 6J 20 jeannie108
BORE 12B 19 iwhist
BORE 4K 16 strykyster
BONER M10 14 argomearns

On 14th draw, BOODIE O4 38 --- BOODIE a type of rat-kangaroo [n]
Other moves: BOVID O5 36, OVOID O7 36, VIDEO O7 36, DOOBIE O4 35, VIBE O7 35
BOOED O7 33 iwhist
BODE O7 28 argomearns
BEE 13L 18 strykyster

On 15th draw, TODY N3 36 --- TODY a West Indian bird [n]
Other moves: DOTY N3 35, DYE N5 34, TONY N3 34, ONY N4 33, YODLE 12A 33
OYE N5 32 iwhist, kellybelly
YO N6 29 strykyster
YOD M7 19 argomearns

On 16th draw, VATUS L1 39 --- VATU a monetary unit of Vanuatu [n]
Other tops: VANTS L1 39, VAUTS L1 39
Other moves: VANTS 12A 31, VATUS 12A 31, VAUTS 12A 31, TAVS L2 29, UVAS L2 29
VANTS 12A 31 kellybelly
VAST L3 29 argomearns
VANS L2 29 iwhist
VAGS K10 16 strykyster

On 17th draw, KINES 12A 35 --- KINE a type of television tube [n]
Other moves: CIVIES 1J 33, NECKS 12A 31, NICKS 12A 31, CINES 12A 27, VICE 1L 27
CIVIES 1J 33 kellybelly
VICE 1L 27 argomearns
VINS 1L 21 strykyster

On 18th draw, KOND A12 27 --- KON to know [v]
Other moves: ODOR 13A 25, KOLO A12 24, KORO A12 24, (U)NCORD 2A 24, (U)NLORD 2A 20
KOLO A12 24 argomearns
OD 6J 19 iwhist, kellybelly
COG C2 12 strykyster

On 19th draw, CORIVAL 1H 36 --- CORIVAL to rival [v]
Other moves: AECIA H11 21, VAIL 1L 21, VAIR 1L 21, VALI 1L 21, VIAL 1L 21
VAIL 1L 21 kellybelly, iwhist, argomearns
OR 6J 17 strykyster

On 20th draw, ULZIE J8 34 --- ULZIE ulyie [n]
Other moves: QUIZ 1A 32, ZIG M7 31, ZIP 7G 27, ZIG C2 26, ZIG K10 26
QUIZ 1A 32 strykyster
ZIG C2 26 kellybelly, iwhist
PRIZE J8 18 argomearns

On 21th draw, GUV M7 23 --- GUV a governor [n]
Other moves: FUG M7 19, VUG M7 19, VUGG C1 18, VUGG C2 18, PUG M7 17
GUV M7 23 kellybelly
FUG M7 19 iwhist
FUR M7 15 argomearns
LUV I12 7 strykyster

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