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Game of February 29, 2012 at 22:01, 3 players
1. 726 pts PIThompson
2. 163 pts Andy1990
3. 150 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. hilnsty   H3    32    32   hylist
 2. aaemosu   5C    70   102   mausolea
 3. ?adelqt   E2    67   169   liquated
 4. ?acennr   K5   104   273   narcein
 5. aeehnpt   D8    94   367   haptene
 6. aimootw   F5    40   407   swam
 7. bdeinrv  12J    37   444   verbid
 8. aflortu   C1    87   531   foulmart
 9. aeegnpt   8A    33   564   anthem
10. iknrtuw   1A    36   600   kufi
11. degilrt   O8    30   630   griddle
12. eeiinsw  15I   116   746   wienies
13. agoopsz   J3    69   815   spaza
14. egiorty   2B    42   857   gooly
15. ijorttu   B6    58   915   junior
16. cegootx  14I    58   973   oxo
17. defgnoo  A10    41  1014   goofed
18. beirttv   1F    31  1045   bitter

Remaining tiles: ceinv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7700 FilePIThompson  7 12:25  -319  726     1.7700 PIThompson  7 12:25  -319  726 
  2.5746 FileAndy1990    3  3:26  -882  163            Group: novice
  3.5936 Fileargomearns  0  5:11  -895  150     1.5746 Andy1990    3  3:26  -882  163 
                                             2.5936 argomearns  0  5:11  -895  150 

On 1st draw, HYLIST H3 32 --- HYLIST a materialist [n]
Other tops: HYLIST H4 32, SHINTY H3 32, SHINTY H7 32, THINLY H3 32, THINLY H7 32
Other moves: SHILY H8 30, SHINY H8 30, SYNTH H8 30, HYLIST H7 26, HYLIST H8 26
SHINTY H7 32 PIThompson
SHINY H8 30 argomearns

On 2nd draw, MAUSOLEA 5C 70 --- MAUSOLEA large, stately tombs [n] --- MAUSOLEUM a large, stately tomb [n]
Other moves: OMASA G3 29, MAAS I3 28, MOAS I3 28, MAA I3 25, MOA I3 25
MOAS I3 28 PIThompson

On 3rd draw, L(I)QUATED E2 67 --- LIQUATE to purify metal by heating [v]
Other moves: Q(U)AD 4A 56, Q(U)AT 4A 52, TALAQ D4 48, TALAQ(S) D4 48, TAL(A)Q D4 46
QAT(S) 6B 39 PIThompson

On 4th draw, NARCE(I)N K5 104 --- NARCEIN a narcotic component of opium [n]
Other tops: NARCE(E)N K5 104, NARC(E)EN K5 104
Other moves: CANNER(S) K2 88, CANNER(S) K3 88, CANNER(Y) K2 88, CANNER(Y) K3 88, CANN(I)ER K2 88
(D)ANCER 8A 30 PIThompson

On 5th draw, HAPTENE D8 94 --- HAPTENE a substance similar to an antigen [n]
Other tops: HEPTANE D8 94
Other moves: PHENATE J9 90, HAPTENE 12G 85, PHENATE 12I 85, HAPTENE I7 81, HEPTANE I7 81
CHEEP 8K 48 PIThompson

On 6th draw, SWAM F5 40 --- SWIM to propel oneself in water by natural means [v]
Other tops: SWIM F5 40
Other moves: SWAT F5 36, SWOT F5 36, AMOWT C11 35, MIAOW J10 35, WOMMIT C3 34
SWAM F5 40 PIThompson

On 7th draw, VERBID 12J 37 --- VERBID a non-finite part of a verb [n]
Other moves: DIRHEM 8A 36, VINED 12H 35, VIRED 12H 35, CEBID 8K 33, VINER 12H 33
BARED 6J 28 PIThompson

On 8th draw, FOULMART C1 87 --- FOULMART a polecat [n]
Other moves: TUMORAL C3 36, FORMULA C2 35, FOUMART C2 35, FAITOR N10 34, CRAFT 8K 33
FOUR C9 30 PIThompson

On 9th draw, ANTHEM 8A 33 --- ANTHEM to praise in a national song [v]
Other moves: PHENATE 3G 32, APTING N9 30, PANGED O7 30, PAVEN J10 29, AGENTED O6 27
ANTHEM 8A 33 PIThompson

On 10th draw, KUFI 1A 36 --- KUFI a cap worn by Muslim men [n]
Other tops: RAKU J4 36
Other moves: TAK J4 33, WINK C12 33, KRUBI M9 32, W*NK 6J 32, WARK 6J 32
TAK J4 33 PIThompson
DIRK O12 27 argomearns

On 11th draw, GRIDDLE O8 30 --- GRIDDLE to cook on a flat pan [v]
Other tops: GIRDLED O6 30, GIRDLED O9 30, GLIDDER O8 30, GLIDDER O9 30, GRIDDLE O9 30
Other moves: CIDER 8K 27, CITED 8K 27, CLIED 8K 27, CRIED 8K 27, GEDDIT O10 27
GIRDLED O9 30 PIThompson
RIDGED O7 27 argomearns

On 12th draw, WIENIES 15I 116 --- WIENIE a frankfurter [n]
Other moves: EISWEIN 15B 97, NEWIES 15J 72, WEES 15L 66, WENS 15L 66, WINS 15L 66
NEWIES 15J 72 PIThompson
WINS 15L 66 argomearns

On 13th draw, SPAZA J3 69 --- SPAZA (South Africa) as in spaza shop, a small shop in a township. No -S [adj]
Other moves: SPAZ J3 66, ZONA B6 66, AZO J5 65, SAZ J4 63, ZAPS 15A 62
ZONA B6 66 PIThompson

On 14th draw, GOOLY 2B 42 --- GOOLY a small stone [n]
Other moves: GOITRE 14J 39, TIGERY 14A 36, GOETY 14B 34, GOOLEY 2B 32, YOGEE 14K 32
YONI B6 30 PIThompson

On 15th draw, JUNIOR B6 58 --- JUNIOR one who is lower in rank or age than another [n]
Other moves: JUNTO B6 57, JUN B6 53, JUNIOR 13B 28, ROJ(I) 10H 26, JA 6B 25
JUNIOR B6 58 Andy1990
JUNTO B6 57 PIThompson

On 16th draw, OXO 14I 58 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other tops: COX 14H 58
Other moves: GOX 14H 57, OX 14I 55, EX N9 52, OX N9 52, EX J9 51
COX 14H 58 PIThompson, Andy1990

On 17th draw, GOOFED A10 41 --- GOOF to blunder [v]
Other moves: FEND 1F 32, FEOD 1F 32, FOND 1F 32, FOOD 1F 32, NOODGE A10 31
GOOFED A10 41 PIThompson
FEED 14B 16 Andy1990

On 18th draw, BITTER 1F 31 --- BITTER having a disagreeable taste [adj] --- BITTER to make resentful [v]
Other moves: BITER 1F 28, BITTE 1F 28, BRITT 1F 28, BIER 1F 25, BITE 1F 25
BITTER 1F 31 Andy1990, PIThompson

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