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Game of Mars 1, 2012 at 15:19, 5 players
1. 515 pts jimbo
2. 449 pts tonikay
3. 153 pts deborahre

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cehllru   H8    28    28   leuch
 2. ?aceitu  11E    94   122   cruciate
 3. efimors  10J    38   160   fermis
 4. eeeintu  O10    21   181   seiten
 5. aaekrtw  N12    42   223   kawa
 6. ?egoost   I3    66   289   gentoos
 7. aeinnox   5G    78   367   annexion
 8. aeejnoy   N2    46   413   jenny
 9. aadilno   E8    61   474   diaconal
10. eilortu   6A    63   537   outlier
11. diorstw  M12    42   579   swot
12. abdeehr   C2    90   669   breathed
13. adimrsv   O5    38   707   saim
14. ginoprt   A4    86   793   trooping
15. abefqvy   D4    40   833   fyle
16. bdgilov   O1    30   863   bod
17. adgqruv   H1    39   902   qua
18. dgirvvz  14B    42   944   vizard

Remaining tiles: glprv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6003 Filejimbo       1 21:13  -429  515     1.6003 jimbo       1 21:13  -429  515 
  2.5804 Filetonikay     0 24:19  -495  449     2.6488 babsbedi    0  1:12  -918   26 
  3.4002 Filedeborahre   0  3:50  -791  153            Group: novice
  4.4010 Filemicmac      1  6:12  -807  137     1.5804 tonikay     0 24:19  -495  449 
  5.6488 Filebabsbedi    0  1:12  -918   26            Group: not rated
                                             1.4002 deborahre   0  3:50  -791  153 
                                             2.4010 micmac      1  6:12  -807  137 

On 1st draw, LEUCH H8 28 --- LAUCH to laugh [v]
Other tops: LURCH H8 28
Other moves: CHURL H4 26, HULLER H4 26, CHURL H8 22, CULLER H4 22, LEUCH H4 22
LURCH H8 28 jimbo
HELL H5 14 tonikay

On 2nd draw, C(R)UCIATE 11E 94 --- CRUCIATE cross-shaped [adj]
Other moves: AC(Q)UITE 7G 73, AU(X)ETIC 7B 73, TU(N)ICAE 7D 73, CU(N)EATIC 11A 72, CU(N)EATIC 11H 72
HATC(H) 12H 18 jimbo
CUTE(S) 11H 12 tonikay

On 3rd draw, FERMIS 10J 38 --- FERMI a unit of length [n]
Other moves: FERMI 10J 37, FERMS 10J 37, FIRMS 10J 37, FEMS 10J 36, FEM 10J 35
FORM 12L 34 jimbo
FARMS J10 20 tonikay

On 4th draw, SEITEN O10 21 --- SEITEN a food made from wheat gluten [n]
Other moves: ENSUE O8 18, INSET O8 18, INTUSE O6 18, TEENES O5 18, TENUES O5 18
UNITES O5 18 jimbo
TEENS O6 15 tonikay

On 5th draw, KAWA N12 42 --- KAWA protocol (Maori) [n]
Other moves: KARATE 14J 40, KAW N12 38, TAWA 12J 35, RAW 12J 33, TAW 12J 33
TAWA 12J 35 tonikay
REAWAKE 14I 32 jimbo

On 6th draw, GE(N)TOOS I3 66 --- GENTOO a Falkland Island penguin [n]
Other moves: STOOGE(D) G3 63, OSTEOGE(N) 9B 61, O(U)TGOE(R)S F5 59, T(H)EOLOGS 8D 59, (B)OOTLEGS 8D 58
T(A)G 12J 22 tonikay
LOOTE(R)S 8H 7 jimbo

On 7th draw, AN(N)EXION 5G 78 --- ANNEXION the act of annexing [n]
Other tops: ANNEXIO(N) 5B 78, A(N)NEXION 5H 78
Other moves: ANNEXE 4D 42, AX 12K 41, XENIA 4H 40, XENON 4H 40, AXONE J1 34
AXON J1 32 jimbo
HOX 12H 28 tonikay

On 8th draw, JENNY N2 46 --- JENNY a female donkey [n]
Other tops: JANNY N2 46
Other moves: AJEE 4L 39, ENJOY 4C 35, JOEY 4D 33, JOEY 4G 32, YOJAN 4C 32
JOEY 4G 32 tonikay
JO J2 28 jimbo

On 9th draw, DIACONAL E8 61 --- DIACONAL pertaining to a deacon [adj]
Other moves: NADA O1 33, DONA O1 32, LANA O1 29, NALA O1 29, DOONA M3 27
LOD M13 24 tonikay
DAN O1 23 jimbo

On 10th draw, OUTLIER 6A 63 --- OUTLIER some part detached from the main portion [n]
Other moves: LORE O1 29, LOTE O1 29, ROLE O1 29, ROTE O1 29, TOLE O1 29
ROTE O1 29 jimbo
TORE O1 29 tonikay
LOTE O1 29 deborahre

On 11th draw, SWOT M12 42 --- SWOT to study hard [v]
Other moves: STOW M12 39, TIEROD 4G 39, WOODS A4 39, WROOTS A4 39, WROOT A4 36
WOS O1 29 deborahre, tonikay
WOT O1 29 jimbo

On 12th draw, BREATHED C2 90 --- BREATHE to inhale and exhale air [v]
Other moves: BAREHEAD 14D 68, HERBAGED 3D 68, BLAHED 15D 45, OBEAHED A6 45, HADE O1 42
HADE O1 42 deborahre, tonikay, jimbo

On 13th draw, SAIM O5 38 --- SAIM lard made from pork fat [n]
Other moves: ADVISOR A1 36, AMINS 4K 35, SADI O5 35, SAID O5 35, SARD O5 35
MAD O1 30 deborahre, tonikay
VAS O1 29 jimbo

On 14th draw, TROOPING A4 86 --- TROOP to move or gather in crowds [v]
Other tops: TROOPING A3 86
Other moves: PORTING B8 81, PLEUCHING H7 55, POOTING A4 39, POOING A4 36, PROIGN A4 36
PORTING B8 81 jimbo
LOPING 15E 27 micmac
POT O1 26 tonikay
GON O1 23 deborahre

On 15th draw, FYLE D4 40 --- FYLE a line (file) of soldiers [n]
Other tops: ABBEY 2B 40
Other moves: BAYE D12 38, FAVEL 15A 36, VIBEY L4 34, LEAFY 15E 33, LEAVY 15E 33
LEAFY 15E 33 micmac
AB 4K 25 tonikay
QI L4 22 jimbo

On 16th draw, BOD O1 30 --- BOD a person [n]
Other tops: GLOBI 15D 30
Other moves: VIDEO J2 29, VOL O1 29, GOD O1 27, BID D12 25, BOD D12 25
OD 4K 21 tonikay
BO O1 21 micmac
LIDO 15E 15 jimbo

On 17th draw, QUA H1 39 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: BURQA 2C 36, AQUA 14E 33, VULGAR 15C 33, QADI L2 28, QAID L3 28
QUA H1 39 micmac
QI L4 22 tonikay, jimbo

On 18th draw, VIZARD 14B 42 --- VIZARD a mask [n] --- VIZARD to mask or disguise [v]
Other moves: VIZIR L4 36, VIZIR L2 34, VIVID L4 28, ZING 13C 28, DZO 12C 26
ZIG L4 26 jimbo
ZED 3M 26 babsbedi
ZAG 3G 23 tonikay
ZAG 14D 17 micmac

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