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Game of Mars 1, 2012 at 18:17, 5 players
1. 672 pts PIThompson
2. 598 pts quirky
3. 357 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. defilrt   H4    80    80   flirted
 2. abeprst   6D    70   150   baptiser
 3. aamorry   5C    36   186   mayo
 4. ?aaikmo   K6    76   262   romaikas
 5. egirrsv   L1    41   303   virges
 6. eennotu   8K    24   327   moten
 7. bdeiirt   4A    36   363   bred
 8. cegilnt  12H    82   445   cleating
 9. ehoottu   3A    34   479   ooh
10. ?eeeotu   2A    25   504   lote
11. deehjsu   1D    48   552   heeds
12. aeilnqu   2I    72   624   equinia
13. aginowx   O1    54   678   waxing
14. aanprsy  N10    34   712   panary
15. aaclnsu  15L    36   748   cays
16. adeillo   9A    62   810   oeillade
17. efjruwz  M11    69   879   jiz
18. efirtuu   A9    42   921   outfire
19. innouvw  10E    28   949   ow

Remaining tiles: innuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7695 FilePIThompson 11 16:06  -277  672     1.7695 PIThompson 11 16:06  -277  672 
  2.6516 Filequirky      5 18:17  -351  598            Group: intermediate
  3.5936 Fileargomearns  1 12:07  -592  357     1.6516 quirky      5 18:17  -351  598 
  4.  -  FileMontecito   1  3:49  -830  119            Group: novice
  5.4190 Filemicmac      0  2:15  -877   72     1.5936 argomearns  1 12:07  -592  357 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Montecito   1  3:49  -830  119 
                                             2.4190 micmac      0  2:15  -877   72 

On 1st draw, FLIRTED H4 80 --- FLIRT to behave amorously without serious intent [v]
Other moves: FLIRTED H6 76, TRIFLED H6 76, FLIRTED H2 74, FLIRTED H3 74, FLIRTED H7 74
FLIRTED H4 30 PIThompson, quirky

On 2nd draw, BAPTISER 6D 70 --- BAPTISER one who baptizes [n]
Other moves: BATLERS 5E 36, PSALTER 5E 36, BESPAT G6 33, ASPER G7 26, BASTER G6 25
BARPS G9 23 PIThompson
DEPARTS 10H 18 quirky

On 3rd draw, MAYO 5C 36 --- MAYO mayonnaise [n]
Other moves: MORAY 5A 34, AMBRY D4 32, ARRAY 5A 30, MAY 5C 30, MOY 5C 30
MAYO 5C 36 PIThompson
MARRY G9 27 quirky

On 4th draw, ROMAIKA(S) K6 76 --- ROMAIKA a modern Greek dance [n]
Other moves: (R)OMAIKA G9 67, (R)OMAIKA I9 67, M(O)OK 4A 46, MO(O)K 4A 45, AMOK 4A 44
KOA(S) 4A 36 PIThompson
MA(S)K L4 30 quirky

On 5th draw, VIRGES L1 41 --- VIRGE the brink [n]
Other moves: GIVERS L1 37, VIES 4A 36, MIRVS 8K 33, RIVERS L1 33, GIVES L2 31
GIVERS L1 37 quirky
VIES 4A 36 PIThompson

On 6th draw, MOTEN 8K 24 --- MOTE a small particle [n]
Other tops: ETEN 4A 24, EVENT 1K 24, MENTO 8K 24, MONTE 8K 24, MOUNT 8K 24, MUTON 8K 24, NEON 4A 24, NOUN 4A 24, NOUT 4A 24, TEEN 4A 24, TOUN 4A 24
Other moves: VENT 1L 21, VETO 1L 21, VOTE 1L 21, EEN 4B 20, EON 4B 20
EVENT 1K 24 PIThompson, quirky

On 7th draw, BRED 4A 36 --- BRED ir past tense of BREED [v] --- BRED someone living in a remote part of Australia [n] --- BREED to produce by giving birth [v]
Other moves: TIDIER L10 31, BRIDIE 2J 30, DIVERT 1J 30, DIB L10 29, BED 4B 28
BRED 4A 36 PIThompson
DIVERT 1J 30 quirky

On 8th draw, CLEATING 12H 82 --- CLEAT to strengthen with a strip of wood or iron [v]
Other moves: ELECTING N8 76, GENTILIC 2H 76, GENTILIC 2F 67, ELECTING N6 65, BELTING A4 30
BELTING A4 30 quirky, PIThompson
EVICT 1K 30 argomearns

On 9th draw, OOH 3A 34 --- OOH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other moves: BHOOT A4 30, BOOTH A4 30, OUTVOTE 1I 30, EH 3B 28, EH J9 28
OOH 3A 34 PIThompson
BOOTH A4 30 argomearns
OH 3B 28 quirky

On 10th draw, (L)OTE 2A 25 --- LOTE a waterlily [n]
Other tops: (C)OTE 2A 25, (D)OTE 2A 25, (H)OTE 2A 25, (M)OTE 2A 25, (M)OTU 2A 25, (N)OTE 2A 25, (R)OTE 2A 25
Other moves: OUVE(R)T 1J 24, (D)EVOTE 1J 24, (D)EVOUT 1J 24, (R)EVOTE 1J 24, (S)TEEVE 1H 24
(D)OTE 2A 25 PIThompson
(D)EVOTE 1J 24 quirky
VETO 1L 21 argomearns

On 11th draw, HEEDS 1D 48 --- HEED to pay attention to [v]
Other moves: JEERS 3I 40, DEJEUNES N7 36, GJUS O12 36, HEIDS 2J 34, HENDS N10 34
HEEDS 1D 48 PIThompson, quirky
SUGHED O10 33 argomearns

On 12th draw, EQUINIA 2I 72 --- EQUINIA glanders, a contagious horse disease [n]
Other tops: EQUINAL 2I 72
Other moves: QUINIE 2J 70, QUINA 2J 68, QUINE 2J 68, QUARE 3I 48, QUERN 3I 48
EQUINAL 2I 72 PIThompson
QUIRE 3I 48 quirky
QUEEN N6 36 argomearns

On 13th draw, WAXING O1 54 --- WAXING the act of one that waxes [n]
Other moves: XI 2F 53, AX J9 52, OXGANG O10 45, XI 3I 45, COAX H12 39
WAXING O1 54 Montecito, argomearns, PIThompson, quirky

On 14th draw, PANARY N10 34 --- PANARY a bread store [n]
Other moves: PANSY N10 32, ANGARY O10 30, GAPY O12 30, GYPS O12 30, PRY 3K 30
PANARY N10 34 PIThompson
PANSY N10 32 Montecito
CRAY H12 27 quirky, argomearns

On 15th draw, CAYS 15L 36 --- CAY a small low island [n]
Other moves: CLAYS 15K 33, ACYL 15L 30, UNLAYS 15J 30, ALAYS 15K 27, CACA H12 24
CAYS 15L 36 PIThompson, quirky
CLAYS 15K 33 Montecito
CLAN H12 18 argomearns

On 16th draw, OEILLADE 9A 62 --- OEILLADE an amorous glance [n]
Other moves: (L)OBELIA A2 24, AIOLI N1 23, OLID M10 22, CADE H12 21, CADI H12 21
OLID M10 22 PIThompson
CODE H12 21 argomearns, quirky

On 17th draw, JIZ M11 69 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: FIZ M11 57, FORZE A8 54, FROZE A7 51, JEEZ B7 40, JOW A8 39
JOW A8 39 PIThompson
FEZ B8 35 argomearns
JOE A8 30 quirky
CREW H12 27 micmac

On 18th draw, OUTFIRE A9 42 --- OUTFIRE to surpass in firing [v]
Other moves: EFT 10A 31, FOUTER A8 30, FOUTRE A8 30, FE 2F 29, EF 10A 28
OUTFIRE A9 42 quirky
FE 2F 29 PIThompson
FORTE A8 27 micmac, argomearns

On 19th draw, OW 10E 28 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: INRO 3J 25, WOVEN B6 25, AVOW F9 18, CION H12 18, COIN H12 18
OW 10E 28 PIThompson
WOVEN B6 25 argomearns
COIN H12 18 micmac
QUINE J2 14 quirky

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