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Game of Mars 1, 2012 at 19:03, 6 players
1. 487 pts argomearns
2. 407 pts raggedy01
3. 270 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeint   H4    68    68   destain
 2. ahiiort   G8    27    95   thoria
 3. aaeiruy   F9    36   131   aye
 4. eiklnrt   6H    65   196   strinkle
 5. ?eefnst   K4    90   286   feintest
 6. belooru   O1    33   319   rouble
 7. acdginr  13G    80   399   arcading
 8. eimnqrt  12L    46   445   qi
 9. acdehir   5B    80   525   charidee
10. aeepstx   O8    61   586   apexes
11. aeijmns   L1    48   634   jane
12. eilostu  14A    78   712   outlies
13. agilmpw  A12    36   748   plow
14. egmnosu   C5    69   817   humogens
15. admoryz   8A    84   901   doozy
16. aegmorv   M1    38   939   ogam
17. afiiort  N10    35   974   fa
18. eoortuv  D10    22   996   rootle
19. biiuvvw   D1    26  1022   bivia

Remaining tiles: uvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5947 Fileargomearns  2 16:16  -535  487     1.7228 susieq8182  2  6:31  -837  185 
  2.6196 Fileraggedy01   4 14:58  -615  407            Group: intermediate
  3.4190 Filemicmac      1 12:43  -752  270     1.6196 raggedy01   4 14:58  -615  407 
  4.7228 Filesusieq8182  2  6:31  -837  185     2.6870 Gypsylady   1  3:47  -942   80 
  5.5787 Filetonikay     1  5:09  -854  168            Group: novice
  6.6870 FileGypsylady   1  3:47  -942   80     1.5947 argomearns  2 16:16  -535  487 
                                             2.5787 tonikay     1  5:09  -854  168 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4190 micmac      1 12:43  -752  270 

On 1st draw, DE(S)TAIN H4 68 --- DESTAIN to remove stain from [v]
Other tops: ANTI(R)ED H6 68, A(U)DIENT H2 68, DETAIN(S) H4 68, DET(R)AIN H4 68, DE(F)IANT H4 68, DE(P)AINT H4 68, DE(V)IANT H4 68, IN(S)TEAD H6 68, NIDATE(D) H2 68, NIDATE(S) H2 68, NI(D)ATED H6 68, TAIN(T)ED H6 68, T(R)AINED H6 68, (F)AINTED H6 68, (M)EDIANT H2 68, (P)AINTED H6 68, (P)ATINED H6 68, (S)AINTED H6 68, (S)ATINED H6 68, (S)TAINED H6 68, (T)AINTED H6 68
Other moves: ANTI(R)ED H2 66, ANTI(R)ED H3 66, ANTI(R)ED H4 66, ANTI(R)ED H7 66, A(U)DIENT H4 66

On 2nd draw, THORIA G8 27 --- THORIA an oxide of thorium [n]
Other tops: OATH G6 27
Other moves: THAR G8 24, THIO G8 24, THIR G8 24, AHI G8 23, THO G8 23

On 3rd draw, AYE F9 36 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: AYU F9 36
Other moves: AY F9 33, YEA F10 32, YA F10 29, YE F10 29, YU F10 29
YEA H13 23 micmac

On 4th draw, (S)TRINKLE 6H 65 --- STRINKLE to sprinkle [v]
Other tops: LINK(S)TER 6D 65, TINKLER(S) 6A 65
Other moves: NERK H12 32, TIKE H12 32, TINK H12 32, TREK H12 32, KILTER I3 28
TINK H12 32 argomearns
LIKED 4D 20 micmac

On 5th draw, FEIN(T)EST K4 90 --- FEINT ruled with faint lines [adj]
Other tops: FEINTES(T) K4 90, FI(F)TEENS K5 90, (F)IFTEENS K5 90
Other moves: ENFESTE(D) O3 83, ENFESTE(D) O6 83, F(A)STENED 4A 80, DEFTNE(S)S 4H 74, ENFEST(E)D 4A 74
FEET H12 44 argomearns
TEENS O5 15 micmac

On 6th draw, ROUBLE O1 33 --- ROUBLE a monetary unit of the Soviet Union [n]
Other moves: BLUE L1 28, BOLE L1 28, BORE L1 28, OBOE H12 28, OBOL H12 28
REBOOK M1 24 raggedy01
REBEL O5 21 argomearns, Gypsylady
BOO H13 19 micmac

On 7th draw, ARCADING 13G 80 --- ARCADING shops in an arcade [n]
Other moves: CARDIGAN 13F 78, CARANGID 13F 76, CARDIGAN 13A 74, CARANGID 13D 64, ARCADING 13D 63
DARKING M3 32 raggedy01
DING H12 31 argomearns
(T)RAIN 8K 15 micmac
CARDING 13F 13 Gypsylady

On 8th draw, QI 12L 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MINGER N10 30, MINE 14J 29, MITE 14J 29, INTERIM L8 28, MERINO 2J 28
QI 12L 46 raggedy01, micmac, Gypsylady, argomearns

On 9th draw, CHARIDEE 5B 80 --- CHARIDEE charity as pronounced in a mid-Atlantic accent [n]
Other moves: CHARIDEE 5A 78, I(T)CHED 8J 42, (T)HECA 8K 39, (T)HEIC 8K 39, CEDARN L1 36
(T)HIRD 8K 36 argomearns
CHAIRED 4B 26 raggedy01
HARK M3 22 micmac

On 10th draw, APEXES O8 61 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other tops: EXPATS O8 61
Other moves: EXEATS O8 55, APEX 4C 50, APEXES 14B 44, EXPATS 14B 44, TAXED 4D 44
REX H13 30 micmac, argomearns, raggedy01

On 11th draw, JANE L1 48 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other tops: JAM 4D 48
Other moves: JA 4D 38, MAS 14J 36, MES 14J 36, MIS 14J 36, JANN L3 34
JAM 4D 48 raggedy01, argomearns
RAJ H13 30 micmac

On 12th draw, OUTLIES 14A 78 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other moves: OULKS M3 30, STOLED 4C 30, STOLID 4C 30, OLES M1 29, LOUIES 14B 26
TIS 14J 24 argomearns
ES 14K 17 raggedy01
SALUTE D4 14 micmac

On 13th draw, PLOW A12 36 --- PLOW to turn up land with a plow (a farm implement) [v]
Other moves: AGLOW A11 33, MAW M2 33, MIAOW A11 33, PILOW A11 33, APIOL A11 30
PLOW A12 36 raggedy01
AGLOW A11 33 argomearns
W*P A13 24 micmac

On 14th draw, HUMOGENS C5 69 --- HUMOGEN a fertilizer [n]
Other moves: NOME N8 37, MES 14J 36, MOS 14J 36, OMEN M1 35, SMOG 4C 32
MOS 14J 36 tonikay
MANGOES D4 22 argomearns
SO 14M 13 raggedy01
MOAN 2J 12 micmac

On 15th draw, DOOZY 8A 84 --- DOOZY an extraordinary one of its kind [n]
Other moves: ZOOM 8A 54, ZOA N2 52, DARCY B2 51, MOZ M2 51, AZO N1 50
DOOZY 8A 84 raggedy01, susieq8182
ZOOM 8A 54 tonikay, argomearns

On 16th draw, OGAM M1 38 --- OGAM an ancient alphabet [n]
Other moves: OMER M1 35, AGER M1 32, AMOK M3 32, AREG M1 32, EGMA N1 30
MA N10 29 tonikay
ME N10 29 susieq8182
ME B10 22 argomearns
AZO D7 19 raggedy01

On 17th draw, FA N10 35 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: FORA N8 31, OAF B8 30, OF N9 30, FA B10 28, FAT 4D 26
FA N10 35 tonikay, susieq8182
FE 10N 13 raggedy01
FE 10B 13 argomearns

On 18th draw, ROOTLE D10 22 --- ROOTLE to dig in the ground as with the snout [v]
Other moves: ERGO 9A 21, WROOT 15A 18, EGO 9B 17, TOETOE I3 17, NEVER 11C 16
VAT D4 14 susieq8182
POST 12A 12 argomearns

On 19th draw, BIVIA D1 26 --- BIVIUM part of a starfish [n]
Other moves: BI 14J 23, VIVA D2 20, VIVID G1 19, WAX 11M 19, WIN M11 19
BI 14J 23 susieq8182
VIVID G1 19 raggedy01
WIN M11 19 argomearns
WAB J12 14 tonikay

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