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Game of Mars 1, 2012 at 19:49, 6 players
1. 619 pts PIThompson
2. 458 pts susieq8182
3. 333 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiinpu   H2    68    68   nauplii
 2. deipruw   5G    24    92   updrew
 3. ?chinrs   L5    86   178   winchers
 4. ainoruv   8J    33   211   vicuna
 5. bcelort   3D    66   277   brocatel
 6. adeioot   4C    23   300   tied
 7. aelmrtt   G7    73   373   martlet
 8. egnosvy  14B    50   423   envoys
 9. abjnoty   2J    52   475   banjo
10. adefgko   3M    33   508   of
11. aegloqr  A10    37   545   galore
12. aeoqtwy  11I    42   587   qwerty
13. agootxz   5C    46   633   azo
14. deikpsu  O11    67   700   skied
15. efglnos   6B    37   737   foes
16. aegmrtx  12D    44   781   remex
17. adghilo  14J    38   819   hidage
18. aeglnop  15H    35   854   plane
19. aegiotu   4M    20   874   eta

Remaining tiles: giiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7692 FilePIThompson  6 15:30  -255  619     1.7692 PIThompson  6 15:30  -255  619 
  2.7240 Filesusieq8182  4 19:17  -416  458     2.7240 susieq8182  4 19:17  -416  458 
  3.6208 Fileraggedy01   1 20:36  -541  333            Group: intermediate
  4.5789 Filetonikay     0  9:54  -767  107     1.6208 raggedy01   1 20:36  -541  333 
  5.5942 Fileargomearns  0  2:58  -803   71            Group: novice
  6.  -  FileMontecito   0  0:50  -860   14     1.5789 tonikay     0  9:54  -767  107 
                                             2.5942 argomearns  0  2:58  -803   71 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Montecito   0  0:50  -860   14 

On 1st draw, NAUP(L)II H2 68 --- NAUPLIUS a form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: NAUP(L)II H3 68, NAUP(L)II H4 68, NAUP(L)II H6 68, NAUP(L)II H7 68
Other moves: NAUP(L)II H5 66, NAUP(L)II H8 66, PAINI(M) H4 20, PANI(N)I H4 20, PAU(L)IN H4 20
PAINI(M) H4 20 susieq8182
PAIN(T) H4 18 PIThompson, raggedy01
PIN(N)A H4 18 tonikay

On 2nd draw, UPDREW 5G 24 --- UPDRAW to draw up [v]
Other tops: UPDREW 4H 24
Other moves: PEW I1 23, DEW I1 22, DIPPER 5E 22, DIPPER 5F 22, RIPPED 5E 22
PEW I1 23 susieq8182
DEW I1 22 PIThompson
PINED 2F 18 raggedy01
WIPED 8G 11 tonikay

On 3rd draw, WINCH(E)RS L5 86 --- WINCHER one that winches [n]
Other moves: CHA(G)RINS 3F 82, CRAN(K)ISH 3F 78, CRASHIN(G) 3F 78, INARCH(E)S 3F 78, ARCHIN(E)S 3H 76
R(A)NCH 4K 36 PIThompson
H(O)NS 4K 25 susieq8182
CH(E)WS L2 24 tonikay

On 4th draw, VICUNA 8J 33 --- VICUNA a ruminant mammal [n]
Other tops: INCAVO 8J 33
Other moves: OVARIAN 3C 24, ACORN 8K 21, UNAI K9 20, URAO K9 20, CAIN 8L 18
VICUNA 8J 33 susieq8182
ACORN 8K 21 PIThompson
VAN I1 12 tonikay

On 5th draw, BROCATEL 3D 66 --- BROCATEL a heavy fabric [n]
Other moves: BROCATEL O4 65, THROB 9K 22, BLOC G7 21, BOET K10 21, BOLTER G7 21
BLOC G7 21 PIThompson
CORBEL 11J 20 susieq8182
BOR I1 11 tonikay
BOLTERS 12F 10 raggedy01

On 6th draw, TIED 4C 23 --- TIE to fasten with a cord or rope [v]
Other tops: TAED 4C 23, TOED 4C 23
Other moves: BAITED D3 22, BOATED D3 22, BOOTED D3 22, DATE 4A 22, DATO 4A 22
BOOTED D3 22 raggedy01
NIDATE 2H 22 susieq8182
TOAD 2C 22 PIThompson

On 7th draw, MARTLET G7 73 --- MARTLET a small bird [n]
Other moves: MARTLET G8 65, MALTSTER 12H 64, MALTREAT O2 61, MALTREAT O7 61, MARTLETS 12E 61
MARTEL 2J 40 PIThompson
MATTER 2J 40 raggedy01, susieq8182

On 8th draw, ENVOYS 14B 50 --- ENVOY a representative [n]
Other moves: GOEY 2C 39, NOSEY B2 38, VENEYS 12D 32, OY 2E 31, VEGO 5B 30
ENVOYS 14B 50 susieq8182, PIThompson
NOYS 14D 25 raggedy01

On 9th draw, BANJO 2J 52 --- BANJO a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: JAY 15A 46, BANTY 2J 44, JANNY N6 39, JANTY N6 39, JONTY N6 39
BANJO 2J 52 PIThompson
JANTY N6 39 susieq8182

On 10th draw, OF 3M 33 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: FAKE F6 33
Other moves: KADE 5B 32, KAGO 5B 32, FEOD 5B 31, FADE 5B 30, FADO 5B 30
OF 3M 33 PIThompson
ODE 3M 29 argomearns, raggedy01
KA 15A 20 susieq8182
GRADE 11K 14 Montecito

On 11th draw, GALORE A10 37 --- GALORE abundance [n]
Other moves: ARGLE A11 34, GALE A12 34, GARE A12 34, GLARE A11 34, GOLE A12 34
LOGE 5B 24 PIThompson
GOER 2C 21 susieq8182
JOE M2 10 raggedy01

On 12th draw, QWERTY 11I 42 --- QWERTY a standard typewriter keyboard [n]
Other moves: QAT F6 40, TOEY 2C 38, WAVY D12 34, AY 2E 31, OY 2E 31
AY 2E 31 PIThompson
WATE 5B 27 susieq8182
TOWNY C11 22 raggedy01

On 13th draw, AZO 5C 46 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: GYOZA N10 44, OX 5D 43, ZO 5D 42, ZOOT 5B 39, GAZOO 2A 38
ZOOT 5B 39 PIThompson
AZO 2B 29 raggedy01

On 14th draw, SKIED O11 67 --- SKI to travel on skis (long, narrow strips of wood or metal) [v]
Other moves: SPIKE O11 64, SPIDE O11 55, SPIED O11 55, SPUED O11 55, SIPED O11 49
SKIED O11 67 PIThompson
YIKES N11 24 raggedy01
IS O1 21 argomearns
BANJOS 2J 15 tonikay

On 15th draw, FOES 6B 37 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other moves: FLENSE 14J 34, FLOES 6A 32, FOE 6B 32, GOES 6B 31, LOGES 6A 31
FOES 6B 37 PIThompson, susieq8182
EFS 4M 26 raggedy01
EFS 12J 16 tonikay

On 16th draw, REMEX 12D 44 --- REMEX a flight feather of a bird's wing [n]
Other moves: TAXEME 14J 34, TAXMEN C9 32, MEAGRE 14J 30, METAGE 14J 30, AXMEN C10 28
TEXT 10D 27 PIThompson
REX B13 21 argomearns
AXE 14M 20 susieq8182
MARTED 15J 10 raggedy01

On 17th draw, HIDAGE 14J 38 --- HIDAGE a type of land tax [n]
Other moves: HALIDE 14J 36, HOAGIE 14J 36, GHI N13 30, AHI N13 27, DAH 11C 26
AHI N13 27 PIThompson
DAH 11C 26 susieq8182

On 18th draw, PLANE 15H 35 --- PLANE to make smooth and even [v]
Other tops: PLENA 15H 35
Other moves: AGONE 15H 32, ALONE 15H 29, APNOEAL 11A 28, LAPEL 11C 28, NOPAL 11C 28
PLANE 15H 35 susieq8182, raggedy01, PIThompson

On 19th draw, ETA 4M 20 --- ETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ET 4M 18, TOGA 1I 18, TOGE 1I 18, AGUTI B8 17, TOGA B9 17
TOGA B9 17 PIThompson
TUG 13G 15 raggedy01

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