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Game of Mars 2, 2012 at 04:12, 2 players
1. 437 pts kellybelly
2. 21 pts tobysgirl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abcirx   H8    42    42   borax
 2. dgiilmn  11E    36    78   gliadin
 3. eeioops   L8    30   108   poise
 4. ?cimnoy   J5    72   180   viomycin
 5. einottv   E5    22   202   vetoing
 6. adeiior   8J    30   232   mopier
 7. adprtty   8A    33   265   typto
 8. ddeinst   N7    78   343   neddiest
 9. belnoor   G3    70   413   borneol
10. aaghqrt   F2    38   451   qat
11. eegimrs   A1    92   543   germiest
12. acehnru   C6    84   627   unpreach
13. adeegtu   H1    37   664   etage
14. aaejrsu  10B    34   698   jeune
15. aaekluw  12A    34   732   wack
16. afilluv  A11    33   765   awful
17. adehiov  O12    49   814   hoed
18. aalosvw   I6    20   834   aw
19. afloruz   B1    23   857   of
20. aailrsv   2H    76   933   travails

Remaining tiles: uz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7457 Filekellybelly  3 14:11  -496  437     1.7457 kellybelly  3 14:11  -496  437 
  2.3567 Filetobysgirl   0  3:07  -912   21            Group: not rated
                                             1.3567 tobysgirl   0  3:07  -912   21 

On 1st draw, B(O)RAX H8 42 --- BORAX a white crystalline compound [n]
Other tops: CAR(E)X H8 42, CA(L)IX H8 42, X(E)RIC H4 42
Other moves: B(O)XCAR H4 38, RA(D)IX H8 38, (V)ARIX H8 38, B(O)XCAR H7 34, B(O)XCAR H8 34
CAR(O)B H4 22 kellybelly

On 2nd draw, GLIADIN 11E 36 --- GLIADIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: MADLING 11G 22, MAIDING 11G 22, MIDI I11 22, DIM I11 21, DIM I7 21
MAIDING 11G 22 kellybelly

On 3rd draw, POISE L8 30 --- POISE to hold in a state of equilibrium [v]
Other tops: PEISE L8 30
Other moves: EPRISE 10F 29, REPOSE 10H 29, REPOS 10H 28, RIPES 10H 28, ROPES 10H 28
POISE L8 30 kellybelly

On 4th draw, (V)IOMYCIN J5 72 --- VIOMYCIN an antibiotic [n]
Other moves: MYOG(E)NIC E8 65, YMPIN(G) 8J 36, (H)YPNIC 8J 36, M(E)INY 10J 34, MYO(S)IN 13I 33
COY(S) M7 29 kellybelly

On 5th draw, VETOING E5 22 --- VETO to forbid or prevent authoritatively [v]
Other tops: VETTING E5 22
Other moves: ENVOI 12A 21, ENVOI 12B 21, VEIN M7 21, VENT M7 21, VINO M7 21
VINO M7 21 kellybelly

On 6th draw, MOPIER 8J 30 --- MOPEY dejected [adj] --- MOPY dejected [adj]
Other moves: DERO F6 22, ADORE 13K 21, AIDOI D6 21, PADI 8L 21, PAID 8L 21
PAID 8L 21 kellybelly

On 7th draw, TYPTO 8A 33 --- TYPTO to conjugate the Greek verb [v]
Other moves: PRATY 13K 28, YRAPT 13K 28, PAY D6 27, PAY G7 27, YARTO 8A 27
DAY F6 25 kellybelly
RATTY O8 12 tobysgirl

On 8th draw, NEDDIEST N7 78 --- NEDDY like a ned, a hooligan [adj]
Other moves: DESTINED N2 74, DESTINED N7 74, NEDDIEST N3 66, STRIDDEN O6 61, SIDED 13J 38
SIDED 13J 38 kellybelly
INEPT C5 9 tobysgirl

On 9th draw, BORNEOL G3 70 --- BORNEOL an alcohol used in perfumes [n]
Other moves: BOLONEY B2 28, BROSE 13K 22, LOON O12 22, LOOR O12 22, NOEL O12 22
ROON O12 22 kellybelly

On 10th draw, QAT F2 38 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: THAR O12 34, HAAR H1 31, THAR H1 31, HAG O13 28, AAH F5 25
QAT F2 38 kellybelly

On 11th draw, GERMIEST A1 92 --- GERMY full of germs [adj]
Other moves: GERMIEST 14G 67, GISM H1 43, SERES 13J 33, SIRES 13J 33, MESE H1 30
GISM H1 43 kellybelly

On 12th draw, UNPREACH C6 84 --- UNPREACH to recant in preaching [v]
Other moves: CHARE H1 44, CHAR H1 39, UNCHAIR M3 36, CRANE H1 35, RHEA O12 34
HEAR H1 33 kellybelly

On 13th draw, ETAGE H1 37 --- ETAGE a floor storey [n]
Other tops: TEADE H1 37
Other moves: EGAD H1 35, TEAD H1 32, GEAT H1 27, DEET B2 24, EYED B7 24
TEAD H1 32 kellybelly

On 14th draw, JEUNE 10B 34 --- JEUNE young [adj]
Other moves: SARUS 13J 33, SURAS 13J 33, SURES 13J 33, JURATS 14J 29, ASAR 13I 28
JEAN 10B 27 kellybelly

On 15th draw, WACK 12A 34 --- WACK an eccentric person [n] --- WACK bad, unfashionable [adj]
Other tops: WAUK M12 34, WEAK M12 34
Other moves: KAAL M12 29, KAE M12 27, KEA M12 27, KUE M12 27, MAWK 4A 26
WACK 12A 34 kellybelly

On 16th draw, AWFUL A11 33 --- AWFUL extremely bad or unpleasant [adj]
Other moves: WAIF A12 30, VAIL M12 26, VIAL M12 26, VAU M12 24, VIA M12 24

On 17th draw, HOED O12 49 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other tops: HIED O12 49
Other moves: AHED O12 37, HEAD B2 35, HEID B2 35, AAH B12 31, HAD O13 28

On 18th draw, AW I6 20 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other tops: OW I6 20
Other moves: AAS B12 19, AS 13I 18, AVAIL M5 18, HALVA 13C 18, HOWLS 13C 18

On 19th draw, OF B1 23 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: FOX 12F 21, FLAIR M5 18, FRAIL M5 18, FA B5 17, FAIL M6 17

On 20th draw, TRAVAILS 2H 76 --- TRAVAIL to toil [v]
Other moves: REAVAILS 1G 62, ASAR 13I 28, SAR 13J 26, SIR 13J 26, TRAVAIL 2H 24

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