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Game of Mars 2, 2012 at 05:48, 1 player
1. 182 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. addinor   H2    72    72   android
 2. aennrsy   6E    65   137   annoyers
 3. abchiot   5A    34   171   batch
 4. egioprt   4F    74   245   ridgetop
 5. eioqtuy   A3    63   308   qubyte
 6. aceoprs   C2    78   386   postrace
 7. deintvw   B9    38   424   twined
 8. ?abhost   N3    80   504   isobath
 9. ?aaeeir   8E    59   563   eradiate
10. deimotz   G8    81   644   atomized
11. aeflovw  15D    42   686   feodal
12. egmnruu   O7    34   720   gem
13. egknoos  A11    44   764   kenos
14. ailnoux  14I    30   794   axion
15. eiiluuv  11G    20   814   mvule
16. fgiiluv   O1    25   839   gif
17. iilruvw  L12    28   867   vrow
18. iijlluu  10F    25   892   jo

Remaining tiles: iilluu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5154 Filespellcheck  2 10:33  -710  182     1.5154 spellcheck  2 10:33  -710  182 

On 1st draw, ANDROID H2 72 --- ANDROID a synthetic man [n]
Other tops: ANDROID H6 72
Other moves: ANDROID H3 70, ANDROID H4 70, ANDROID H7 70, ANDROID H8 70, ANDROID H5 68

On 2nd draw, ANNOYERS 6E 65 --- ANNOYER one that annoys [n]
Other moves: SNYE I1 25, AYE I2 24, NYE I2 24, RENAYS 9C 24, RYA I2 24

On 3rd draw, BATCH 5A 34 --- BATCH to collect together [v]
Other tops: BITCH 5A 34, BOTCH 5A 34, CHAIR 5D 34, CHOIR 5D 34
Other moves: BACH 5B 32, COHAB 5A 32, COHABS L1 32, TACHO 5B 32, AITCH 5A 30

On 4th draw, RIDGETOP 4F 74 --- RIDGETOP the crest of a ridge [n]
Other moves: RIDGETOP 8F 63, PRERIOT K5 36, PORTAGE B1 28, POTAGER B2 28, BEGIRT A5 27

On 5th draw, QUBYTE A3 63 --- QUBYTE a sequence of eight quantum bits [n]
Other moves: QUEY 7C 37, EQUITY C1 36, QUATE 2F 36, QUAY 2F 36, QUYTE 3B 36

On 6th draw, POSTRACE C2 78 --- POSTRACE following a race [adj]
Other moves: PARSEC N1 45, ROSACE N2 41, SECPAR 9A 34, RAPES 5J 32, ROPES 5J 32

On 7th draw, TWINED B9 38 --- TWINE to entangle together [v]
Other moves: TWINED D9 22, DWINE D9 21, VIAND 2F 21, VIEWED J2 21, WAIVED 2G 21

On 8th draw, (I)SOBATH N3 80 --- ISOBATH a line on a map connecting points of equal water depth [n]
Other moves: (I)SOBATH 9G 76, ISOBATH(S) 11B 74, I(S)OBATHS 11B 74, (I)SOBATH G8 65, (I)SOBATH I8 65

On 9th draw, ERADIA(T)E 8E 59 --- ERADIATE to shoot out like a ray of light [v]
Other moves: EA(S)IER O5 33, RE(D)IAE O5 33, (F)ERIAE O5 33, (P)ERAEA O5 33, (P)EREIA O5 33

On 10th draw, ATOMIZED G8 81 --- ATOMIZE to reduce to a fine spray [v]
Other moves: ATOMIZED J8 74, MIZ A13 49, MOZ A13 49, IDEM O6 41, ROZITED F8 41
DAZE 2G 16 spellcheck

On 11th draw, FEODAL 15D 42 --- FEODAL feudal [adj]
Other moves: WALDO 15D 39, WALE O5 38, LAEVO O7 37, LOAVE O7 37, WEAL O7 37
DOWEL 15G 27 spellcheck

On 12th draw, GEM O7 34 --- GEM to adorn with gems (precious stones) [v]
Other moves: REM O7 30, MEG F10 29, MUG F10 29, EMU O8 28, RUME F8 28
GUMMER 11E 22 spellcheck

On 13th draw, KENOS A11 44 --- KENO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: SPOOK 2B 42, KEG F10 41, KOS F10 39, KO F10 36, EKE 14E 35
MONKS 11G 22 spellcheck

On 14th draw, AXION 14I 30 --- AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: XOANA 2F 30
Other moves: AXIL 14I 29, AXON 14I 29, LAX F10 29, LOX F10 29, LUX F10 29
(T)OXIN K8 22 spellcheck

On 15th draw, MVULE 11G 20 --- MVULE an African tree [n]
Other tops: LIVE 13L 20
Other moves: REV 5H 19, LEV 13L 18, LUV 13L 18, VOILE 10F 18, VOULU 10F 18
VALUE 2G 10 spellcheck

On 16th draw, GIF O1 25 --- GIF if [conj]
Other moves: GLIFF D11 24, GULF 13L 23, FUG 15L 22, GUFF D12 22, GIF 13L 21
GIF O1 25 spellcheck

On 17th draw, VROW L12 28 --- VROW a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: WE 14F 26, WO F14 26, WILI 13L 23, URP M2 20, WILI D9 20
VOW L13 13 spellcheck

On 18th draw, JO 10F 25 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: WULL 15L 23, JAG 7M 19, JIZ 13E 19, QUOLL 3A 14, JAIL 2G 13
JO 10F 25 spellcheck

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