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Game of Mars 3, 2012 at 01:42, 2 players
1. 479 pts tonikay
2. 340 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abeltw   H7    80    80   teabowl
 2. ?aegiis  10H    66   146   bigamies
 3. aenpstx  13E    71   217   explants
 4. beefmoo   O8    36   253   bosom
 5. aehnoqr   L7    28   281   rhamnose
 6. deglnot  12B    26   307   glode
 7. adeenou  11E    31   338   odeon
 8. eflntuv  B10    34   372   fugle
 9. adeiimu  15A    41   413   idem
10. adijknr   A6    53   466   kanji
11. eostuyy  14F    81   547   yesty
12. afinrtt   B2    28   575   frati
13. aenostw  15L    36   611   snow
14. aaeinrr   A1    25   636   rean
15. ailopru   5B    70   706   troupial
16. cghotuz   9G    49   755   caz
17. dehioru   7D    68   823   drouthier
18. aeiiqtv   J6    31   854   qi
19. acgrtuv   H1    39   893   guava
20. ceirttv   3F    84   977   tractive

Remaining tile: i

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5718 Filetonikay     3 26:12  -498  479     1.5718 tonikay     3 26:12  -498  479 
  2.4087 Filedenbay      0 19:33  -637  340            Group: not rated
                                             1.4087 denbay      0 19:33  -637  340 

On 1st draw, TEAB(O)WL H7 80 --- TEABOWL a teacup having no handle [n]
Other tops: BELTWA(Y) H8 80, T(O)WABLE H2 80
Other moves: BELTWA(Y) H4 78, BLEWA(R)T H4 78, T(O)WABLE H8 78, BELTWA(Y) H2 74, BELTWA(Y) H3 74
WAL(L)ET H4 24 tonikay
BLEW H5 18 denbay

On 2nd draw, BIGA(M)IES 10H 66 --- BIGAMY the crime of being married to two people simultaneously [n]
Other moves: GAIETI(E)S 7D 60, (V)ESTIGIA 7E 60, GAIE(T)IES 8B 59, GAIE(T)IES 8E 59, GAI(E)TIES 7D 59
(S)AGES 14H 20 tonikay
STAGE 7G 8 denbay

On 3rd draw, EXPLANTS 13E 71 --- EXPLANT to remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium [v]
Other moves: SEXTAN O10 63, APEX 9J 46, EXPATS O5 45, SEXTANS O4 45, AXITES M8 42
PAX 9K 42 tonikay
AXES O7 33 denbay

On 4th draw, BOSOM O8 36 --- BOSOM to embrace [v]
Other tops: BESOM O8 36
Other moves: MOFO 12C 32, BOOM 11K 31, FEME 12C 31, BEEFS O6 30, FEEBS O6 30
FOBS O7 27 denbay
MEOW 12E 26 tonikay

On 5th draw, RHA(M)NOSE L7 28 --- RHAMNOSE a sugar found in plants [n]
Other tops: QANAT K9 28
Other moves: RHONE 12B 27, HERON 12A 26, HOAXER F10 26, HONER 12A 26, RHO 12D 26
HAO 12D 23 tonikay
QI M9 21 denbay

On 6th draw, GLODE 12B 26 --- GLODE a past tense of glide [v]
Other moves: LEGEND N9 25, DENOTE N9 23, LODE 12C 22, NODE 12C 22, DONE 12C 21
GLODE 12B 26 tonikay
DENT 7E 6 denbay

On 7th draw, ODE(O)N 11E 31 --- ODEON a concert hall [n]
Other moves: NOD 11D 29, OD 11E 25, ADIEU M8 22, ADO 11C 21, DAUNT K9 21
NOD 11D 29 tonikay
GOAD B12 12 denbay

On 8th draw, FUGLE B10 34 --- FUGLE to lead [v]
Other moves: FAULT K9 27, FULGENT B9 26, ENGULF B10 24, VALUTA 9G 23, LEAF 9F 22
LEAF 9F 22 tonikay
FLUTE C11 16 denbay

On 9th draw, IDEM 15A 41 --- IDEM the same [adj]
Other moves: ADIEU 15A 32, IDEM A8 30, AMIDE A6 29, IDEA 15A 29, IMIDE A6 29
IDEA 15A 29 denbay
MED N9 13 tonikay

On 10th draw, KANJI A6 53 --- KANJI a system of Japanese writing characters [n]
Other moves: DJIN A8 43, RAJA 9G 41, JAK 9G 39, JAK 9K 39, JARK G6 37
JAR 9G 23 tonikay
JAR 7J 10 denbay

On 11th draw, YESTY 14F 81 --- YESTY like yeast [adj]
Other moves: YEST 14F 56, YESTY B2 55, YES 14F 53, YOS 14F 53, SUETY B2 49
SUET 15L 27 denbay
TOYS 15I 20 tonikay

On 12th draw, FRATI B2 28 --- FRATE a Franciscan friar [n]
Other tops: FITNA B2 28, INFRA B2 28
Other moves: FAINT K9 27, ARF G7 25, LIFE C12 23, FRATE N6 22, INTRA B2 22
FAINT G5 18 tonikay
AFT 7A 7 denbay

On 13th draw, SNOW 15L 36 --- SNOW to fall as snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals) [v]
Other tops: SAWN 15L 36, SEWN 15L 36, SNAW 15L 36, SOWN 15L 36, STAW 15L 36, STEW 15L 36, STOW 15L 36, SWAN 15L 36, SWAT 15L 36, SWOT 15L 36
Other moves: WEAN A1 34, NEWEST N9 29, TEWS 15I 29, SANE 15L 27, SANT 15L 27
WEAN A1 34 tonikay
WANES 4A 24 denbay

On 14th draw, REAN A1 25 --- REAN a watercourse [n]
Other moves: EINA 14L 19, AIRER C4 17, NARRE C4 17, RERAN C4 17, AIA A1 16
RAIN G5 10 tonikay
RAIN 3B 8 denbay

On 15th draw, TROUPIAL 5B 70 --- TROUPIAL a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: PAROL C4 22, PORAL C4 22, ALAP 9J 21, PA 14N 21, PILAO K4 21
PAR C4 19 tonikay
NAIL 4A 8 denbay

On 16th draw, CAZ 9G 49 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other tops: ZO 14N 49
Other moves: TOUGH 4D 48, ZO 4D 46, ZHO N6 39, CHAO K8 34, CHOTA H1 33
ZO 14N 49 tonikay
ZOO D4 24 denbay

On 17th draw, DROUTHIER 7D 68 --- DROUTHY droughty [adj]
Other moves: DERRO C3 32, HIED M9 26, OHED 6D 26, HO 14N 25, OHED 4G 25
HERO 4H 22 tonikay
HOURI D4 18 denbay

On 18th draw, QI J6 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ATE C1 18, AVOID D3 18, VIA N6 18, ATE 6I 17, EVITE K3 16
QI J6 31 tonikay
VOID D4 16 denbay

On 19th draw, GUAVA H1 39 --- GUAVA a tropical shrub [n]
Other moves: VACUA H1 33, CARTA H1 24, CARGO D1 22, GLARE C11 21, TUGRA H1 21
CRATE N6 19 tonikay
CRAP F2 14 denbay

On 20th draw, TRACTIVE 3F 84 --- TRACTION the act of pulling or drawing over a surface [adj] --- TRACTIVE relating to traction [adj]
Other moves: CAVETTI 3G 38, CERT C3 32, ACTIVE 3H 28, REVIE K3 27, CATTIER 3G 26
CORD D4 14 denbay
CAT 3G 9 tonikay

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