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Game of Mars 3, 2012 at 03:16, 1 player
1. 355 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeegtw   H4    28    28   wedge
 2. abeefil   6B    27    55   feelbad
 3. ?ehiosy   E2    76   131   yokelish
 4. deilnnr   9E    24   155   hinder
 5. adeinox   8A    45   200   oxids
 6. ?cmnuuu   C3    26   226   numeric
 7. adeensu   J5    63   289   undersea
 8. ablnpty   K5    36   325   pyat
 9. aaerstz   L1    53   378   zetas
10. aaiirsw   1J    54   432   wazirs
11. gimnorr  12H    78   510   roarming
12. aalortv   M9    28   538   variola
13. eikoqtu  14J    68   606   quilt
14. aehiptu   N1    38   644   rupiah
15. ceiklnt   O5    43   687   tickle
16. egijlno  15H    46   733   join
17. aeloort  11I    20   753   leear
18. begnort   B2    26   779   gonef
19. bfoortv   F1    21   800   fob

Remaining tiles: orttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6503 FileZweep       1 14:28  -445  355     1.6503 Zweep       1 14:28  -445  355 

On 1st draw, WEDGE H4 28 --- WEDGE to force apart with a wedge (a tapering piece of wood or metal) [v]
Other tops: WAGED H4 28
Other moves: WAGED H8 24, TAWED H8 22, TEWED H8 22, TWEED H8 22, WEDGE H8 22

On 2nd draw, FEELBAD 6B 27 --- FEELBAD a feeling of personal unease, the opposite of feelgood [n]
Other moves: BEFLEA 5D 22, BEFLEA 5G 22, BELIEF 5D 22, BELIEF 5G 22, FAIBLE 5C 22

On 3rd draw, YO(K)ELISH E2 76 --- YOKELISH like a country bumpkin [adj]
Other moves: HOSIE(R)Y 9F 75, ISOHYE(T) 9G 75, FO(G)EYISH B6 74, ISOHYE(T) I7 70, HOSIE(R)Y G8 68

On 4th draw, HINDER 9E 24 --- HINDER to impede [v]
Other tops: EILDS 8A 24, LENDS 8A 24, LINDS 8A 24, NERDS 8A 24, RENDS 8A 24, RINDS 8A 24
Other moves: DEILS 8A 21, DELIS 8A 21, DENIS 8A 21, DERNS 8A 21, DINES 8A 21

On 5th draw, OXIDS 8A 45 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: INDEX C3 42, DEX 7A 41, AX 7B 39, AXONS 8A 39, EX 7B 39

On 6th draw, NUME(R)IC C3 26 --- NUMERIC a numeral [n]
Other tops: MUCU(S) K5 26
Other moves: (S)CUM K9 24, MUC(K)Y 2A 22, MUN 9A 22, M(I)NCY 2A 22, UNCU(S) K5 22

On 7th draw, UNDERSEA J5 63 --- UNDERSEA beneath the surface of the sea [adv]
Other tops: UNERASED J6 63, UNSEARED J4 63
Other moves: ENDUES 8J 29, NEEDS I2 29, DEENS I2 28, DEES I3 28, DENS I3 28
NUDES K5 23 Zweep

On 8th draw, PYAT K5 36 --- PYAT a magpie [n]
Other tops: PLATY 13I 36
Other moves: PYA K5 32, PLANT 13I 30, BANTY K2 29, PANTY K2 29, PLATY K2 29
PANTY 12I 20 Zweep

On 9th draw, ZETAS L1 53 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ERSATZ 13H 42, RAZES L1 35, TZARS 13F 35, TZARS L1 35, IZARS F9 34
ERSATZ 13H 42 Zweep

On 10th draw, WAZIRS 1J 54 --- WAZIR a high official in some Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: IZARS 1K 42, ARIA M1 27, ARIS M1 27, ASAR M1 27, WAITS 3I 24
SAW 13J 16 Zweep

On 11th draw, ROARMING 12H 78 --- ROARMING (E.D) raging, severe [adj]
Other moves: GORMIER 11E 40, IGNORER 11E 32, MARRING 12I 24, MING K11 24, MINOR K11 24
GNOME 2H 21 Zweep

On 12th draw, VARIOLA M9 28 --- VARIOLA smallpox [n]
Other tops: OVARIAL M8 28
Other moves: ARVAL H11 24, GRAV O12 24, LARVATE 11D 24, ORVAL H11 24, TRAVAIL M7 24
VOTE 2I 18 Zweep

On 13th draw, QUILT 14J 68 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other moves: QUAKE 15K 57, QUITE 3I 48, QUOTE 3I 48, QUATE 15K 45, KAIE 15L 39
QUAKE 15K 57 Zweep

On 14th draw, RUPIAH N1 38 --- RUPIAH a monetary unit of Indonesia [n]
Other moves: HATPEG O7 36, PHI 15H 35, PRAHU H11 30, AHI 15H 29, HEN N10 29
PHI 15H 35 Zweep

On 15th draw, TICKLE O5 43 --- TICKLE to touch lightly so as to produce a tingling sensation [v]
Other tops: NICKEL O5 43, NICKLE O5 43, TICKEN O5 43
Other moves: ICKLE O6 38, KNIT 15H 37, LECTIN 15F 37, LICK O5 37, NECK O5 37
INK O6 26 Zweep

On 16th draw, JOIN 15H 46 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: JEE 11I 33, ROJI H12 33, JINGLE 13C 32, JO(R) 7A 31, LOGIN 15G 31
JOIN 15H 46 Zweep

On 17th draw, LEEAR 11I 20 --- LEEAR a liar [n]
Other moves: AREOLE 2G 17, LA(R) 7A 17, LO(R) 7A 17, OA(R) 7A 17, OO(R) 7A 17
TO(R) 7A 17 Zweep

On 18th draw, GONEF B2 26 --- GONEF a thief [n]
Other moves: ENGOBE 2G 22, BO(R) 7A 21, ENROBE 2G 21, GREBE 2H 21, BEGONE 2G 20
BO(R) 7A 21 Zweep

On 19th draw, FOB F1 21 --- FOB to deceive [v]
Other moves: OOF F1 20, RAVE 10L 20, TOFORE 2G 20, OBO F2 19, OF F2 19
IF F9 13 Zweep

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