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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of Mars 3, 2012 at 09:23

Word find
Word played
1 ?AAAEFL FLEA(S) H4 22 -2 22 1/4 FA(V)ELA H4 24 24 1/4
2 DEEJNOR JEER G9 36 -7 58 2/4 REJON G7 43 67 1/4
3 AEEIKMR KIR F10 35 -17 93 1/4 MANKIER 11E 52 119 1/4
4 ABENSST KANES H11 30   123 2/4       149 1/4
5 EINPRRS PAINS F10 25 -49 148 3/4 PRERINSE 14A 74 223 2/4
6 ?ADNRTY D(O)PY A12 33 -61 181 2/4 (I)NTRADAY 5D 94 317 1/4
7 EHIMRSU HEMPS A11 39 -50 220 1/4 INHUMERS 13G 89 406 1/4
8 ABDINOT BANDIT 10J 29 -49 249 4/4 OBTAINED C8 78 484 2/4
9 AFGOTUV FOOT 8A 24 -12 273 4/4 GOOF 8A 36 520 4/4
10 AAEETTU             TAUPE A11 24 544 4/4
11 BEIIOOS             OBOES 12K 33 577 4/4
12 ACEGHIN             HAG 14J 40 617 4/4
13 CCDEIPT             DEPICTS O6 36 653 4/4
14 AEGLLTU             GLUTAEAL J1 63 716 4/4
15 DEIOTUZ             ZA F10 62 778 4/4
16 DEIOOVW             WOODIE 4A 36 814 4/4
17 EILNVVX             VEXING 1E 51 865 4/4
18 CIIOTVY             OTIC 15L 29 894 4/4
19 ILQUVWY             VEXINGLY 1E 26 920 4/4

Total: 273/920 or -647 for 29.67%
Rank: 6212

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