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Game of Mars 3, 2012 at 10:09, 3 players
1. 576 pts charmz
2. 306 pts jimbo
3. 207 pts briz2408

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adilnsv   H4    28    28   viands
 2. efilopu   G5    25    53   pfui
 3. ?amnruu   8A    33    86   muraenid
 4. aeertwx   I9    75   161   treewax
 5. ?aloswy   E5    98   259   owrelays
 6. deeginr   C6    74   333   deringer
 7. abegiot  H12    68   401   bate
 8. aeikprz  J12    63   464   zek
 9. eimnoot  F10    33   497   motion
10. eeeghor  15A    42   539   gorhen
11. eioqrtu  12H    54   593   bezique
12. ellpstu   O6   109   702   pullets
13. aeiorrs   A6    61   763   armoires
14. abgijot   D1    46   809   jabot
15. adelnno   1D    39   848   joled
16. deginty  K11    35   883   tidy
17. aceghin  N10    51   934   haeing
18. cefinov  15L    36   970   figo
19. acceinv   4H    28   998   vaccine

Remaining tile: v

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6588 Filecharmz      3 18:49  -422  576     1.6588 charmz      3 18:49  -422  576 
  2.6035 Filejimbo       0  9:27  -692  306     2.6035 jimbo       0  9:27  -692  306 
  3.5544 Filebriz2408    1  3:50  -791  207            Group: novice
                                             1.5544 briz2408    1  3:50  -791  207 

On 1st draw, VIANDS H4 28 --- VIAND an article of food [n]
Other moves: VALID H4 26, VIAND H4 26, VINALS H4 26, DIVANS H4 24, VAILS H4 24
VAILS H4 24 jimbo
VANS H8 14 charmz

On 2nd draw, PFUI G5 25 --- PFUI phooey [interj]
Other moves: FLOE I5 21, FLUE I5 21, PLIE G5 19, PLUE G5 19, FIE G6 18
FOE G6 18 jimbo
FLAP 6F 17 charmz

On 3rd draw, MURA(E)NID 8A 33 --- MURAENID a tropical eel [n]
Other moves: RAMPIN(G) 5D 20, RAMPI(O)N 5D 20, RUMPIN(G) 5D 20, VA(C)UUM 4H 20, AMPIN(G) 5E 18
MAN F8 13 charmz
SM(E)AR 9H 9 jimbo

On 4th draw, TREEWAX I9 75 --- TREEWAX a wax secreted by a certain insect, used as a floor wax [n]
Other moves: EXPIATE 5E 64, TRE(E)WAX E5 64, TREEWAX C7 38, TREEWAX D3 34, EARWAX D4 32
EX I5 27 charmz, briz2408
AX I5 27 jimbo

On 5th draw, OW(R)(E)LAYS E5 98 --- OWRELAY a large cravat [n]
Other moves: OWR(E)LAYS C6 84, ROL(L)WAYS C8 78, RO(L)LWAYS C8 78, OW(R)ELAYS 11F 76, OW(R)ELAYS 12F 76
WAXY 15G 51 jimbo, briz2408, charmz

On 6th draw, DERINGER C6 74 --- DERINGER a short-barreled pistol [n]
Other moves: DERINGER C1 72, REGAINED 14F 64, REMEDING A6 63, REINDEX 15C 48, EXING 15H 45
EXING 15H 45 charmz
INDEXER 15E 45 jimbo
DE H14 39 briz2408

On 7th draw, BATE H12 68 --- BATE to reduce the force of [v]
Other tops: BOTA H12 68
Other moves: TOEA H12 52, *B* H13 51, OBA H13 51, OBE H13 51, TEABOX 15D 48
BATE H12 68 briz2408, charmz
OBE H13 51 jimbo

On 8th draw, ZEK J12 63 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: ZAP J12 51, ZEP J12 51, PRIZE D2 50, PIZE D3 48, REAK J11 48
PRIZE B2 41 charmz
ZA D5 29 jimbo
ZEE 12A 22 briz2408

On 9th draw, MOTION F10 33 --- MOTION to signal by a bodily movement [v]
Other moves: MEINT F10 32, MOTEN F10 32, NOMOI F8 32, OMEN D11 31, MEIN F10 29
MONTE B2 23 charmz
MOE D4 19 jimbo

On 10th draw, GORHEN 15A 42 --- GORHEN the female red grouse [n]
Other moves: HEREON 15A 30, HEROE B2 25, HEROE D2 25, ERUGO B6 24, RHO D4 24
HOG B12 21 charmz
OH D4 15 jimbo

On 11th draw, BEZIQUE 12H 54 --- BEZIQUE a card game [n]
Other moves: QUEEST 12A 50, QUIET D1 50, QUIRT D1 50, QUOIT D1 50, TORQUE B1 39
QUIRE B2 37 charmz
QI B5 18 jimbo

On 12th draw, PULLETS O6 109 --- PULLET a young hen [n]
Other moves: LETUPS O7 56, TUPLES O7 56, PELLS O8 53, PELTS O8 53, PLUES O8 53
PULLS O8 53 charmz

On 13th draw, ARMOIRES A6 61 --- ARMOIRE a large, ornate cabinet [n]
Other tops: ARMORIES A6 61
Other moves: RAISER K10 27, ARISE K10 25, RAISE K10 25, RISER K11 25, RESH D12 24
IS 13L 19 charmz

On 14th draw, JABOT D1 46 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: JIGOT D1 44, GAJO D3 40, JATO D3 31, JOTA D3 31, TAJ D3 29
JOB D3 28 charmz

On 15th draw, JOLED 1D 39 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other tops: JODEL 1D 39
Other moves: LOANED B1 31, ALOED B2 29, ELAND B2 29, NALED B2 29, ONNED B2 29
JOLED 1D 39 charmz

On 16th draw, TIDY K11 35 --- TIDY neat and orderly [adj] --- TIDY to make neat and orderly [v]
Other tops: TYNED B2 35
Other moves: DEEING N10 33, TINGED B1 33, YEED N10 31, DIENE N10 29, TEIND B2 29
GIB 3B 12 charmz

On 17th draw, HAEING N10 51 --- HAE to have [v]
Other moves: CHAUNGE M9 32, CHAIN B2 30, HAEN N10 30, HAG C2 30, CHI I5 29
CAB 3B 14 charmz

On 18th draw, FIGO 15L 36 --- FIGO a rude gesture [n]
Other tops: VEGO 15L 36
Other moves: COVEN B2 30, COVIN B2 30, FON C2 27, NEVI B10 27, ENVOI B2 26
FIGO 15L 36 charmz

On 19th draw, VACCINE 4H 28 --- VACCINE a preparation given to produce immunity to a specific disease [n]
Other tops: VIVACE 4H 28
Other moves: NAVE B10 27, NEVI B10 27, NAEVI B2 26, PICNIC 5G 24, VINO B12 23
VIBE 3B 18 charmz

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