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Game sheet of AUNTYMAL (file), Game of Mars 3, 2012 at 14:45

Word find
Word played
1 DEFINRT             FINDER H4 28 28  
2 EIKLQRT             QI G3 26 54  
3 AAELRSW             RESAW 10F 29 83  
4 AEKNPSX             KEX F4 40 123  
5 AEILOSU             DOULEIAS 7H 61 184  
6 CDEILTW             WILDCAT N2 38 222  
7 AEORRTY             YARTO E5 35 257  
8 AEGMNOU             GNOMAE D3 43 300  
9 ACINOPS SCOPE L3 18 -64 18 3/3 CANOPIES L1 82 382 4/4
10 AEHIMTU THIN 3I 8 -34 26 4/4 HEMATIC 1F 42 424 4/4
11 ?AEPRUV REAP 9H 15 -64 41 4/4 PARVE(N)U C8 79 503 4/4
12 AEILLOT RAIL F10 4 -26 45 4/4 SITELLA O7 30 533 4/4
13 ?EFGRTY             GE(N)TR(I)FY 13A 67 600 4/4
14 BEINNOO BONING A8 30 -7 75 4/4 BONIE O1 37 637 4/4
15 EHNORVZ ZONE 10L 15 -36 90 5/5 OYEZ H12 51 688 4/5
16 DDHINNO HIDE 10L 12 -30 102 5/5 HODDING A7 42 730 4/5
17 AEORSUV RAVES 14K 24 -15 126 4/5 UVEAS 15A 39 769 4/5
18 GJNORTU JUG J6 27 -8 153 5/5 JO K4 35 804 4/5

Total: 153/804 or -651 for 19.02%
Rank: 3899

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