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Game of Mars 3, 2012 at 21:36, 3 players
1. 449 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 411 pts raggedy01
3. 90 pts briz2408

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegmoru   H4    24    24   maugre
 2. ?aeintx   8H   116   140   retaxing
 3. agillry   N2    90   230   rallying
 4. moopstv  10J    32   262   moops
 5. afglrsu   K5    40   302   fusarol
 6. adeistt  12G    27   329   tasted
 7. adhinvw  H11    36   365   dawah
 8. cenortv   L1    35   400   corvet
 9. eeeginr   1F    30   430   energic
10. adeiiko   2B    39   469   aikido
11. aclnort   C1    72   541   cilantro
12. aeeiptu   8A    33   574   utopia
13. abeeiny   D2    32   606   kibe
14. ?beehio  13H    39   645   whose
15. eennsyz   O1    40   685   zee
16. aeijnqu   E5    70   755   equinia
17. defnosw  12A    43   798   fonds
18. benovwy  13B    36   834   wye

Remaining tiles: bijnov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6299 FileGrace_Tjie  0  9:11  -385  449     1.6299 Grace_Tjie  0  9:11  -385  449 
  2.6231 Fileraggedy01   1 17:29  -423  411     2.6231 raggedy01   1 17:29  -423  411 
  3.5544 Filebriz2408    1  2:57  -744   90            Group: novice
                                             1.5544 briz2408    1  2:57  -744   90 

On 1st draw, MAUGRE H4 24 --- MAUGRE in spite of [prep] --- MAUGRE to spite [v]
Other tops: MAUGER H4 24, MORGUE H4 24, MURAGE H4 24
Other moves: GARUM H8 22, MARGE H4 22, MURAGE H8 22, ROMAGE H8 22, GAMER H4 20
GAMER H4 20 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, RETAXIN(G) 8H 116 --- RETAX to tax again [v]
Other moves: ANTI(S)EX 10D 90, (S)EXTAIN 10H 90, ANTE(F)IXA 5A 78, ANTE(F)IXA 5H 78, EXITAN(C)E 9H 73
EXIT I8 38 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, RALLYING N2 90 --- RALLYING the sport of driving in rallyes [n]
Other moves: YAGI 7K 31, YAG 7K 28, NARGILY N8 26, GYAL 7H 25, RAGGY 7E 25
YAG G9 20 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, MOOPS 10J 32 --- MOOP to nibble [v]
Other tops: POMOS 10J 32
Other moves: MOOTS 10J 30, POOTS 10J 30, OMOVS 10J 29, POEMS I6 28, POEM I6 27
POEMS I6 28 raggedy01
MOP M1 24 Grace_Tjie
EM I8 14 briz2408

On 5th draw, FUSAROL K5 40 --- FUSAROL a semi-circular moulding around a column [n]
Other moves: LAUFS 11H 32, AUFS 11I 30, FRA 11K 28, LAUF 11H 28, LAUF 11I 27
FARS 11I 24 raggedy01
FA M3 22 Grace_Tjie
FLAGS 10D 21 briz2408

On 6th draw, TASTED 12G 27 --- TASTE to perceive the flavor of by taking into the mouth [v]
Other tops: DATES 12H 27, DEIST 12H 27, DITES 12H 27, EASIED I4 27, SATED 12K 27, SITED 12K 27, STAID 12K 27, STATED 12G 27, STEAD 12K 27, STIED 12K 27
Other moves: AIDES 12H 25, DESI O1 25, EDITS 12K 25, SATED 12H 25, SITED 12H 25
SATED 12K 27 briz2408
TASTED 12I 25 raggedy01
SED O1 17 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, DAWAH H11 36 --- DAWAH (Arabic) the practice of educating non-believers about the practice of Islam [n]
Other moves: HANIWA 3I 32, WHID 10E 30, WHA 13H 29, WIDTH G9 29, AVID 10E 27
DAH M1 26 Grace_Tjie
WAD 10F 26 briz2408
AVID H12 24 raggedy01

On 8th draw, CORVET L1 35 --- CORVET corvette [n] --- CORVET of a horse, to act friskily [v]
Other moves: VETO O1 31, CORNET L1 29, CRONET L1 29, CERO O1 28, COVEN J2 27
COVERT I1 23 raggedy01
VET G3 16 Grace_Tjie
RE 2N 2 briz2408

On 9th draw, ENERGIC 1F 30 --- ENERGIC showing energy [adj]
Other tops: GENERIC 1F 30, REGENCE 1G 30
Other moves: EGENCE 1H 27, GREECE 1H 27, GRIECE 1H 27, GENIC 1H 24, GREENIE I2 22
GENIC 1H 24 raggedy01
GEN O1 16 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, AIKIDO 2B 39 --- AIKIDO a Japanese art of self-defense [n]
Other moves: OAKED 2B 35, ATOKE G11 30, KED O1 29, AIKIDO 11D 26, TAKE G12 26
KED O1 29 Grace_Tjie, raggedy01

On 11th draw, CILANTRO C1 72 --- CILANTRO an herb used in cooking [n]
Other moves: CAT J6 24, COT J6 24, CROTALA 14B 22, LOAN 3B 22, ROAN 3B 22
CAT 1A 19 Grace_Tjie
TAN 3C 18 raggedy01

On 12th draw, UTOPIA 8A 33 --- UTOPIA a place of ideal perfection [n]
Other moves: ATOP 8A 27, PIETA D8 27, PIETA G9 27, ETAPE G11 26, KAIE D2 24
PAC 1A 23 raggedy01
PEA O1 19 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, KIBE D2 32 --- KIBE a sore caused by cold (a chilblain) [n]
Other tops: KAY D2 32
Other moves: BEIGY 7E 31, BEY O1 31, BYE D4 31, BENI O1 28, KAB D2 28
BEY O1 31 Grace_Tjie
YEA O1 22 raggedy01

On 14th draw, WHO(S)E 13H 39 --- WHOSE the possessive case of who [pron]
Other moves: HE(L)IO O1 32, BIGH(A)S 7F 30, EPHEBOI D7 30, HET J6 30, HIT J6 30
HET J6 30 Grace_Tjie
HE(R)O O1 27 raggedy01

On 15th draw, ZEE O1 40 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: SEZ E4 35, TOZE J12 33, ZEAS F6 33, ZEA 14F 32, ZEA F6 32
ZEE O1 40 raggedy01
YEN 14L 19 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, EQUINIA E5 70 --- EQUINIA glanders, a contagious horse disease [n]
Other moves: JET J6 54, JUT J6 54, QI 7M 42, QI M7 42, AQUAE 14E 40
JET J6 54 raggedy01, Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, FONDS 12A 43 --- FOND to display affection [v]
Other tops: FENDS 12A 43, FEODS 12A 43, WENDS 12A 43
Other moves: DOWNS 12A 39, WOFS 12B 37, ENOWS 12A 35, DEWS 12B 33, DOWS 12B 33
FE F10 28 Grace_Tjie
DOWNS D11 23 raggedy01

On 18th draw, WYE 13B 36 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other moves: BYE 13B 33, BEVY 14L 30, BY 13B 28, NYE 13B 27, OYE 13B 27
WOVE 14L 27 raggedy01
FONE A12 21 Grace_Tjie

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