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Game of Mars 4, 2012 at 05:17, 4 players
1. 462 pts fatcat
2. 238 pts charmz
3. 35 pts maniq2

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegiitv   H4    26    26   vigia
 2. adeimpt   G5    31    57   tamped
 3. ?adostv   F6    42    99   vast
 4. ?eelnoq   I5    27   126   line
 5. ?adrtuu   4H    22   148   vauted
 6. aeiorsu   K1    66   214   sautoire
 7. aeeinos  H10    24   238   eosine
 8. defilru   L8    81   319   direful
 9. bcimors  15B    67   386   microbes
10. efglnot   2J    36   422   fangle
11. denorwx  K11    56   478   woxen
12. aeghnrt   O1    39   517   aether
13. ejkoqrt   1G    53   570   jokes
14. aegloot   O1    36   606   aethereal
15. aacertw  14J    34   640   welter
16. abghnpy  O12    39   679   harp
17. dinoruz   2E    42   721   dzo
18. acgioor  12B    72   793   gracioso
19. iinqtuy   C7    60   853   inquiry

Remaining tiles: bnty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5606 Filefatcat      1 19:40  -391  462     1.6572 charmz      4  6:46  -615  238 
  2.6572 Filecharmz      4  6:46  -615  238            Group: novice
  3.  -  Filemaniq2      0  3:09  -818   35     1.5606 fatcat      1 19:40  -391  462 
  4.4083 Filedenbay      0  1:19  -826   27            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  maniq2      0  3:09  -818   35 
                                             2.4083 denbay      0  1:19  -826   27 

On 1st draw, VIGIA H4 26 --- VIGIA a warning on a navigational chart [n]
Other moves: VITAE H4 24, VIGIA H8 20, VIGIA H5 18, VIGIA H6 18, VIGIA H7 18
GIVE H8 16 fatcat
GAVE H5 16 denbay

On 2nd draw, TAMPED G5 31 --- TAMP to pack down by tapping [v]
Other moves: IMPAVED 4D 30, DAMP G5 29, AMPED G6 28, VAMPED 4H 28, TAMED G5 27
PAGED 6F 19 fatcat
PAVED 4F 11 denbay

On 3rd draw, VAST F6 42 --- VAST a great space [n] --- VAST of great extent or size [adj]
Other moves: DATIV(E)S 5E 40, VAS(A) F6 40, VAS(E) F6 40, VAS(T) F6 40, VA(S)T F6 40
D(I)VEST 9D 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, L(I)NE I5 27 --- LINE to mark with lines (slender, continuous marks) [v]
Other tops: E(I)NE I5 27, E(S)NE I5 27, L(I)EN I5 27
Other moves: (S)EEL I6 25, (S)EEN I6 25, (S)ENE I6 25, (S)NEE I6 25, Q(U)OTE 9C 23
DOLE 10G 7 fatcat

On 5th draw, VAUT(E)D 4H 22 --- VAUTE to attain great success [v]
Other moves: AUT(E)UR H10 21, (O)RAD J7 21, VARD(Y) 4H 20, VARU(S) 4H 18, VATU(S) 4H 18
DART 9I 14 fatcat

On 6th draw, SAUTOIRE K1 66 --- SAUTOIRE a heraldic design [n]
Other tops: OUTRAISE K2 66
Other moves: SOARE 3I 29, ARIOSE H10 24, AROUSE H10 24, OSIER J7 21, OURIE 3J 21
RATES 9D 15 fatcat

On 7th draw, EOSINE H10 24 --- EOSINE a red dye [n]
Other tops: ANOESES 1G 24, ANOESIS 1G 24, EOSINES 1I 24
Other moves: ANISES 1H 21, ANOESES 1E 21, ANOESIS 1E 21, ENOSES 1H 21, ENOSIS 1H 21
NOISES 1F 18 fatcat

On 8th draw, DIREFUL L8 81 --- DIREFUL dreadful [adj]
Other moves: UNRIFLED 14G 78, URNFIELD 14F 66, FURLED L8 37, FADEUR 2J 36, FADIER 2J 36
FIELDS 1F 30 fatcat

On 9th draw, MICROBES 15B 67 --- MICROBE a microscopic organism [n]
Other moves: OSMICS 1J 39, COMARBS 2H 38, BORSICS 1H 36, COMBIS 1F 36, CROMBS 1F 36
BRIMS 1G 27 fatcat

On 10th draw, FANGLE 2J 36 --- FANGLE to decorate fancily [v]
Other moves: FAGOT 2J 34, FANGO 2J 34, GONEF 14F 34, FONE K11 33, FEG K11 32
GOLFS 1G 27 fatcat

On 11th draw, WOXEN K11 56 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: WEXED O1 51, WEX K11 50, WOX K11 50, WEXE O1 45, WEX 14A 43
WEXED O1 51 fatcat, charmz

On 12th draw, AETHER O1 39 --- AETHER the upper region of the atmosphere [n]
Other tops: NETHER O1 39
Other moves: EARTHEN O2 33, HEARTEN O1 33, HENGE O1 33, REHANG O1 33, AH 1N 32
NETHER O1 39 charmz
REHANG O1 33 fatcat

On 13th draw, JOKES 1G 53 --- JOKE to say something amusing [v]
Other moves: KELTER 14J 40, JOES 1H 38, KON 14F 37, TROKES 1F 35, JOKERS 12C 34
JOKES 1G 53 fatcat, charmz

On 14th draw, AETHEREAL O1 36 --- AETHEREAL like a spirit [adj]
Other moves: GELATO 2B 27, LEGATO 2B 27, AGONE 14E 25, EXULT 13J 24, AGON 14E 22
GONE 14F 22 charmz
EGO 2E 17 fatcat

On 15th draw, WELTER 14J 34 --- WELTER to roll about [v]
Other tops: WANE 14F 34
Other moves: WAN 14F 31, ACATER N9 30, CAW J10 29, AW 14E 28, CAW 2F 28
WANE 14F 34 charmz
WATERS 12C 18 fatcat

On 16th draw, HARP O12 39 --- HARP to play on a harp (a type of stringed musical instrument) [v]
Other moves: BYDE 10E 37, BARP O12 33, HARN O12 33, YARN O12 33, HAN 14F 31
HARP O12 39 charmz
BARN O12 27 fatcat

On 17th draw, DZO 2E 42 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZO 2F 40, DZO J9 39, ZO J10 37, DZO F13 33, ORZO F12 33
ZO 2F 40 fatcat

On 18th draw, GRACIOSO 12B 72 --- GRACIOSO a clown in Spanish comedy [n]
Other moves: CARGO 1A 33, CORGI 1A 33, GOOR 3D 31, AG 3F 29, OAR 3E 29
GOO 3C 11 maniq2
CARS 12E 6 fatcat

On 19th draw, INQUIRY C7 60 --- INQUIRY a question [n]
Other moves: QUIRT C9 48, QUYTING B6 42, QUITING B6 39, TYDE 10E 35, QUYTE 9C 27
QUITE 9C 24 fatcat, maniq2

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