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Game of Mars 6, 2012 at 14:25, 5 players
1. 562 pts jimbo
2. 541 pts annelhynz
3. 513 pts quirky

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efjlnoq   H4    24    24   felon
 2. ?beinno   8H    80   104   nonbeing
 3. abdglru   K5    48   152   lubbard
 4. aglosvx   J5    58   210   axon
 5. deioqrt   7M    44   254   qi
 6. aaeghnw   9I    34   288   wean
 7. ahnorrv   6N    27   315   ha
 8. agiopss  12G    85   400   gaposis
 9. ?efnosy  H11    33   433   fayne
10. iorstuz   L1    51   484   zoist
11. eelrstt  15A    77   561   resettle
12. ?acemoy   O8    92   653   geomancy
13. aaemnrt   E8    70   723   atrament
14. ailotuv   1L    39   762   zati
15. aerrtuv  B10    34   796   vertue
16. ddeggir   2J    29   825   diode
17. adegoru   3I    33   858   geoid
18. aegikru  N10    36   894   ka
19. ehioprv  14J    38   932   heroic
20. ijpruvw   5E    28   960   juve
21. gilpruw   8A    45  1005   pulwar

Remaining tiles: cgii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6027 Filejimbo       2 18:14  -443  562     1.6027 jimbo       2 18:14  -443  562 
  2.6383 Fileannelhynz   3 13:29  -464  541     2.6383 annelhynz   3 13:29  -464  541 
  3.6515 Filequirky      1 21:21  -492  513     3.6515 quirky      1 21:21  -492  513 
  4.4052 Filedeborahre   1  4:51  -886  119     4.6035 argomearns  0  1:08  -990   15 
  5.6035 Fileargomearns  0  1:08  -990   15            Group: not rated
                                             1.4052 deborahre   1  4:51  -886  119 

On 1st draw, FELON H4 24 --- FELON a person who has committed a felony [n]
Other moves: JEON H5 22, JEON H6 22, JEON H7 22, JEON H8 22, JOLE H5 22
JOLE H5 22 quirky
JOE H6 20 jimbo

On 2nd draw, NONBEIN(G) 8H 80 --- NONBEING lack of being [n]
Other moves: BENI(S)ON I3 74, BENI(S)ON G7 72, BENI(S)ON I7 72, BEN(Z)OIN G7 72, BEN(Z)OIN I7 72
BONNIE(S) G7 71 jimbo
BONIN(G) G7 20 quirky
NOB(L)E I7 15 argomearns

On 3rd draw, LUBBARD K5 48 --- LUBBARD a big, awkward, clumsy man [n]
Other moves: LUBBARD K6 24, LABOUR I5 23, BELGARD 5G 22, BELGARD L7 22, BLUDGER 5C 22
GOB 7G 18 jimbo
BAD I3 17 annelhynz
BID M7 11 quirky

On 4th draw, AXON J5 58 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other moves: LAX J4 53, SAX J4 53, AX J5 52, BOX 7K 39, OXO I6 37
SAX J4 53 annelhynz
LAX J4 53 quirky
SAX 12K 33 jimbo

On 5th draw, QI 7M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DEAR 9I 26, EARD 9J 26, QI G3 26, READ 9I 24, RIOTED G2 24
QI 7M 44 jimbo, quirky, annelhynz

On 6th draw, WEAN 9I 34 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other moves: WHANGED 11E 30, HAW G5 29, HEW G5 29, WHANGEE 5B 28, HA 6N 27
WE 6N 27 quirky, annelhynz
WAGE L2 19 jimbo

On 7th draw, HA 6N 27 --- HA a sound of surprise [n] --- HA expressing surprise [interj]
Other tops: HO 6N 27
Other moves: NAH G5 23, RAH G5 23, HARN 10F 21, HORN 10F 21, AH G6 20
HA 6N 27 annelhynz, jimbo
HORN 10F 21 quirky

On 8th draw, GAPOSIS 12G 85 --- GAPOSIS a gap in a row of buttons or snaps [n]
Other moves: GAPOSIS 12E 74, GOSSIP 12H 35, GOSSIP 12I 31, SPAGS 12K 31, GASPS 12I 29
SPAGS 12K 31 jimbo
SOAPS 12K 29 annelhynz
PASS 12I 25 quirky, deborahre

On 9th draw, FAYNE H11 33 --- FAYNE to feign [v]
Other tops: FOYNE L1 33, NYAF(F)S H10 33, NYA(F)FS H10 33, *F(*)Y G4 33
Other moves: FOY(L)E L1 31, FOY(N)E L1 31, FY(C)ES L1 31, FY(K)ES L1 31, FY(L)ES L1 31
FAYNE H11 33 deborahre
FAN(C)Y H11 30 quirky
FAN(N)Y H11 30 annelhynz
QIS M7 22 jimbo

On 10th draw, ZOIST L1 51 --- ZOIST an advocate of zoism [n]
Other tops: ZORIS L1 51
Other moves: SOZIN 14D 34, ORZO J12 33, OUZO J12 33, ROZIT L1 33, ZINS 14F 33
ZO G3 26 annelhynz, jimbo
SIZE 5E 26 quirky
ZOA O4 22 deborahre

On 11th draw, RESETTLE 15A 77 --- RESETTLE to move to another place of residence [v] --- SETTLE to place in a desired state or order [v]
Other moves: LETTERNS 14B 70, NETTLERS 14H 70, RESETTLE 5A 66, RESETTLE 15E 59, RESETTLE 15G 59
ZEST 1L 39 jimbo
ZEES 1L 39 annelhynz, deborahre
NETTLERS 14H 20 quirky

On 12th draw, (G)EOMA(N)CY O8 92 --- GEOMANCY a method of foretelling the future by geographical features [n]
Other moves: AZYME 1K 57, COZEY(S) 1J 57, CO(R)YZA 1H 57, AZYM(E) 1K 54, AZYM(S) 1K 54
ZA(N)Y 1L 45 quirky
ZO(O)M 1L 42 jimbo, annelhynz

On 13th draw, ATRAMENT E8 70 --- ATRAMENT black fluid [n]
Other moves: EMANATOR 2F 64, MATERNAL 6A 64, NERTZ 1H 42, MATFELON H1 39, ZETA 1L 39
MA N10 24 annelhynz
ART M1 23 jimbo
AMAZE 1I 16 quirky

On 14th draw, ZATI 1L 39 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other tops: ZILA 1L 39
Other moves: OVULATE B9 36, VOLUTE B10 34, VIOLA 2J 32, AVITAL 8A 30, VALUTA O1 30
OUT M1 23 annelhynz, jimbo

On 15th draw, VERTUE B10 34 --- VERTUE moral excellence [n]
Other moves: VERRA 8A 27, VARIER 3I 26, AVERT D4 21, TRAVE D4 21, VAUTE D4 21
RAVERS C10 18 quirky
VET G3 17 annelhynz
OVA J12 8 jimbo

On 16th draw, DIODE 2J 29 --- DIODE a type of electron tube [n]
Other tops: DIGGED D3 29
Other moves: GIRDED D3 27, GRIDED D3 27, GRIDED G2 27, RIDGED D3 27, RIGGED D3 27
ADD M1 19 annelhynz
DIGGED F3 17 quirky
SIDE M12 10 jimbo

On 17th draw, GEOID 3I 33 --- GEOID a hypothetical surface of the earth [n]
Other moves: RADIO 3I 28, DARGA 8A 27, DOGEAR 8A 27, DOREE D11 27, DROGUE 1E 27
GOURDE 1E 27 quirky
GRADE 1F 24 jimbo, annelhynz

On 18th draw, KA N10 36 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other moves: KAURI 1F 31, AKE D10 30, KAE D11 30, KEA D11 30, KUE D11 30
KA N10 36 annelhynz
RAKI 1G 28 quirky
KA D8 24 jimbo

On 19th draw, HEROIC 14J 38 --- HEROIC an epic verse [n]
Other moves: EPHORI 1E 37, HOVEA 8A 36, PHO D11 36, HEP D11 33, HEROE D11 33
PHO 1H 28 annelhynz
PHI 1H 28 quirky
HERO 1G 25 jimbo

On 20th draw, JUVE 5E 28 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other tops: JIVE 5E 28
Other moves: JUPE 5E 26, PUR D11 24, RUPIA 8A 24, JURE 5E 22, PURI 1G 22
JAR 8D 18 annelhynz
JO 7G 17 quirky
WO 7G 9 jimbo

On 21th draw, PULWAR 8A 45 --- PULWAR a type of boat [n]
Other moves: WILGA 8A 33, PUR D11 24, RUPIA 8A 24, LURGI 1F 22, PULI 1G 22
PUR D11 24 jimbo
SWOP M12 18 annelhynz, quirky

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