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Game of Mars 6, 2012 at 15:15, 3 players
1. 730 pts PIThompson
2. 315 pts argomearns
3. 42 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aorttuw   H7    20    20   outwar
 2. ?adeouz   9F    70    90   outgazed
 3. abeimnt   G1    68   158   ambient
 4. aeflrtx   8L    66   224   falx
 5. ?lmoprt   1A   176   400   prometal
 6. cdegins   5D    98   498   seceding
 7. aeoorsy  10J    44   542   yar
 8. deijkns   8A    72   614   jinked
 9. aiilnor   L6    22   636   inferior
10. cegooru  11K    36   672   giro
11. aelossu   A8    98   770   jalouses
12. ehiprty   4A    40   810   hyper
13. aehioot   F1    33   843   tho
14. beegntu  N10    30   873   bouget
15. ceenosw  15L    33   906   wets
16. aceeiov  10D    26   932   vac
17. aeeinov  11E    27   959   novae
18. aeefilt  B13    22   981   if
19. aadiilt   B1    22  1003   raiyat
20. eeiinqt  12D    25  1028   qi
21. deeeint   3F    26  1054   obedient

Remaining tiles: el

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7659 FilePIThompson  9 21:11  -324  730     1.7659 PIThompson  9 21:11  -324  730 
  2.6038 Fileargomearns  1 11:35  -739  315            Group: intermediate
  3.4297 Filemicmac      0  3:23 -1012   42     1.6038 argomearns  1 11:35  -739  315 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4297 micmac      0  3:23 -1012   42 

On 1st draw, OUTWAR H7 20 --- OUTWAR to surpass in warring [v]
Other tops: OUTWAR H3 20, OUTWAR H4 20, OUTWAR H8 20
Other moves: OUTWAR H5 18, OUTWAR H6 18, AROW H5 14, AROW H6 14, AROW H7 14
WART H6 14 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, OUT(G)AZED 9F 70 --- OUTGAZE to surpass in gazing [v]
Other moves: ZOEA(E) G7 56, ZOEA(L) G7 56, ZOEA G7 55, ZO(E)AE G7 54, ZOE(A) G7 53
ZOEA(E) G7 56 PIThompson
ZOA G7 49 argomearns

On 3rd draw, AMBIENT G1 68 --- AMBIENT the mood or atmosphere of a place or situation [n]
Other moves: BEAM 8L 43, BEMA 8L 43, BIMA 8L 43, MABE 8L 43, BATMEN 8A 41
MABE 8L 43 PIThompson
ZEA K9 24 argomearns

On 4th draw, FALX 8L 66 --- FALX a sickle-shaped structure [n]
Other moves: LEAF H1 56, FALX 10C 55, FLAX 10C 55, FLEX 10C 55, LATEX 10B 55
FALX 8L 66 PIThompson
FLAX 1E 42 argomearns

On 5th draw, PROM(E)TAL 1A 176 --- PROMETAL a type of cast-iron [n]
Other tops: T(E)MPORAL 1A 176
Other moves: PLAT(F)ORM 1E 92, MARPLOT(S) 1F 86, MARPLOT(S) 11G 72, METOPR(Y)L 5F 72, PLAT(F)ORM 11F 72
MOT(O)R 10J 44 PIThompson
Z(O)OM K9 28 argomearns

On 6th draw, SECEDING 5D 98 --- SECEDE to withdraw formally from an alliance or association [v]
Other moves: SECEDING 5F 74, CODESIGN F8 70, COGNISED F8 68, COSIGNED F8 66, INCAGED 11E 44
SEEDING 5E 36 PIThompson
SINGED 13H 28 argomearns

On 7th draw, YAR 10J 44 --- YAR nimble [adj]
Other tops: YAE 10J 44, YOS 10J 44
Other moves: RAYS 10J 37, YA 10J 37, YO 10J 37, ARSY 10K 36, ROSARY B1 34
YAR 10J 44 PIThompson
ZEROS K9 28 argomearns

On 8th draw, JINKED 8A 72 --- JINK to move quickly out of the way [v]
Other moves: JAKES 11G 62, JADES 11G 56, JANES 11G 54, KADES 11G 50, JINKED 13C 49
JINKED 8A 72 PIThompson
JADES 11G 56 argomearns

On 9th draw, INFERIOR L6 22 --- INFERIOR one of lesser rank [n]
Other moves: ANIMI 2D 20, KAOLIN D8 20, AMORINI 2F 19, LIMINA 2E 19, ALCO F3 18
LOAN 4I 15 PIThompson

On 10th draw, GIRO 11K 36 --- GIRO a European mechanism for transfer of funds [n]
Other moves: GIE 11K 34, GIO 11K 34, GI 11K 32, ZAG K9 32, COGUE 4A 28
GIRO 11K 36 PIThompson, argomearns

On 11th draw, JALOUSES A8 98 --- JALOUSE to suspect [v]
Other moves: SABULOSE 3E 61, EUSOLS 14J 28, LOUSES 14I 28, OUSELS 14J 28, ULOSES 14I 28
JALOUSES A8 48 PIThompson
SOULS O11 24 argomearns

On 12th draw, HYPER 4A 40 --- HYPER one that hypes [n] --- HYPER very excitable [adj]
Other moves: HOPER N10 36, HYPE 4A 36, POETRY N10 34, POTHER N10 34, HERY 10C 33
HOPER N10 36 PIThompson

On 13th draw, THO F1 33 --- THO though [conj]
Other moves: OOH 3B 31, EATH 10C 30, OATH 10C 30, TOHO B12 30, ETH 10D 29
THO F1 33 PIThompson

On 14th draw, BOUGET N10 30 --- BOUGET a budget or financial statement [n]
Other moves: BUNGEE 7J 29, BOUGE N10 28, BUT 3B 28, NUB 3B 28, UNBEGET C7 28
BOUGET N10 30 PIThompson

On 15th draw, WETS 15L 33 --- WET to impregnate with liquid [v]
Other tops: WOTS 15L 33
Other moves: SCOW 10C 32, COW 10D 31, ENEW 10C 30, ENOW 10C 30, SNOW 10C 30
WETS 15L 33 PIThompson

On 16th draw, VAC 10D 26 --- VAC a vacuum cleaner [n] --- VAC to clean with a vacuum cleaner [v]
Other tops: KEAVIE D8 26
Other moves: KIEVE D8 24, NOVICE C8 24, OVERAGE 13I 24, VINCA 7J 24, CAVIER 12C 22
VAC 10D 26 PIThompson

On 17th draw, NOVAE 11E 27 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other moves: NOVA 11E 25, OVERAGE 13I 24, AXION O7 22, AVINE 4K 21, AVION 4K 21
VIVA D10 20 PIThompson
VEX O6 13 micmac

On 18th draw, IF B13 22 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: SEALIFT 13A 22
Other moves: ALEFT 4K 21, FATE 6B 21, FETE 6B 21, LEAF 4I 21, AFT B10 19
IF B13 22 PIThompson
FEAR 13I 11 micmac

On 19th draw, RAIYAT B1 22 --- RAIYAT an Indian peasant [n]
Other moves: IDE M13 19, TIDAL 13F 19, ADIT 13G 18, DIAL 4I 18, ILIAD 13D 18
ILIAD M2 15 PIThompson
DILL N5 7 micmac

On 20th draw, QI 12D 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 4I 24, INTI O10 21, INTI C12 20, ENE M13 16, NIXIE O6 16
QI 4I 24 PIThompson
QI I4 11 micmac

On 21th draw, OBEDIENT 3F 26 --- OBEDIENT obeying or willing to obey [adj]
Other moves: IDE M13 19, DETER 13H 18, DINER 13H 18, EDIT 13G 18, EIDE 13F 18
TEENED M1 17 PIThompson

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