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Game of Mars 7, 2012 at 16:34, 6 players
1. 618 pts PIThompson
2. 533 pts annelhynz
3. 529 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeijorv   H4    48    48   jarvie
 2. ?aehosy   6F    73   121   horseway
 3. aelnntv   4H    30   151   javel
 4. aeimnsw   N1    94   245   manwise
 5. adeeipr   O1    41   286   idee
 6. abeiiuw   M1    30   316   awe
 7. ?cinnoo   L6    74   390   anconoid
 8. dggiosu  10E    27   417   iggs
 9. imorstz  K11    57   474   zoism
10. aehirty   O7    53   527   hearty
11. aelnoru   D6    73   600   aleuron
12. deflort  13C    86   686   telford
13. abfiloq  H12    39   725   frib
14. bilnopt   M9    29   754   pol
15. eeikopt   8A    33   787   topek
16. aeertux  15K    45   832   murex
17. acdgint   5E    38   870   cadagi
18. aeinqtu   A1   104   974   equitant
19. bdnrttu  11B    20   994   brod

Remaining tiles: nttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7664 FilePIThompson  4 17:01  -376  618     1.7664 PIThompson  4 17:01  -376  618 
  2.6366 Fileannelhynz   1 20:50  -461  533            Group: intermediate
  3.6363 Fileraggedy01   2 27:32  -465  529     1.6366 annelhynz   1 20:50  -461  533 
  4.6111 Fileargomearns  0 19:18  -506  488     2.6363 raggedy01   2 27:32  -465  529 
  5.4297 Filemicmac      0  5:34  -850  144     3.6111 argomearns  0 19:18  -506  488 
  6.6090 Filejimbo       0  4:37  -929   65     4.6090 jimbo       0  4:37  -929   65 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4297 micmac      0  5:34  -850  144 

On 1st draw, JARVIE H4 48 --- JARVIE a driver of a horse-drawn taxi [n]
Other moves: JIVER H4 46, JARVIE H3 34, JARVIE H7 34, JARVIE H8 34, JARVIE H5 32
JIVER H4 46 PIThompson, annelhynz, raggedy01, argomearns

On 2nd draw, HORSE(W)AY 6F 73 --- HORSEWAY a road for horses [n]
Other moves: HOARSE(L)Y 6E 67, HOSEY 10F 44, HOSEY(S) 10F 44, HAS(H)Y 10F 43, HAS(T)Y 10F 43
HOSEY 10F 44 PIThompson
SHYE(R) 10H 35 argomearns
SHY 10H 34 annelhynz
AHOY I2 28 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, JAVEL 4H 30 --- JAVEL a worthless fellow [n]
Other moves: VENTANA 5B 27, VALETA L1 26, VALETA 5C 25, ELVANS I1 24, LEAVY M2 22
JAVEL 4H 30 PIThompson
VATS I3 22 argomearns, annelhynz
JET 4H 10 raggedy01

On 4th draw, MANWISE N1 94 --- MANWISE in a manner characteristic of man [adv]
Other moves: MANWISE 10C 87, MANWISE G9 73, MANWISE I9 73, MANWISE G8 71, WAMES N2 40
WAMES N2 40 PIThompson
WINSEY M1 40 argomearns
MEWS M1 34 raggedy01
WAMES 3K 27 annelhynz

On 5th draw, IDEE O1 41 --- IDEE an idea [n]
Other moves: EPIDERM 1H 39, REAPED O7 35, REPAID O7 35, DAMP 1L 33, DIAPER O7 33
DAMP 1L 33 raggedy01, PIThompson, argomearns, jimbo
DEEP O7 24 annelhynz

On 6th draw, AWE M1 30 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: WE M2 23, AWE G8 21, WAB G9 21, WEB G9 21, AW G8 20
AWE M1 30 PIThompson
AWE O7 20 annelhynz
AWE 5D 17 raggedy01
BEE 7L 16 argomearns
WEB 9G 15 jimbo

On 7th draw, ANCONOI(D) L6 74 --- ANCON the elbow [adj] --- ANCONOID pertaining to the elbow [adj]
Other moves: NONOH(M)IC F2 64, NONIO(N)IC 8E 62, NO(N)IONIC 8E 62, (N)ONIONIC 8E 62, ENCO(M)ION 9H 61
(S)OON 10H 21 annelhynz
NONC(E) O7 20 PIThompson
NIC(E) O7 17 jimbo
COINE(D) 9D 8 argomearns
CH F5 7 raggedy01

On 8th draw, IGGS 10E 27 --- IGG to ignore (slang), IGGED, IGGING, IGGS [v]
Other moves: GUIDS 10D 26, UDOS 10E 26, DIGS 10E 25, DIGS K9 25, DIS 10F 25
SOG 10H 25 annelhynz
GIS 10F 25 PIThompson
DUOS 10E 24 raggedy01
DOGS O7 21 argomearns
SOD O7 14 micmac

On 9th draw, ZOISM K11 57 --- ZOISM a doctrine [n]
Other moves: MIZ K9 56, MOZ K9 56, ZORIS D8 55, ZOIST K11 53, ROZITS O7 50
MOZ K9 56 PIThompson
ZO K11 46 argomearns, raggedy01
MIZ O7 46 annelhynz
ZIG F8 13 micmac

On 10th draw, HEARTY O7 53 --- HEARTY a comrade [n] --- HEARTY very friendly [adj]
Other moves: MYTHI 15K 51, EARTHY O7 50, THYMIER 15H 48, ATIMY 15H 42, REAMY 15H 42
REAMY 15H 42 PIThompson
HERMIT 15H 36 micmac
MIRTH 15K 33 raggedy01
THERM 15G 30 argomearns
HA J10 25 annelhynz

On 11th draw, ALEURON D6 73 --- ALEURON a protein found in some seeds [n]
Other moves: ALEURONS 14D 62, ALMONER 15I 30, ENAMOUR 15H 30, NEMORAL 15I 30, NEUROMA 15F 30
UNMORAL 15I 30 argomearns
OLEA M11 27 PIThompson
OLE M11 25 raggedy01
MOURN 15K 24 annelhynz
REAM 15H 18 micmac

On 12th draw, TELFORD 13C 86 --- TELFORD a road made of stones [n]
Other moves: TELFORDS 14D 68, FORMED 15H 39, FREMD 15H 39, TRIFOLD E8 38, DEFORM 15F 36
FORMED 15H 39 PIThompson, annelhynz, raggedy01
FREED 8A 27 micmac
FROM 15H 27 argomearns

On 13th draw, FRIB H12 39 --- FRIB heavy wool removed in woolclassing [n]
Other tops: FRAB H12 39, QIBLA C3 39
Other moves: FOAL M9 37, QIBLA C2 34, FAB J10 33, BAL M9 29, BOA M9 29
FRAB H12 39 PIThompson, raggedy01
FRIB H12 39 annelhynz
BILE 8A 18 micmac
ROB H13 15 argomearns

On 14th draw, POL M9 29 --- POL a politician [n]
Other moves: NOPAL 5E 26, BOLETI 8A 24, POINT N9 24, BLIP N12 23, BOP N12 21
NIB E9 20 PIThompson
BOIL N12 19 annelhynz
POLE 8A 18 micmac, argomearns
BONE 8A 18 raggedy01

On 15th draw, TOPEK 8A 33 --- TOPEK a tent of animal skin [n]
Other moves: KIPE 8A 30, PEKE 8A 30, PIKE 8A 30, POKE 8A 30, KEEP N12 29
POKE 8A 30 PIThompson, argomearns, raggedy01
POKE C3 22 annelhynz

On 16th draw, MUREX 15K 45 --- MUREX a marine mollusc [n]
Other moves: ROUX B7 27, EXEAT C2 26, EXERT C2 26, EXTRA C2 26, AXE N12 25
AXE N12 25 annelhynz
XU 5E 23 PIThompson, raggedy01
OX G13 18 argomearns

On 17th draw, CADAGI 5E 38 --- CADAGI a eucalyptus tree [n]
Other moves: NAIAD 5E 23, ACTA 5E 21, DA 14N 21, CAGOT 11A 20, DICOT 11A 20
DA 14N 21 annelhynz, raggedy01
COD 11C 18 PIThompson
TA 14N 17 argomearns

On 18th draw, EQUITANT A1 104 --- EQUITANT straddling or overlapping [adj]
Other moves: EQUATION B2 88, EQUITANT A4 68, QUOIN B6 36, QUOIT B6 36, QUOTA B6 36
QUOIN B6 36 PIThompson, annelhynz
QUOIT B6 36 argomearns
QUOTE B6 36 raggedy01

On 19th draw, BROD 11B 20 --- BROD to prod [v]
Other moves: BUTE N12 19, BOD 11C 18, BUNDT C2 18, DRUB C3 18, BUND C3 17
BROD 11B 20 PIThompson, raggedy01
BOD 11C 18 annelhynz

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