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Game of Mars 7, 2012 at 17:20, 7 players
1. 563 pts PIThompson
2. 165 pts jimbo
3. 92 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehnrtt   H4    26    26   hatter
 2. afinstu   3C    84   110   faunist
 3. ?dnoppw   8A    98   208   downpipe
 4. ?beehir   5D    98   306   hebraise
 5. ainorty   6A    41   347   notary
 6. adeginx   L1    42   389   nixed
 7. abdmrsy   2J    36   425   yairds
 8. aeiinsw   M1    30   455   aris
 9. deiotuu   C8    24   479   wideout
10. aeeimor   O1    36   515   isomere
11. elmnort   1E    29   544   melton
12. egiloqs   8M    66   610   qis
13. acefklo  14A    44   654   fetlock
14. aaeluuv  15G    30   684   avale
15. aabeloo   2C    27   711   oboe
16. acgluvz   A1    42   753   vulcan
17. aejnruw  12A    38   791   jeon
18. aggiiru  15A    23   814   ar
19. ggiiuwz   M8    23   837   quiz

Remaining tiles: gggiw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7656 FilePIThompson  6 13:47  -274  563     1.7656 PIThompson  6 13:47  -274  563 
  2.6081 Filejimbo       1  8:11  -672  165            Group: intermediate
  3.4303 Filemicmac      0  5:41  -745   92     1.6081 jimbo       1  8:11  -672  165 
  4.6098 Fileargomearns  0  5:27  -763   74     2.6098 argomearns  0  5:27  -763   74 
  5.  -  Fileteddyart    0  9:46  -763   74            Group: novice
  6.5232 Fileleobill     0  3:13  -769   68     1.5232 leobill     0  3:13  -769   68 
  7.3170 Filemilklady99  1  4:57  -772   65            Group: not rated
                                             1.4303 micmac      0  5:41  -745   92 
                                             2.  -  teddyart    0  9:46  -763   74 
                                             3.3170 milklady99  1  4:57  -772   65 

On 1st draw, HATTER H4 26 --- HATTER a hatmaker [n] --- HATTER to trouble [v]
Other tops: HARTEN H4 26, THENAR H3 26, THREAT H3 26
Other moves: EARTH H8 24, HATER H4 24, HEART H4 24, NEATH H8 24, TENTH H8 24
HATTER H4 26 PIThompson
HEART H8 18 micmac

On 2nd draw, FAUNIST 3C 84 --- FAUNIST someone who studies fauna [n]
Other tops: INFAUST 3C 84
Other moves: FIAUNTS 3B 82, FIAUNTS 10B 80, FUSTIAN 10F 80, UNFAITHS 4B 78, FAUNIST G2 76
FAST 10F 25 PIThompson
FAINTS 10C 21 micmac

On 3rd draw, DOWNP(I)PE 8A 98 --- DOWNPIPE a pipe for draining water from a roof [n]
Other moves: P(A)WN 4B 32, WAPP(E)ND D2 32, WO(A)D 4A 32, D(A)WN 4B 30, DOWP(S) 10D 28
P(A)WN 4B 32 PIThompson
PAWN(E)D D2 22 micmac

On 4th draw, HEBRAI(S)E 5D 98 --- HEBRAISE to make Hebrew [v]
Other tops: HEBRAI(Z)E 5D 98, HIREAB(L)E 5D 98
Other moves: BR(A)EHEID A1 92, BEA(C)HIER 5F 74, BEN(C)HIER D6 74, BRAEHEI(D) 5F 74, HERBIE(S)T 6A 66
BIER(S) 4A 28 PIThompson

On 5th draw, NOTARY 6A 41 --- NOTARY a public official who can certify documents [n]
Other moves: ATONY 6B 40, IRONY 6B 40, OTARY 6B 40, RAINY 6B 40, AIRY 6C 37
RYA 4B 32 PIThompson
AIRY 10E 23 leobill
DAINTY A8 11 micmac

On 6th draw, NIXED L1 42 --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: INDEX L3 40, AXED L2 38, AXING 2A 36, EXING 2A 36, INDEX 6J 36
WAXING C8 36 PIThompson

On 7th draw, YAIRDS 2J 36 --- YAIRD a garden [n]
Other moves: ABYSM 10F 34, YAIRD 2J 34, AMBRY 10D 32, MBIRAS 2J 32, BRIMS 2J 30
RYAS 10E 26 PIThompson
SNARY 1K 24 leobill
WARMS C8 11 micmac

On 8th draw, ARIS M1 30 --- ARIS (Cockney slang) arse [n]
Other moves: SEWAN 1F 29, SEWIN 1F 29, SWAIN 1F 29, SEWAN I8 28, SEWIN I8 28
ARIS M1 30 PIThompson
WAIN 2A 21 leobill
OWNS B8 9 micmac

On 9th draw, WIDEOUT C8 24 --- WIDEOUT a receiver in football [n]
Other tops: DEUTON A1 24
Other moves: NAOI 1L 21, USED O1 21, ERUPTED E5 20, DOIT 2D 18, DOUT 2D 18
USED O1 21 PIThompson
DEN A4 6 teddyart

On 10th draw, ISOMERE O1 36 --- ISOMERE an organ corresponding with another [n]
Other tops: REMAINED A1 36
Other moves: AIRMEN A1 33, ISOMER O1 33, REAME 2B 33, SEAMIER O2 30, SERIEMA O2 30
AIMER D11 28 PIThompson
TIMER 14C 9 teddyart

On 11th draw, MELTON 1E 29 --- MELTON a heavy woollen fabric [n]
Other tops: MERLON 1E 29, MOLTEN 1E 29
Other moves: ENORM 1F 28, LEMON D11 28, METOL D11 28, MONER D11 28, MOREL D11 28
TOME D11 24 PIThompson

On 12th draw, QIS 8M 66 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: LOGIES 8J 57, OGLES 8K 54, GELS 8L 51, GEOS 8L 51, GIES 8L 51
QIS 8M 66 PIThompson, jimbo
(S)ILOS J5 6 teddyart

On 13th draw, FETLOCK 14A 44 --- FETLOCK a joint of a horse's leg [n]
Other moves: FALCON A1 42, FLACON A1 42, CLOKE 2A 38, COKE 2B 36, FLOCK 12A 36
OAF D10 27 PIThompson
COOK 12A 26 jimbo
RACE 9H 7 teddyart

On 14th draw, AVALE 15G 30 --- AVALE to doff [v]
Other moves: AVAL 15G 27, AVEL 15G 27, ALFA A12 24, AVA 15G 24, AVE 15G 24
AVALE 15G 30 PIThompson
ALE 15G 15 jimbo
PALE G8 10 teddyart
(S)AVE J5 8 milklady99

On 15th draw, OBOE 2C 27 --- OBOE a woodwind instrument [n]
Other tops: LOOFA A11 27
Other moves: LOBE 2B 26, LOBO 2B 26, OBOLE 2A 26, ALFA A12 24, BOLE 2B 24
ALB D10 23 PIThompson
AL 15A 23 jimbo
POLE E8 12 milklady99

On 16th draw, VULCAN A1 42 --- VULCAN a blacksmith [n]
Other moves: GLUCAN A1 36, COLZA 12B 32, GAUZE K11 30, GLAZE K11 30, COZ 12B 28
GLAZE K11 30 PIThompson, argomearns
GUAVA I11 10 teddyart

On 17th draw, JEON 12A 38 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: JAW 14I 33, J*W 14I 33, JOWAR 12B 30, AWNER 14J 29, INJERA N8 29
JAW 14I 33 PIThompson
JOW 12B 26 argomearns
EN 15A 23 jimbo
JADE 10A 14 milklady99
WORN 12B 14 teddyart

On 18th draw, AR 15A 23 --- AR the letter R [n]
Other moves: AGGRI 13G 18, GARI 9J 18, GARIGUE K9 18, RAGI 9J 18, AGGRI 14K 16
AR 15A 23 PIThompson
QI M8 12 jimbo
GRAIL J11 8 milklady99
RAGG 9H 7 argomearns

On 19th draw, QUIZ M8 23 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other tops: (S)WIZ J5 23
Other moves: WIZ 14K 20, WIZ N7 20, IWI 9K 19, GI 9L 16, (S)WIG J5 15
QUIZ M8 23 PIThompson, milklady99
WIG N7 12 teddyart
ZA I14 11 argomearns

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