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Game of Mars 8, 2012 at 15:17, 6 players
1. 632 pts PIThompson
2. 608 pts pandora1._
3. 587 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?agntuy   H6    78    78   naughty
 2. ?eenpsy  11E    98   176   neotypes
 3. adefhor   6B    81   257   forehand
 4. aglnotu   A4    40   297   guano
 5. aeorstw   B6    70   367   forwaste
 6. deimors   D2    74   441   misorder
 7. beillnt   K4    70   511   beltline
 8. aacenpr   5C    35   546   ponce
 9. deeilot  14B    48   594   doilt
10. aeiorrx   2B    60   654   remix
11. aaeghms  12J    49   703   ashame
12. aacettu   1F    89   792   actuate
13. adefilw   2J    60   852   wifed
14. iinoorv   8K    27   879   livor
15. aegiluv   4H    30   909   viable
16. biikoor  N10    46   955   kimbo
17. ginoruz  13A    46  1001   rez
18. gijnoqu  14J    34  1035   quino

Remaining tiles: gjo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7653 FilePIThompson  5 16:47  -403  632     1.7653 PIThompson  5 16:47  -403  632 
  2.6524 Filepandora1._  3 19:04  -427  608            Group: intermediate
  3.6361 Fileraggedy01   2 20:21  -448  587     1.6524 pandora1._  3 19:04  -427  608 
  4.6131 Fileargomearns  0  7:43  -764  271     2.6361 raggedy01   2 20:21  -448  587 
  5.6077 Filejimbo       0  5:15  -842  193     3.6131 argomearns  0  7:43  -764  271 
  6.4251 Filemicmac      0  3:44 -1000   35     4.6077 jimbo       0  5:15  -842  193 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4251 micmac      0  3:44 -1000   35 

On 1st draw, NAUG(H)TY H6 78 --- NAUGHTY disobedient [adj] --- NAUGHTY badly-behaved [adj] --- NAUGHTY one that is naughty [n] --- NAUGHTY an act of sexual intercourse [n]
Other tops: GAUNT(L)Y H6 78, GAUNT(R)Y H6 78
Other moves: GAUNT(L)Y H4 74, GAUNT(R)Y H4 74, GAUNT(L)Y H2 72, GAUNT(L)Y H3 72, GAUNT(L)Y H8 72
GAUNT(L)Y H6 78 raggedy01
GAUNT(L)Y H6 28 PIThompson
AUNTY H8 24 pandora1._

On 2nd draw, NE(O)TYPES 11E 98 --- NEOTYPE a specimen of a species [n]
Other moves: S(T)EPNEY G1 77, S(T)EPNEY I1 77, SP(L)EENY G2 75, STEPNEY(S) 11G 74, (S)TEPNEYS 11G 74
S(L)EEPY G3 28 PIThompson, pandora1._
EYES I12 16 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, FOREHAND 6B 81 --- FOREHAND a type of tennis stroke [n]
Other tops: FOREHEAD F6 81
Other moves: FOREHAND E5 80, FOREHEAD F8 69, FOREHEAD K6 65, FOREHEAD K8 65, HOARED 12A 33
FEH 10D 32 PIThompson
AFRESH L7 32 raggedy01
HEAD 12L 30 pandora1._

On 4th draw, GUANO A4 40 --- GUANO the accumulated excrement of sea birds [n]
Other moves: LANUGO A5 37, ALONG A6 34, ANGLO A6 34, GALUT A5 34, GAULT A5 34
NAT 5E 17 pandora1._
TANGO 12A 16 PIThompson

On 5th draw, FORWASTE B6 70 --- FORWASTE to waste completely [v]
Other moves: OUTSWARE 8G 62, OUTSWEAR 8G 62, OUTWEARS 8G 62, STONERAW E8 61, TAWSE 5C 37
RESOW 10B 33 PIThompson
TOWS 5C 33 pandora1._
SOWER 9A 19 raggedy01
SWEAT 9A 16 jimbo

On 6th draw, MISORDER D2 74 --- MISORDER to order incorrectly [v]
Other tops: DEMERSION E3 74, MISDOERS L4 74, MORRISED D3 74
Other moves: DEISM 14B 60, DERMIS 14B 54, DIMERS 14B 54, DOMIER 14B 54, DORMIE 14B 54
DIMERS 14B 54 pandora1._
DORMS 14B 52 argomearns
SOME 14B 42 jimbo, raggedy01
SOD 14B 38 PIThompson

On 7th draw, BELTLINE K4 70 --- BELTLINE the waistline [n]
Other moves: BULLETIN 8G 61, BOTEL 5C 29, LOBE 5C 27, BEEN E5 25, BEET E5 25
LOBE 5C 27 PIThompson
BITO C3 24 pandora1._
BET A13 19 jimbo
BIN A13 19 argomearns
BET C1 18 raggedy01

On 8th draw, PONCE 5C 35 --- PONCE to solicit clients for a prostitute [v]
Other moves: CAPER L1 34, PACER L1 34, PECAN L1 34, PLACER 8J 33, CANER L1 30
CAPER L1 34 PIThompson, raggedy01
PECAN L1 34 pandora1._
PLACER 8J 33 jimbo, argomearns

On 9th draw, DOILT 14B 48 --- DOILT crazy [adj]
Other moves: EDILE 14A 44, DEET 14B 42, DEIL 14B 42, DELE 14B 42, DELI 14B 42
DOILT 14B 48 PIThompson
EDILE 14A 44 raggedy01
DOLE 14B 42 pandora1._
IDLE 14A 42 argomearns
LITED 8K 21 jimbo

On 10th draw, REMIX 2B 60 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v] --- REMIX to mix again [v]
Other moves: BORAX 4K 44, ORIXA L2 43, RAX C1 42, REX C1 42, AX C2 40
REX C1 42 pandora1._, raggedy01, PIThompson
LAXER 8K 39 jimbo
OXER 15F 35 argomearns

On 11th draw, ASHAME 12J 49 --- ASHAME to feel shame [v]
Other moves: GAMASH 1E 48, HAEMS 1E 44, HAMES 1E 44, SHAMA 12K 43, SHAME 12K 43
ASHAME 12J 49 PIThompson
HAMES 1E 44 raggedy01
ASHAME 1F 42 pandora1._
GLEAMS 8J 30 argomearns

On 12th draw, ACTUATE 1F 89 --- ACTUATE to set into action or motion [v]
Other moves: ACTUATE 15F 82, ACUATE 1F 33, TACET 1E 32, TECTA 1E 32, ACETA 1F 30
ACUTE 1F 30 PIThompson
ACE 1F 24 pandora1._
ACUTE O8 21 raggedy01, argomearns

On 13th draw, WIFED 2J 60 --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: FAILED 15D 55, FIELD 15D 52, WALED 2J 51, WEALD 2J 51, WIELD 2J 51
WIFED 2J 60 PIThompson
FAILED 15D 55 raggedy01
FLAWED O8 39 argomearns
FAMED N10 38 pandora1._

On 14th draw, LIVOR 8K 27 --- LIVOR lividness of colour [n]
Other tops: VINIER O8 27
Other moves: VIBRION 4I 26, OVINE O8 24, VIBRIO 4I 22, VOR 1A 22, ENVIRO M2 20
OVINE O8 24 PIThompson, pandora1._
NOR 3M 13 raggedy01

On 15th draw, VIABLE 4H 30 --- VIABLE capable of living [adj]
Other tops: GLEAVE O10 30
Other moves: ELUVIA 15F 29, AGUE 13L 28, EGAL 13L 28, VEGIE O11 27, ALIVE 15F 26
AGUE 13L 28 PIThompson
ALIVE 15F 26 pandora1._
EVIL 15F 23 jimbo
EVIL O12 21 raggedy01
PAVE J11 11 micmac

On 16th draw, KIMBO N10 46 --- KIMBO to set akimbo [v]
Other moves: KOB 3M 35, BERKO O11 33, KOB 1A 33, KIR 3M 31, KOI 3M 31
KIMBO N10 46 pandora1._
KOB 3M 35 PIThompson
KOB 1A 33 raggedy01

On 17th draw, REZ 13A 46 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other moves: ZO 1A 35, RIZ 3M 33, ZOO N6 32, Z(H)O 10G 26, ZO 12D 24
REZ 13A 46 PIThompson, pandora1._, raggedy01
ZAG 10A 13 micmac

On 18th draw, QUINO 14J 34 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: JUN 1A 34
Other moves: JINGO 14J 29, JO 1A 29, JEU F10 26, JOUR A10 26, JUN 12D 24
JUN 1A 34 PIThompson
QUINO 14J 34 pandora1._
JO 1A 29 raggedy01
JOG 14M 11 micmac

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