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Game of Mars 8, 2012 at 16:01, 5 players
1. 549 pts naomiari
2. 497 pts argomearns
3. 395 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beiloq   H8   104   104   oblique
 2. eginoru  15D    78   182   ignore
 3. denrstu  11D    86   268   nurdiest
 4. cgijmos   D8    40   308   joins
 5. ?aeeftz   8A    45   353   fanjet
 6. ehikrry   I7    32   385   key
 7. aeflopt  14B    29   414   olpae
 8. bdeinxy  12K    44   458   index
 9. aabdeio  O11    39   497   oxide
10. beenrtw  N11    37   534   weber
11. alnprsu   E1    70   604   purslane
12. degimnt   K6    63   667   demitting
13. ailotty   L4    40   707   laity
14. aagittv   C3    31   738   vatting
15. acehhor   1D    42   780   epocha
16. achiorw   F4    37   817   haw
17. aacirsu   2I    30   847   acarus
18. eimooru  M12    33   880   dome
19. finoruz  15A    35   915   zo

Remaining tiles: finruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6103 Filenaomiari    3 18:21  -366  549     1.6103 naomiari    3 18:21  -366  549 
  2.6132 Fileargomearns  3 17:52  -418  497     2.6132 argomearns  3 17:52  -418  497 
  3.6074 Filejimbo       1 11:20  -520  395     3.6074 jimbo       1 11:20  -520  395 
  4.6680 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:41  -815  100     4.6680 GLOBEMAN    1  3:41  -815  100 
  5.4251 Filemicmac      0  1:58  -870   45            Group: not rated
                                             1.4251 micmac      0  1:58  -870   45 

On 1st draw, OBLIQ(U)E H8 104 --- OBLIQUE slanting [adj] --- OBLIQUE to slant [v]
Other moves: OBLIQ(U)E H3 90, OBLIQ(U)E H2 86, OBLIQ(U)E H4 86, OBLIQ(U)E H6 86, OBLIQ(U)E H5 84
QI H8 22 jimbo

On 2nd draw, IGNORE 15D 78 --- IGNORE to intentionally disregard [v]
Other tops: ERINGO 15G 78, GOIER 15D 78, GONER 15D 78, REGION 15H 78, RENIG 15H 78, RUEING 15H 78, RUING 15H 78
Other moves: NIGER 15D 75, REIGN 15H 75, ROGUE 15H 75, ROUGE 15H 75, ERGON 15G 72
RUEING 15H 78 argomearns
GROIN 15G 72 naomiari
QUINE 12H 28 jimbo

On 3rd draw, NURDIEST 11D 86 --- NURDY socially inept [adj]
Other moves: DENTURES 14G 77, SEDERUNT 14G 77, RETUNDS C9 76, RETUNDS J9 72, INTRUDES 11H 68
QUEST 12H 28 naomiari, jimbo
T*RDS J11 18 argomearns

On 4th draw, JOINS D8 40 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: JIGS C12 32, JOGS C12 32, J*SM 14A 30, MICOS 12A 30, JOG 12C 29
JOG 12C 29 naomiari
JOGS 14A 26 argomearns
OMS J13 19 jimbo

On 5th draw, FA(N)JET 8A 45 --- FANJET a type of jet engine [n]
Other moves: ZA C9 44, Z(A) C9 42, Z(O) C9 42, ZAF(F)ER F6 39, ZA(F)FER F6 39
ZETA 14G 28 naomiari
ZEE 14G 25 argomearns
ZO 9C 21 jimbo

On 6th draw, KEY I7 32 --- KEY to provide with a key (a device used to turn the bolt in a lock) [v]
Other moves: HIKER 12J 31, HEY I7 30, KERRY I5 30, RHY I7 30, HERRY 12J 29
HIKER 12J 31 naomiari
SHYER J11 21 argomearns
YEH 14G 19 jimbo

On 7th draw, OLPAE 14B 29 --- OLPE a Greek jug [n]
Other moves: POTAE 14B 27, ALEFT 14F 23, ALOOF 9A 23, EFS J9 22, FLAP 14A 22
FLOP 14A 22 naomiari, argomearns
FATE F6 15 jimbo

On 8th draw, INDEX 12K 44 --- INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] --- INDEX to provide with an index [v]
Other moves: DEXY J4 40, DIXY J4 40, NIXY J4 39, EX 15A 36, INDEX E5 35
EX 15A 36 naomiari, jimbo, argomearns, micmac

On 9th draw, OXIDE O11 39 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other tops: AXOID O11 39
Other moves: BEEDI N10 28, BADDIE M9 26, ABIDED M9 22, ABODED M9 22, IDEA 13J 22
OXIDE O11 39 naomiari, argomearns
BED J13 17 jimbo
BADE B7 9 micmac

On 10th draw, WEBER N11 37 --- WEBER a unit of magnetic flux [n]
Other moves: BREWED 14J 36, BETWEEN E3 26, BENDER M9 24, BETE N11 24, BEDEW M10 22
WEB N11 17 jimbo
WE 15A 17 naomiari
ER J14 12 argomearns

On 11th draw, PURSLANE E1 70 --- PURSLANE a herb used in salads [n]
Other moves: LUPANARS B3 64, LUPANARS B5 64, UPAS J5 21, PAS J6 20, UPS J13 19
UPS J13 19 naomiari
PUS J13 15 jimbo
PARSE E4 14 argomearns

On 12th draw, DEMITTING K6 63 --- DEMIT to resign [v]
Other moves: EMPTING 1C 45, TEMPING 1B 45, IMPEND 1C 42, PIGMENT 1E 36, MENDI(N)G C3 31
PIGMENT 1E 36 jimbo
PINGED 1E 30 naomiari, argomearns

On 13th draw, LAITY L4 40 --- LAITY the non-clerical membership of a religious faith [n]
Other moves: APTLY 1D 33, MALTY 8K 33, MILTY 8K 33, MOTTY 8K 33, PLOTTY 1E 33
PLOTTY 1E 33 argomearns
MALTY 8K 33 jimbo
PLATY 1E 30 naomiari

On 14th draw, VATTI(N)G C3 31 --- VAT to put into a vat (a large container for holding liquids) [v]
Other moves: VITTA M3 30, TAIGA M3 27, VIGAS 4A 26, ATTAP 1A 24, VITAS 4A 24
PITTA 1E 21 jimbo
AG F1 18 naomiari

On 15th draw, EPOCHA 1D 42 --- EPOCHA an important period of time [n]
Other tops: CHEAPO 1A 42, COPRAH 1C 42, EPARCH 1D 42, EPHAH 1D 42, POACHER 1E 42
Other moves: CHEAP 1A 39, EPOCH 1D 39, PHOCAE 1E 39, PREACH 1E 39, HAH F4 37
POACHER 1E 42 jimbo, naomiari
PHARE 1E 30 argomearns

On 16th draw, HAW F4 37 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other tops: HOW F4 37
Other moves: AHI D3 33, CAHOW M1 33, CHAWS 4A 32, CHAW M2 31, CHOW M2 31
CHOW M2 31 argomearns
CHARS 4A 26 naomiari

On 17th draw, ACARUS 2I 30 --- ACARUS a mite [n]
Other moves: SACRA M6 27, SCAUR J1 27, SCAR J1 26, SCUR J1 26, ACAI G4 24
SCAR J1 26 jimbo, argomearns, naomiari

On 18th draw, DOME M12 33 --- DOME to cover with a dome (a rounded roof) [v]
Other moves: EMIR 1L 30, OMER 1L 30, DOM M12 28, DORE M12 27, RUM 2D 23
MOO 1M 21 naomiari, argomearns

On 19th draw, ZO 15A 35 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: RIZ 3M 30, ZUFOLI 4H 28, FROZEN F10 26, ZO 1K 26, COZ G1 24
ZO 15A 35 naomiari, argomearns, GLOBEMAN

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